
"Those men haven't stopped being around me, does that have anything to do with that boy named Gilgamesh?" Sylphy asked herself that question when she saw several guards walking behind her after she approached where her parents were.

In her life, she had always been a very distrustful girl. However, Sylphy knew that she couldn't always be that way, so she was determined to change. Still, she didn't dare to say anything about it. Gilgamesh was scary; he seemed to be one of the countless children who had labeled her as a demon.

Some knights had withdrawn a while ago. Even Lord Paul had also gone to where the fight was unfolding, but for a while now, there had been no sound. She was strong, but she couldn't just go there and cast one of her spells after seeing the sky turn red due to the flames.

When everyone returned, Paul appeared far behind, and indeed, Gilgamesh was by his side. When Sylphy heard that he would send a mage to take her to the city of Ars, she didn't pay much attention to it, but now everything had changed because he was here to take her away.

Paul's face was very cheerful. In fact, there were clear signs of happiness. When he arrived in front of everyone, he shouted, "I have news about what just happened; I'll tell you everything you want to know... The village was about to be attacked by very powerful beasts, but the knights led by Prince Gilgamesh managed to eliminate the beast. There is no longer any danger to worry about, so we will be safe for a few days."

"So, do you mean that these beasts will appear frequently from now on?"

"Is that true?"

"It can't be..."

In just a few seconds, chaos fell among the people, so the fear in their hearts that had been suppressed completely clouded their thinking, and some even refused to believe what was happening.

At that moment, Gilgamesh raised his hand for Paul to continue speaking and introduced himself directly, "I am Gilgamesh Asura, the fourth prince, and I fully understand your fears. But you must not panic; those monsters are not very common, and the fight just now drove away all those that were nearby."

"If your concern is so great, I can send my knights to investigate beyond the forest and find out if there is no other enemy of that magnitude. But you must know that the same thing will not happen again; it doesn't work that way."

When everyone saw Gilgamesh, they immediately fell silent. After all, they were in the presence of Prince Gilgamesh. Someone much more important than any ordinary noble, this was a prince who could become their future king.

What is Prince Gilgamesh doing in this place?

Well, it's not that many understand nobles, and it's not like they really care. What arouses their curiosity is what a prince was doing in this part of the kingdom, where even the feudal lords of Fittoa had never appeared before.

"I know you all are afraid, but you must not let that negative feeling torment your thoughts. You must be stronger than that because no one is free living in fear." Gilgamesh looked at Sylphy, who was hiding among her parents, and gave her a faint smile. Then he looked at everyone and said, "Because you have all suffered in one way or another, you will receive ten Asure Gold Coins each to repair whatever was damaged."

"Thank you very much, Prince Gilgamesh!"

"We are all grateful!"

Some were surprised by Prince Gilgamesh's humility, while others cried directly because of it. After all, no one is so crazy as to give away hundreds, perhaps thousands of Asure Gold Coins. It should be known that with two coins, a family can live for a few months, which is simply incredible.

"All right, Kaelen, take care of delivering the coins by family." Gilgamesh took out a bag with ten thousand coins and then walked directly to Sylphy, who was with her parents, still worried about the complete destruction of their house.

"Mr. Gilgamesh, I must thank you for the help you have offered us. If it weren't for Kaelen, we wouldn't be right here at this moment," Laws said as he looked at Gilgamesh.

"Your home was completely destroyed; do you want to come with me and go to Ars so that your daughter can train in magic? You don't have to worry; anyone under my care doesn't suffer discrimination or hunger," Gilgamesh looked toward the other people and said, "You have nothing here; it would be good for you to start anew in Ars."

"But that city is very expensive..." Laws worried about not being able to protect his family, let alone feed them.

"I have various businesses under my own care; I ensure the protection of those working for me, so there will be no one who dares to harm you. Money, on the other hand, is not a problem; you can take this and take care of buying clothes for yourself, your wife, and your daughter." Gilgamesh handed him a pouch with a thousand gold coins.

"No, this is too much..." Sylphy's mom couldn't accept so much money.

But Laws reached out his hand and said, "Then we will be in your care; I hope my daughter can have a bright future."

"Dad, what are you saying?" Sylphy didn't understand what her father meant.

"Daughter, we are going to the city of Ars; there, you will learn more about magic and acquire knowledge that very few privileged individuals can obtain." Laws knelt down to his daughter's level and explained in detail what they had discussed with Kaelen.

"But I have to wait for Rudeus; he will come back..." Sylphy didn't want to leave this place, mainly because Rudeus could return at any moment.

"You shouldn't depend on your friend so much, daughter." Sylphy's mother smiled and knew exactly what was worrying her daughter, so she advised, "You should become even more amazing for when you reunite."

Gilgamesh looked at Sylphy and said, "He wants to go to the magic school. You can go there when you are ready to travel. I may also visit that place myself, but only briefly."

"Then it's okay..." Sylphy wasn't sure what to think of Gilgamesh. Her shyness and lack of contact with other children made it difficult for her to talk to people other than Rudeus. Besides, she didn't have good experiences with other children besides her only friend.

Gilgamesh then said, "Now that it's settled, we will leave as soon as possible. Just let Kaelen finish resolving the money issue, and we will depart immediately."

Having decided what to do, Gilgamesh sought out Kaelen to take charge of preparing a ritual for Paul, integrating him into his forces. However, he wouldn't be removed from this place; Gilgamesh didn't plan to change things too much because it didn't benefit him much. On the contrary, after the magical incident, things would work in his favor.