Enemies as Friends

At that moment, on the second floor of the prime minister's residence, Darius Silva Ganius, was in shock. Even the butler who had gone to see what was happening was surprised. Only a few managed to remain calm, but all of them who had been confident against a single enemy were eliminated within seconds.

On the other hand, some servants who witnessed the massacre and those golden ripples felt that this was a natural flow of events. The time had come for the prime minister to pay for all the atrocities he had committed, so with maniacal smiles, those who did not belong to the mansion's guard stepped aside.

Everyone had heard rumors that Prince Gilgamesh was incredibly powerful, but they had felt that no matter how powerful he was, it would be challenging to engage in battle with his short stature, even if he was a Sword King. However, after witnessing this carnage, no one would forget the figure of Prince Gilgamesh.


Two explosions echoed at the main entrance of the mansion. Two of the guards who had arrived at the scene were like two meteors crashing into the walls as they were expelled by Gilgamesh, creating two enormous holes.

"Who is doing all this?"

Many of the guards approaching to investigate froze as they saw golden ripples appear in the air, expelling golden swords that ultimately pierced the bodies of other guards running from the scene.

"Don't kill me, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you, Prince Gilgamesh..."


Many people were horrified as they saw heads roll, especially those considered the strongest in their group.

One of the guards who had formed a formation at the mansion's entrance shouted upon seeing a figure enter, "It's Prince Gilgamesh!"

Suddenly, everyone saw that figure wearing parts of his golden armor, but these were only his gloves and various accessories on his body. The younger guards couldn't stay still; some dropped their swords, and others knelt on the ground.

"My lord, what caused your anger?" Asked one guard who was more intelligent than the rest.

Gilgamesh noticed his intentions, looked around, and finally said, "I've come to kill a pig hiding in this place. Anyone who stands in my way will die with their head detached from their body."

Gilgamesh's words stirred the hearts of everyone present, as they had heard how this young prince had killed a well-known Sword King. None of those who hadn't witnessed it believed that this young man had such power, but now, everyone in his presence could only lower their heads and accept that fact.

The guard who had asked furrowed his brow, knowing these words were true. However, as a guard of this place, he had a significant commitment to protect it. If he failed, he would die by decapitation for failing in his duty.

"My lord, I deeply regret your anger and beg for mercy. None of those present here are guilty of whatever happened. But as guards and royal knights, our duty is to protect the prime minister."

"Mercy? My enemies show no mercy, so decide very carefully what you want to do. Die alongside a pig who betrayed his humanity or die at my hands. What better honor is there?"

"That leaves me in a difficult situation, prince Gilgamesh..."


At that moment, two figures emerged from the darkness, holding sharp daggers, both of them aiming to attack Gilgamesh, one from the front and one from behind. Despite having been beaten before, they had only minor injuries.

With a loud noise, a surge of battle energy enhanced the sharpness of the daggers wielded by these two figures rushing toward Gilgamesh.

The guard in front said, "It's better for everyone to grab their weapons; we'll die tonight or tomorrow if we can't kill that demon."

"But sir, we're talking about Prince Gilgamesh..." One guard hesitated at the words he had heard.

"We'll pretend we never saw him in the darkness. His death will be attributed to his recklessness in coming to the prime minister's mansion."

Tension filled the air as these two figures in the darkness headed toward Gilgamesh. Their eyes seemed bloodshot, moving like bullets toward him.

"Damn brat, you shouldn't have come to this place alone. Even if you're Prince Gilgamesh, only death awaits you!"


At that moment, two double-edged swords appeared in Gilgamesh's hands in the blink of an eye. With astonishing speed, he rotated his body, and his sword struck with such force that the first figure rushing toward him was split in two.


The pupils of everyone present contracted as they witnessed this chilling scene.

Simultaneously, Gilgamesh's Enkidu chains emerged from the golden ripples and ensnared the second enemy who was coming head-on. It was then that everyone understood what they were facing—the golden death was right before them.

Those who had the strength to move did not, they simply collapsed on the ground, powerless. Fear was the only response to this event, a terrible fear that could not be countered by anything.

"You worthless fools, get up and fight..." The butler emerged with two hooded figures and saw the bloody scene in front of him in disbelief.

"One of the mages who had arrived and witnessed the enemy they had to attack cried out, "Song of the Saints of Fire, Lord of Light, grant me power to face whomever my enemies may be. Fire Spiral!"

This was the first time Gilgamesh had faced a mage in this world, so he became more interested in this confrontation.

In the next moment, two huge spirals of fire surrounded him, and the temperature rose so high that many others would have died amidst the raging flames. But for Gilgamesh, this was nothing, as his body could withstand astonishing temperatures even without using flames. So, to his eyes, this attack was nothing more than fire swirling around him without causing any harm.

The two mages who had appeared were quite impressive, capable of casting King's magic, a level that very few could achieve. However, because their enemy was Gilgamesh, there was nothing they could do to harm him.

At that moment, as the fire erupted with great force, a burst of wind emanated from within the fire spiral, dissipating the mages' spell.

The strong wind caused by Gilgamesh sent nearby guards flying against the walls, debris was sent flying, and the fire was completely extinguished.

The butler, who witnessed this, could only murmur, "This cannot be possible..."