Making Money

Gild and the others turned to their friend named Norberto, the one who had been thrown backward by Gilgamesh when the bag of coins hit his face. Although he had been healed with magic, his expression remained very sour and filled with resentment. But his ability to sense the movements of the dice was particularly high, especially when the die was specially manipulated by him. 

Everyone present was bubbling with excitement, waiting for the moment they could take all the money Gilgamesh had won. Norberto's closed eyes opened, and he said, "I bet this in this round!" 

His hands took five cloth bags that were on a small cart next to him, and they totaled fifty thousand coins, all he had earned in these months betting with merchants, adventurers, and magicians. The rest imitated his movements, showing unprecedented excitement on their faces. 

Seeing this, Eris was shocked. If they played now, it would be four times fifty thousand, and that was an amount that very few carried around. Now there were forty thousand from the previous round, so sixty thousand coins were at stake to match this bet. Even if they had that money, if they were to lose this round, they might end up with not a single cent. 

"I'll match the bet, it's a total of one hundred thousand coins!" Gilgamesh reached into his jacket again, and numerous bags with ten thousand coins each were placed on the table one after another, adding up to a total of one hundred thousand Asura Gold Coins on the table. 

Even those who were not playing had their hearts pounding so hard they were about to spit them out due to the intense emotions being witnessed at this kind of table. Whoever won, with that fortune, they would have more than enough to live a life of luxury without working another day. 

"As we're starting this time naturally, as the winner, it's your turn to roll the dice first!" Said Gild, pushing the four dice toward Gilgamesh, who maintained a defiant smile beneath his face. 

Gilgamesh shook the dice after taking them and threw them. The amount being played this time was so high that it was considered there were two sides in the overall bet, one consisting of Gilgamesh and Eris, while the other was made up of Gild and Norberto. In this case, most of the bets were directed towards Eris's group. 

"Here it comes!" Gilgamesh shouted after rolling the dice, and the number he rolled made even the calm Gild burst into laughter. 

Gilgamesh, who had lifted the metal cup, revealed the dice, and all of them showed the number one, indicating that he had scored four points this time. 

"It seems that luck is not on your side this time, but this is very normal; luck is never on our side." Said Gild as he took the dice and rolled them, getting a total of fourteen points. 

"That seems to be the case..." Gilgamesh smiled modestly and said to Eris, "Miss Eris, it appears that it will all come down to you whether we win or lose." 

Eris became nervous, her two hands began to sweat, and she said confidently, "Of course, I will have to win this round seeing that you've rolled such pitifully low points!" 

"Very well, then you shall be the last to roll as a show of our participation in your roll that will decide who wins." Gild said, looking at his friend to roll the dice. Norberto did so and ended up with a total of twenty-two points. 

"Two points less than the maximum score, though it's an incredible amount, I fully believe that Miss Eris can score higher." Gild said with a wide grin, looking at Gilgamesh with disdain. 

"This is..." Eris, who was a confident and strong-willed girl, began to doubt her luck and felt immense pressure. 

"Don't worry, we're here to have fun; money only holds value in moments like these, so make the most of the thrill and roll with passion." Gilgamesh's eyes lit up with excitement; he knew they wouldn't lose even if he used dishonest methods to win against these thieves, but he still wanted to make sure to step on their faces with force. 

"Yes, money has no value!" Eris shouted with an even more arrogant expression, but it was evident that the pressure was weighing on her more and more. 

Gilgamesh's energy connected with the dice, causing them to turn to the maximum score after Eris shook and rolled them onto the table. At that moment, as she tapped the metal cup and the dice tumbled inside, everyone held their breath. 

"Now that all the bets have been decided! I will now reveal the points!" Under Gilgamesh's words, Eris closed one eye and carefully lifted the metal cup, revealing the first die with five points, two dice with six points, and the last die, which was the last to be revealed, also had six points, giving them a total of twenty-three points. 

Norberto's lively expression turned pale. How was this possible? He had heard the dice's movements and knew that at least three of the four had a value of six points, but the last one had a value of three. The chance that the last die had a higher score than four was eighty percent. Nevertheless, when the results were shown, his expression turned lifeless as he saw the obviously higher result than his. 

Could he have misheard Miss Eris's result? It was impossible for him to be mistaken, this was beyond belief in his eyes. 

Without any modesty, Gilgamesh gathered all the coin bags to his side. Then he gave half of them to Eris to continue betting on her own while she celebrated with Ghislaine, claiming she had saved their gambling economy. "Miss Eris, I must say you have a lucky hand for gambling, so we should continue betting together." 

Eris saw all those coin bags and wondered how much it was in total, but she decided not to embarrass herself here and show that she was bad with numbers. So she nodded her head and patted Gilgamesh on the shoulder with an extremely excited expression on her face. "See that? You're not the only one good at this game; I've got the lucky touch too, and I'm not much worse than you." 

"Let's keep betting!" She completely forgot that just half an hour ago, she wanted to punch Gilgamesh for inappropriately staring at her. Now she was just playing with a rather peculiar boy she had come across. 

Gild clenched his hair tightly and smiled distortedly. "Miss Greyrat's luck is truly something. Starting the game and achieving these beautiful results shows how talented she is at gambling." 

However, after saying these words, Gild secretly gave Norberto a questioning look. Norberto's face turned pale as he shook his head, apparently uncertain about what had happened. 

Gilgamesh seemed to have no emotional attachment to the money, so as far as they were concerned, they had won from the start. As for Eris, they didn't hold her in high regard; she was just a child after all. Could this all be a coincidence? Considering Norberto's superior skills in this type of game, it was impossible for his calculations to fail in this manner and lose more than fifty thousand Asura Gold Coins in such a short time. That amount was terrifying. 

However, Gilgamesh's team managed to win the two games they had played so far, winning again and again, piling their coins to the side as if they were worthless, amassing a total of one hundred thousand coins. The faces of Gild's friends were pale; it was clear that this sum was meager compared to what they had, but it was still a massive loss for them. 

"Hahaha, I'm the best!" Eris, who had wanted to cry from the pressure just moments ago, was now laughing shamelessly in front of her defeated rivals.