What Happened

"Well, where do I begin..." Gilgamesh walked a bit slower as the others headed towards the group of people who were still frightened by the disaster. "From what I can gather, every race once had a supreme God, someone who stood above all, protecting and guiding their respective civilizations."

"I understand that for now, only one God is my enemy; the others have disappeared or died for reasons I don't care about. The Dragon God might know something about it, but until I meet him, I can't say much more beyond my vague knowledge of this world..."

When Gilgamesh least expected it, he had talked too much with this man who was Paul's father, but he continued nonetheless, "I will kill the Human God who intruded into one of my dreams; I will find him, I'm sure of that. If you're wondering who attacked us, when that God enters your dreams and speaks to you, you slowly become a messenger of God, better known as an apostle."

"That's..." Paul was a simple man with worldly desires and flaws, a common father who wasn't prepared, but still faced life.

Gilgamesh had seen glimpses of his future after the teleportation event, and certainly, this man's ending was tragic, a death that was the most avoidable of all.

He knew he needed to prepare for the future, and he needed a strong ally in case Rudeus somehow tried to rebel against him. What better ally than the father himself?

"That Human God is certainly a deity, and many humans believe he's practically their God. But he's much worse than you think; he looks into futures and alternate timelines beyond our reality to maintain his power and ensure nothing can threaten him. I made a promise to myself not to see the future of any woman I meet; after all, I don't want to know if she'll become one of my wives again..."

Gilgamesh was a variant in this reality, but he had seen in the future that Gilgamesh would actually become one of his wives. When he vaguely saw two more figures, he decided to immediately cut off his ability to see into the future.

But now that he thinks about it, there's no use deceiving himself; he knew that in the future, he would have three wives, as he had set out to do, and he really didn't want to know who the other two were.

"In that case, are you saying that Sylphy will become someone so important that she can threaten the existence of a God?" Paul couldn't believe it. If she is that dangerous, wouldn't his son be equally a threat?

"Maybe not her, but her son or grandson... The future is not just about oneself, but about the consequences of our existence." Gilgamesh looked at Paul and asked, "Do you want the power to protect your family?"

Paul looked at Gilgamesh and fell silent; he didn't understand what he meant when he asked that question, but if he had an ability to see the future, he must have seen something. "Did something happen to me in the future that can be avoided by being strong?"

"I don't need anything from you; I simply want you to become a knight of the Tower of Uruk under my command. If you do that, not only will I give you impressive power, but I will also provide a way to ensure that God doesn't interfere in the lives of your family." Gilgamesh opened a golden ripple, and a beautiful black sword appeared.

In his previous life, if it weren't for the war, he would have given away all his treasures. But this time, he does it because he needs good subordinates and reliable tools to deal with certain troubles that may arise. If he has Paul as one of his followers, and if that Rudeus, who is a reincarnate, becomes a nuisance, his own father will take care of stopping him, and family drama will handle those simple problems.

When Paul saw that sword, he felt that he should accept that power. He had seen with his own eyes how weak he was and how easily he would have died if it weren't for the presence of these people. When he imagined what would have happened to his daughters and wives, he couldn't even think about the pain it would have meant.

"I accept it; I want to become stronger, Prince Gilgamesh." Paul knelt before a child and pledged his loyalty with all his heart.

"I know you feel a certain hatred not only for the nobility but also for how weak you are compared to others, so if you want to be considered strong, you must do more than just strive." Gilgamesh placed the sword in Paul's hands, which carried not only his blessing but also certain enhancements.

Many things would happen in the future, and they couldn't predict all of them. But even so, Gilgamesh wants to have his own close and protected, and he will educate this kingdom with the word of man, thus eliminating any harmful religion for humans.

He did it once, and he will do it here too, regardless of the consequences.

"You must go back because these people trust you, Paul." Gilgamesh walked toward the village while Paul was still kneeling.
