Let's Play Now

Gild suppressed the urge to hurl insults into the air, completely ignored his embarrassment, and said in a noticeable tone, "How about we keep it simple and just say whether the number is low or high?" 

Gilgamesh nodded and said, "Let's go, here are my 20,000 coins!" 

To be fair, those participating in these types of games would first take out the money and place it aside, and only then proceed to roll the dice. Depending on the number of people, the quantity of dice used would differ. If seven people were participating, then seven dice would be used. If there were six people, then six dice would be used. 

At this moment, Gilgamesh, Gild, one of Gild's friends, and Miss Eris were participating in the bet. The others in this secluded room were either guards or players who didn't have the right to participate in this kind of game. As for Eris, who came with an imperious attitude, even though she didn't have enough money, she felt a bit guilty about using Gilgamesh's money. She knew that without money, not even a prince would have the right to participate and could only sit on the sidelines as a spectator. 

Mischievous thoughts crossed Gilgamesh's mind; after all, these people initially wanted to take all his money through this type of game, so he would just do the same as a good man. In situations like this, how could he not take advantage and help others? "In situations like this, others can join us behind the gaming table." 

"What does it mean to play behind the table?" Eris's eyes lit up. 

"The so-called playing behind the table in this kind of game is making an outside bet with the house. This means that while you're not participating in this bet, you can still wager your money. For example, you can make a bet of five gold coins that I will win. If I end up losing, then you'll lose with me, and you'll have lost your five coins. In this way, both sides lose. But if I were to win, then you'd win, including the interest, it would be ten gold coins." Gilgamesh explained this in detail so that Eris could understand, which made the others look at the manager of the betting shop. 

"Oh, of course, we have that method implemented in our games. Please, those who want to bet, leave your names on this sheet and the amount you'll wager." The manager said with cold sweat on his forehead; this situation had long spiraled out of his control. 

"Very well!" Eris's spirits seemed to soar, and she turned to Ghislaine. "Bet everything on him; he seems to be good at what he does." 

Ghislaine looked at the frog purse and then at Eris. As she had said, she naturally bet that Gilgamesh would win. Although she certainly wouldn't bet this amount of money even if she were wealthy. 

Gilgamesh laughed aloud, looked at Eris, and said, "Seeing that Miss Eris has bet on me, our luck will undoubtedly increase!" 

Gild, who had mentally killed Gilgamesh numerous times already, sneered under a hidden smile: Keep laughing; you'll be crying very soon! 

The game proceeded in turns, with the dice being rolled one by one. Eris rolled the dice and got only fifteen points out of twenty-four, which was the total maximum score that could be obtained with four dice, a fairly normal sum within the possibilities. 

On the other hand, Gild's friend rolled sixteen points, one higher than Eris, and it was the highest score obtained in the three turns played so far. 

Gild, upon seeing this, displayed a triumphant look on his face. As long as his friend won this game, they would win twenty thousand coins. They would make sure Gilgamesh left this place even without his clothes! Once he had lost to the point of losing his sanity, they would take advantage of that moment to humiliate him in the same way he had done to them. 

"A real shame, but Miss Eris certainly has good luck." Gilgamesh took the four dice in his hand, but deep down, he was a bit annoyed because this game had a certain way of getting higher scores if you knew how to use it correctly, and besides, the dice had different weights. 

The substance used to increase the weight of the dice definitely wasn't lead, as that would make it obvious that whoever used these dice was trying to make them always land on one side. However, one side was uniform in weight, and the only substance that could give this kind of feel and weight was a different type of metal. Only those familiar with the dice could achieve the desired sum. Even if an average person noticed these details, they would still be unable to do anything. 

Gilgamesh, on the other hand... 

Gilgamesh's eyes closed, and he took a deep breath while making a wrist movement, causing the dice to be thrown out of the metal cup, colliding with the table. At the same time, Gilgamesh's left hand, which was on the table, emitted a fine thread of divine energy, as thin as a needle, extending toward the four dice without anyone noticing. 

Everyone's breath stopped as they watched the dice spin in the air. 

Those four dice rolled for a while before coming to a stop. 

"This... How is this possible?" Gild exclaimed after seeing the result with a deadpan expression. 

Gild's group and those who had bet on their group to win all wore looks of disappointment. Eris and Gild were the only ones celebrating their brutal victory, and on the side was Elijah, crying tears of joy for having bet Gilgamesh his life savings. 

The result of the dice was six on the first die, four, five, and two on the others, just one point above Gild's friend's roll. 

Gild's group had placed their hopes on their expert friend's roll, but when they saw him lose miserably, they looked at Gilgamesh with resentful expressions. This damn Gil, an Angel's shit must have hit him in the face for him to have that luck, the cursed dog. 

Gilgamesh grinned arrogantly as Eris embraced him, caught up in the excitement. After she let go and went to hug Ghislaine, Gilgamesh caressed his hand and said, "Haha, Miss Eris's daring bet was a blessing for my roll. Since we're a team, I'm honored that she took the initiative to bet on me. Today, as I have won, you all will have to pay up!" 

Finishing that sentence, he took a tray with the twenty thousand coins he had previously taken out and said, "Come on, put up what you've lost, pay your bets." 

"Yes, pay up, and not a single coin less!" Eris shouted, thrilled about winning, unaware that she had actually lost ten thousand coins and that Gilgamesh was the real winner. However, since they were a team, their victory was shared.