
In a single second, the ground beneath Gilgamesh's feet turned into nothing.

The attacks of two mages capable of casting King's magic were nothing compared to what Royal Knights could inflict. A mage capable of casting King's or Emperor's magic could unleash these spells at the same level as a knight and would not be inferior to such attacks.


Somewhere at the entrance, the earth shook after Gilgamesh appeared beside the mages who had conjured the fire spell.

"Was that your strongest blow?"

The mages, frozen and unsure of what to do, shuddered when they heard that voice.


The butler, who wanted to say something, was held by the golden chains, and his haughty expression turned into one filled with pain as his joints were put under immense pressure.

"They are so weak, they can't even kill me when I stand still." In that world, two ripples appeared at the side, and from them emerged two spears that pierced through the heads of the two mages who had been consumed by extreme fear.

The chains binding the butler exerted more force, and Gilgamesh, having ended the lives of the two mages, slowly walked towards him.

"My turn!"

At the moment those words came out, the chains began to tear apart the butler's four limbs simultaneously. The force was so great that both his bones and muscles started to separate from his body.


"You're a demon..."

Gilgamesh scoffed upon hearing the man's words, and with a snap of his fingers, the man's body was separated into five parts. Because this man would die in a matter of seconds, he was no longer of interest to Gilgamesh, who continued ascending the stairs toward his true target.

As he walked down the hallway, there was some resistance, but they were all easily dispatched by Gilgamesh using his precious swords. Although he was disgusted by this, he preferred to do it because these were potential formidable enemies, individuals who might have powers worthy of his attention. The sooner he finished, the better.

As Gilgamesh approached that room, it seemed that the people around had realized what was happening in the prime minister's mansion, so they surrounded the mansion, awaiting orders.

"You, biches, must protect me from whoever enters that door." A deeply sinister voice was heard by Gilgamesh, who furrowed his brow.

As he approached the door, he sensed two weak presences, so he opened the door, and what he saw left him surprised. Those in front were holding two knives with their weak hands and frightened expressions, but these were two young individuals with brutal injuries on their bodies.

At the back of the room, there was a fat man holding a dagger who looked attentively at the one who had opened the door. When he saw who it was, Darius shivered and murmured, "Impossible, you should be dead right now."

"What's even more incredible is that a prime minister of a country where my Asura family has the highest privilege of existence is being attacked by orders of an old fool like you. Where did you get such pusillanimous courage?" Gilgamesh looked at this man with high-quality jewels and shook his head.

"How foolish you are, Prince Gilgamesh! Even if your father is the King, you are committing treason by entering my mansion in this manner and killing all the innocent guards who were protecting me." Darius Silva Ganius showed a triumphant expression as he saw guards arriving from outside his mansion.

Gilgamesh laughed at the intentions of this man before him. Then he said while narrowing his eyes, "Do you think those guards outside can save you? Even if all the knights in this kingdom come to your aid, you will die in the worst way possible within my tolerance."

"Haha, your damned head has turned you into a retard. Just wait for me to kill you in your brother's name. A bastard like you should not be alive for one more day, you cursed usurper."

Darius fixed his gaze on the young women holding the daggers and shouted, "Damn bitches, if you don't do something now, I'll take care of killing you myself when this is over!"

"You talk a lot when you're already dead!" Gilgamesh, who was standing at the door, appeared beside Darius and held his jaw as he levitated in the air. His heavy body was no obstacle to being lifted off the ground.

"No!!!" Darius then realized the predicament he had gotten himself into, feeling immediate pain in his stomach. He looked down and saw Gilgamesh's hand effortlessly pulling out his intestines, causing his vision to blur.

"Come on, Prime Minister, this is just the beginning..." Gilgamesh created several ripples from which chains emerged, holding Darius. Then, more ripples appeared, and numerous swords began to pierce Darius's body.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the swords began to pierce his body, Darius urinated, and tears kept flowing from his eyes. But no matter how much he pleaded, dozens of swords impaled his body one after another until the blood he lost was so much that the last sword pierced his heart, ending his life.

Gilgamesh had lived for a long time. Although he never married and spent most of his life in war, ruling his country, and seeking immortality, he had never created such a masterpiece until now. On the bed, Darius's corpse had been pierced by more than a hundred swords belonging to the guards of the mansion who had been killed.

"Do you know where the other girls who were slaves of this man are?" Gilgamesh, after staring at Darius's corpse for a while, turned to the girls who were holding the daggers motionless on the side.

One of them, who noticed Gilgamesh's expression, nodded while offering her hand to the other girl. They were the newest products purchased by Darius, foreign nobles who had been kidnapped and sold to the man who had just been killed by a hundred swords.

If you ask them, they were happy that tears had started to flow from their eyes when they felt their torment was gone. Although their scars and traumas had not disappeared and might never do, seeing the man who had ruined their lives die brought them a happiness they had never felt before.

"Then take me to that place; I will make a decision when we get there." Gilgamesh gave one last look to Darius and smiled. Those swords would serve as a strong warning to both his brother Grabell's faction and the nobles.

This kingdom was a cesspool, no different from other kingdoms in this world, but compared to Urak, this place was a complete disgrace. Although he found sense in all things, from slaves to widows, seeing these scenes filled him with a deep hatred that he hoped to eliminate after this day.

If not, he would make sure to give them a strong warning or eliminate them if they were entirely unnecessary. Looking at these girls, Gilgamesh thought that there might be something good for them if they chose to follow him.

If that were the case, he wouldn't mind managing their future movements because he had found loyal subordinates willing to go through hell and back with him.

The knights had surrounded the place, but leaving would be complicated for others. However, that was nothing for Gilgamesh, who possessed treasures that no one in this world could imagine.

Upon arriving at a kind of basement, there were numerous cages and cells with figures huddled in the darkness. They were all females, some of whom would be considered girls by modern standards. Apparently, Darius cultivated them as if they were strawberries to be eaten when they were ready.

Others, who were older, seemed to be sick and dying due to severe depression and sadness. When they heard someone descending, their bodies trembled, and they hoped not to be chosen because no one ever returned once they were taken.