Have They Lost Everything?

Betting House. 

Due to the protests from Gild's group, Eris's threats, and Gilgamesh's increasingly arrogant comments, the game rules were changed three times. 

"Hahaha, we beat the house!" 

Gilgamesh exclaimed arrogantly, causing Gild's group to become furious to the point of biting their tongues. Gilgamesh's mouth spewed venomous words at every opportunity, even betting with his eyes closed, and worst of all, he kept winning. Unexpectedly to everyone, he had crushed them to the point where their outbursts became crooked, and their gazes were lost. 

Triumphant Gilgamesh and the smiling Eris were busy dividing the winnings. Seeing all those bags of coins going into that boy's jacket, many believed there was some kind of portal where things were entered and taken at will. When they saw Gilgamesh give Eris twenty thousand Asura Gold Coins, they clenched their muscles with so much sorrow that they wanted to cry. 

Gild's smile now seemed like a sinister maniacal expression, as if the muscles of his face were cramped. Eris, on the other hand, said, "Gil, I can't believe you gave me so much money. Are you really not bothered by it?" 

"You've already given your bodyguard those bags of coins. If I were to tell you I was bothered by something as small as that, wouldn't I seem like I'm short on money?" After thinking that, Gilgamesh said, "Of course, I'm not bothered! Why would I be? If it weren't for your good luck, how could I have won so much? It's only natural that we split our winnings." 

Elijah's ears on the side twitched, and he cunningly said, "Where's my share?" 

Gilgamesh turned abruptly, lowered his gaze a bit, and muttered, "Maybe you deserve some coins, but that girl took half of my winnings, and you'll probably get paid for this. As men, we shouldn't be greedy." 

"Haha! I was just kidding with you. I obviously don't think I deserve a single penny, but now that things have come to this point, don't you need a risk manager? Everyone has one for any kind of job, I think if I don't leave this place with you, I'll either end up in a coffin or chopped into pieces." Elijah said with a pale expression. Eris had exposed him so suddenly that it would be with these people that he'd settle scores if he didn't get out of here. 

"Are you afraid they'll keep you? Certainly, you might not leave this place alive, but you could be a valuable asset. You seem to have some business skills, and if you work for me and manage to expand my businesses throughout the kingdom, it could be beneficial." Gilgamesh thought carefully and decided to accept this man who seemed very eager for money. So, if he's looking for money, he's likely to be good at trying to get it. 

Gilgamesh stood up, stretching while smiling frivolously. "Do you, my dear children, have more money you'd like to bet? If you don't have any more, I'm afraid I'll have to leave as I have a meeting to attend! I've only made a little money after gambling for over half an hour... What a damn disappointment! Don't you agree, Miss Eris?" 

"You can't leave!" Norberto became very nervous. At this moment, his mind and the minds of his friends had turned into useless pieces of dung, Gild included among them. They still couldn't understand how they had lost; the consecutive losses had stunned them to a level only someone who was drunk could achieve. 

Each of their betting skills should have been better than Gilgamesh's, who was just a child, and yet, they, who were playing against two kids, had miserably lost everything. Not to mention that Gilgamesh had gained slightly more than them, which made it impossible for them to continue thinking that cheating had been involved. 

What kind of explanation could they use to understand this? 

"I still want to bet with you; I have assets to wager!" Gild removed his rose gold necklace and placed it on the table. 

"Haha, you my dogs, do you think I'll accept your damaged goods?" Gilgamesh smiled with disdain and said, "Do you want to keep betting with me using that worthless item? It would be better if you went back home and brought more money." 

Gilgamesh had already stashed all the money bags in his door to Babylon and was about to turn away. 

"Wait!" Gild turned to his friends and said, "Take out everything you can, right now." 

Norberto and the rest were well aware of the miserable consequences of returning home with not a single coin. Immediately, they removed everything valuable from their bodies and placed them on the table, whether it was gemstones, jewelry, or swords. 

"This is one of the best swords you can get from normal blacksmiths, and this is a high-grade magical staff that will also be in the bet! The price of these items should add up to one hundred and fifty thousand Asura Gold Coins, but now all the items will be wagered at two hundred thousand coins!" Gild stared directly at Gilgamesh with his eyes reddened and said, "In addition to that, you'll get several books of powerful magic that can only be obtained in the most prestigious academies. What do you say?" 

Eris, who was about to leave, watched these actions with a surprised expression. She also knew how expensive magical books were, and they didn't usually contain spells of such high level. As a girl who could grasp certain aspects of what was happening in this place, she realized that this was no longer a simple bet. But she didn't feel fearful at all, nor did she intend to leave Gilgamesh alone in this wager. 

Gilgamesh looked at the items on the table, and what interested him the most was that sword, which could end up in his door to Babylon along with those magical books. But there was nothing else that caught his attention. However, in the end, he revealed a sinister smile and said, "I agree to one condition only: I want the hand your friend pointed at me with, and it shall suffer no more than that loss when I leave this place." 

When everyone heard Gilgamesh's words, they felt a chill. Who could make such a request? It wasn't about money or jewelry; it was about a real hand. The boy who had called Gilgamesh and Eris cheaters began to tremble with fear but gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give you even my tongue, but if you lose, all your money will be ours!" 

Gild's face turned pale; only now did he realize that he was standing in front of Prince Gilgamesh, who had been at the Black Pearls auction that day. They were now facing the Red Prince of the Asura Kingdom. His mouth closed tightly, his heart rose to his throat, and the blood in his body chilled with fear. 

Gilgamesh noticed Gild's abnormality in front of him and smiled, "It seems you've figured it out. It's best if you keep your mouth shut and don't speak again until I leave, or there will be nothing left but forgotten memories." 

Eris, on the side, had shining eyes and said nothing. She was very impressed to encounter someone even more arrogant than her grandfather, someone more violent, and the subtlety of his cruelty left a significant impression on her in this first encounter with this stranger. 

"There are rules and principles; you know very well that a man should not lack respect. Much less to a lady who has nothing to do with this. I will be prudent and won't cause trouble in this city, but there are things that must be done." Said Gilgamesh as he returned to the table. 

With no strength left in his body, Gild couldn't even speak due to the sudden trauma that had exploded in his mind. He had heard of Gilgamesh's cruelty, so he thought carefully about a solution to remedy all the disrespect he had committed in this place but didn't know where to start.