The Red Night

"How old is that girl from the Boreas family in Fittoa?"

"She would be eight years old this year, my lord, but it would be very troublesome to snatch her from the hands of a family like the Boreas who are very well protected." Replied the butler standing beside Darius.

"We must find a way to kidnap her. I am willing to pay a generous reward for her. It must be quite delicious to have my claws on such a delicacy. Besides, I managed to kidnap Prince Gilgamesh. It's a pity he didn't die; it would have saved me all these problems."

Darius was very upset, but what comforted him was the thought that soon he would hear the news that this child had been murdered. He was only waiting for that moment with a glass of wine in his hand, savoring his masterpiece.

However, just as he was dreaming of how incredible the days ahead would be, a loud explosion that shook the mansion where he was made Darius furious, and he asked, "What was that sound?"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"I will go check..." The butler's expression changed, and he quickly ran to the main door when once again a powerful explosion rocked the ground and the foundations of the mansion.


"It's a pity to be a night guard for that old fat man. I'd rather be out in the field killing beasts than living here, guarding a door that no one would dare to enter."

"Don't even get me started. At least here, we won't be killed by a beast." A knight in full armor standing nearby scoffed after thinking about their situation more deeply.

Tap-tap! Tap-tap!

At that moment, a series of footsteps were heard not far away, and the two guards turned their attention toward the unknown figure.

"Who are you? This is the private property of the prime minister. Get out of here before we arrest you for trespassing." one of the guards shouted with a powerful voice, as these things happened from time to time.

Gilgamesh walked calmly forward, his gaze settled on the two guards, and after assessing their strength, he looked away as if these two were nothing to him.

The guards furrowed their brows, and one of them drew his sword, preparing as this seemed to be an unexpected situation. At that moment, a raspy voice came from behind them, saying, "Step aside, you are no match for this man."

"Captain!" The guards, who saw the expression on their captain's face, froze. They had never seen their powerful captain so nervous before.

Immediately, the two guards moved to the rear, and the one who hadn't unsheathed his sword did so.

The smell of blood was now present, and a sense of impending death overcame them.

"Identify yourself!" roared the guard, unleashing the fear that had built up inside him.

"My name is Gilgamesh, so anyone who stands in my way will die!"

"If you're Gilgamesh, I'm the King, you damn son of a bitch." As if he were a beast fighting for survival, the captain rushed toward Gilgamesh and swung his sword with terrifying force.

Gilgamesh didn't try to dodge; instead, he held the man's sword with his right hand. Although Darius's security captain could level a field, he couldn't move Gilgamesh, who was just a child.

At this moment, everyone felt fear, as behind Gilgamesh, several ripples appeared, and from them emerged several golden swords.

"Prince Gilgamesh, how is it that you are here?" The leader of the knights who had attacked Gilgamesh froze upon seeing his face and confirming that he was the fourth prince.

"Do you still dare to ask me questions?" Gilgamesh, with an icy expression, looked at this man and the knights behind him. "Not to mention the trash in this mansion; all of you who have dared to stand in my way will die."

After uttering these words, Gilgamesh snapped his fingers, and the swords in the golden ripples shot out, piercing through the body of the captain in front of him. Unable to move, the swords turned this man's body into a curtain of blood.

"It can't be..." The guards behind them fell on their backs, frightened and not knowing what to do when witnessing the death of an unranked Sword King.

"What do we do?"

Gilgamesh continued walking, his blood-stained face looking at these people. He stopped at a certain distance and asked, "Is Darius in the mansion, yes or no?"

"Yes, Prince Gilgamesh, the prime minister is in the mansion."

"Then die!"



Two deafening roars echoed before Gilgamesh's swords ended the lives of these knights. If they follow his enemy, they must all die without exception.

Gilgamesh didn't know how many enemies were in this place or how many he had to kill, but anything that moved would be murdered, and only then would he be at peace.

These guards are known to come from noble families, so if they are in this place, they are of utmost importance to Darius, making them more than just enemies.

Furthermore, Gilgamesh doesn't mind killing, as it is like a second nature to him.

"We're under attack, alert the guards!"

Several rigid figures approached, but as soon as they were a few meters away from Gilgamesh, they were killed. However, it seemed that no one could comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Without warning, the prime minister's mansion was in chaos that no one had foreseen. Gilgamesh began to massacre all those who stood in his way on his quest to find one man.