Eris's Bet

"Have you accidentally swallowed your tongue? What do you want me to do besides betting all that money?" Gilgamesh touched his hair impatiently, he would have already resolved this issue if it weren't for Eris's presence in this place. 

Eris couldn't resist herself and burst into laughter momentarily, but she immediately assumed a serious expression. Under the table, after sitting back down, she playfully nudged Gilgamesh's side for making her laugh. 

The muscles on Norberto's face were about to burst; he was furious to the point of wanting to start a fight. Forcing himself to remain calm, he responded, "Gil, right? Since you like to gamble and are after our friend's hand, then if you win, you naturally get everything on the table and his hand." 

"Something so simple? Very well, but you should consider whether the one you call a friend, and for whom you're willing to bet his hand for a measly wager, is really a friend or just a dog." Gilgamesh happily accepted and said, "How shall we bet?" 

"We'll bet on dice!" An aspect of desperation appeared on Norberto's face; he would prove here and now that his skills were worthy of admiration. "We'll throw at the same time, reveal our rolls at the same time, and the one with the highest score wins." 

"Haha, that sounds perfect. Am I someone who would be afraid of my own hand? Furthermore, in this round, Eris will play for me." 

"Yes, I'll throw!" Eris said with an arrogant expression. 


Absolutely everyone was surprised. While it was true that Eris had won one round of this game, she had lost the others with scores far below the maximum possible in each round of play. 

"We have no problem with that!" Norberto and the others said excitedly. Their eyes lit up; they knew that when it came to playing against Eris, who had only been lucky once, that was more than enough to beat her. Norberto could do it with his eyes closed. 

Everyone here was well acquainted with Norberto's level of play; he was an expert even though he had lost absolutely every round against Gilgamesh. If Norberto lost to a nine-year-old girl, he might as well take his own life on the spot, as the gods had abandoned him in the cruelest way possible. 

"Which of you two will take the dice first on the table?" Gilgamesh, who had ignored Eris's playful nudge, smiled as he looked at Norberto. 

"I'll go first!" Norberto said without looking at Gild, who seemed to be perishing in his chair, unable to move. He held the dice in his hands, shaking them vigorously to secure victory in this final game. He struggled to suppress the adrenaline rushing through his chest, even closing his eyes and focusing as if he were praying to something. This roll would define his grandchildren's lives when he grew old. If he were to lose this, he'd prefer to lose his life. 

Gilgamesh sighed wearily as he watched Norberto move strangely, then turned his head to Eris, who was very nervous, and said, "Do you think he's trying to summon some divine spirits to help him? I can't help but feel this scene seems very strange; it feels very wrong." 

Eris, who was intensely focused on her rival's upcoming results, couldn't hold back her laughter once more and burst into giggles. She never thought she'd meet such an amusing guy just as she was about to let go of her anger. 

Gild no longer had the desire to even breathe; he had been drinking wine as much as he could to avoid remembering this day tomorrow, if he lived to remember it. Norberto, on the other hand, thought that Gilgamesh and Eris were trying to throw him off, but his senses were calm because nothing could break him out of his trance-like state. 

After a considerable amount of time, so much that Gilgamesh was talking to Eris about her sword technique rank, Norberto let out a roar that shook even the sleeping men in a corner. The atmosphere around him suddenly became intense, as if this bet were a matter of life or death. 

"Triple six! Triple six! Triple six!" Norberto and his friends roared as they saw the dice land on the table. 

The first die stopped spinning and showed a six, followed by another six. 

Norberto and his friends, who had been sweating nervously, erupted in jubilation. Each of them celebrated as if they had already won, and while the third die was spinning oddly, they chanted like a cult: "Triple six! Triple six! Triple six!" 

If the third die landed on a six, then Gilgamesh would definitely lose this bet. 

But were two dice with a six on the same roll a normal outcome? Some who had been congratulating Norberto looked at Gilgamesh with mocking expressions. 

Norberto let out a long sigh. Today's roll had exceeded his initial skills; even if he had lost every other roll, this last one seemed to have a very favorable outcome. 

Who could have imagined that the final die, which was still spinning, would suddenly veer towards the other two dice that were stabilizing? Spinning between the two dice that were on sixes, it first collided with the one on the left, causing it to spin aside just when it seemed to have settled on a six. 

As for the other die, it was moved by the rebound and inertia of the last die, also displacing it from its initial position, which was a six. 

The room fell deadly silent! 

Gild, who had given up the will to live, Norberto, and the guy whose hand would be cut off if they lost, stared at this result. The joyful expressions on their faces suddenly froze, but their eyes began to redden with helplessness. 

All three dice showed a one, a miserable one each, resulting in a total of three... According to their words, if they somehow rolled three ones, that meant they would become monks in a church and renounce their worldly desires. 

"I'm done for!" Norberto closed his eyes as he fainted. The remaining people, like Gild, all slumped into their seats in complete exhaustion. They stared blankly at the three dice with a dull expression, each feeling the urge to burst into tears. 

"Hahaha!" Elijah, on the side of Gilgamesh, knelt before him and said, "I feel like you're a god; please give me a job!" 

"Can I take my things then?" Gilgamesh asked as he stood up. 

"What are you talking about? You might also roll three ones; you can't take anything without taking your turn." Cried one of the guards on the side, who was weeping over their bosses' loss. 

"Do you think that's possible?" Eris stared at the guard as she asked that question. 

"No, no, they have a point." Gilgamesh looked at Eris and said, "Show them the luck you carry on your shoulders, Miss Eris, win this game." 

"Watch carefully!" Eris shouted as she held the dice and shook them vigorously. When she rolled them, Gilgamesh didn't bother to intervene because any result would be good for them. 

And after the roll, Eris proudly celebrated her victory in front of the bunch of crybabies who had called her a cheater. Gilgamesh only took the sword and the magic book; as for the rest, he told Eris to take it, but she told Elijah he could keep it. 

"We're rich, Eris!" Gilgamesh smiled as they left the betting house. As for the withered old man who was his bodyguard, he stayed behind while drawing his sword. After all, there was an arm he had to claim. 

Ghislaine looked at Eris and, realizing it was getting late, said, "Miss Eris, you should return home immediately as you have a meeting with your father later." 

"Is that so?" Eris wrinkled her nose in annoyance, then immediately recalled the words she had heard from her grandfather. 

"Can I accompany you? I don't know where my carriage is, so you can take me to your house since I have nowhere to stay." Gilgamesh smiled as he waved his hand, and the figures around them disappeared from the place. 

"Fine, you can stay at my house!" Eris declared this arrogantly, knowing that no one could go against her words. 

"Then let's go!" Gilgamesh smiled when he saw Eris's carriage approaching. 

Ghislaine, of course, didn't object; after all, she knew very well that Prince Gilgamesh had come to this city specifically to visit the Greyrat family.