What Do You Expect from Life?

As the hours passed, everyone returned to their homes, especially those who needed to repair the damage caused. Kaelen, on the other hand, went directly to the massive pit created by Gilgamesh to seal it securely enough to prevent anyone from accidentally falling in.

Falken, on his part, prepared a blood ritual for Paul, who was about to receive a power boost throughout his body. Based on his potential and age, it was highly likely he could become a Sword King if he worked hard enough. In addition to that, he received a manual for the Golden Lion Sword style that Gilgamesh had prepared.

This new version he had created was perfect, much faster, quieter, and stronger than before. Having improved the styles he had created previously, this new sword style was incredibly powerful and quite possibly unmatched in this world.

The nine techniques of this sword style were sufficient to defeat any enemy, not to mention the movement technique and the situations for which this sword style was designed.

On the ship, Sylphy was looking in awe as it floated above the ground without any kind of automatic mechanism. This was new to many, so even the adults watched this floating ship in amazement.

"Does that girl hate me?" Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed in contemplation. Then, approaching her, he said, "Have you thought about what awaits you once you arrive in Ars? There are many children like you, all trying to learn magic to have a much better life in the future."

"I hope that at least my parents will be happy in that new place. They have been sad since our home was destroyed by that monster. So I will become strong enough to be the one who protects them." Sylphy momentarily forgot who she was talking to; her response was not only for Gilgamesh but also for herself.

"Interesting answer. Did your friend Rudeus teach you magic?" Gilgamesh couldn't help but show interest. This girl is a younger version of Elaine, after all, although she has green hair instead of Elaine's black hair with white streaks, Elaine's green eyes can be reflected in this hair color.

"Yes, he's an amazing person, and the one I admire most in this world. By the way, did you meet Rudeus?" Sylphy looked at Gilgamesh differently, feeling less uncomfortable.

"Well, we only exchanged a few words... Although we're not friends, I think in the future, we might get along..." Gilgamesh smiled awkwardly, lying to a child. The idea of eliminating this girl's friend had even crossed his mind when he first met him.

"I'm glad. I thought you were much scarier... I mean, I thought you weren't interested in relating to a half-elf like me... No one ever has in this village except for Rudeus, so I'm sorry for misinterpreting your actions." Sylphy bowed repeatedly to Gilgamesh, showing her sincere apology.

"I've read about the different races in the world, among them, elves are the closest to humans, but they live many years longer. Although the most surprising thing about all of this is that when they have a child with a human, that child's lifespan is the same as that of humans. I know what many fear, but I don't usually pay much attention to such things." Gilgamesh said as he leaned against the ship's railing and watched the approaching evening.

Sylphy remained silent, her conflicting thoughts about Gilgamesh truly perplexing.

When Gilgamesh felt it was enough, he jumped onto the ship's railing and said to Sylphy, "In the Tower of Uruk, there's a very beautiful woman. She will be your teacher. If you're lucky, you may become an incredible mage."

"Wait, you're not coming to Ars?" Sylphy asked, confused.

"Of course not, my journey is just beginning." At that moment, Gilgamesh's body began to glow, and eventually, his entire body turned into golden particles that disappeared before Sylphy's eyes.

"We'll meet again..."


City of Roa.

Greyrat Mansion.

Eris was training alone with the combat method Gilgamesh had given her before he left without saying a word. She was annoyed with him for not taking her to that place, so she memorized the moves she had also seen Ghislaine learning.

"Why did he leave without taking me?" Eris was lying on her stomach on the back of the huge lion, who had become her best friend after Rudeus.

"Haven't you seen how strong I've become since he arrived?" Eris opened her calm eyes and looked at the huge cat, who was licking one of his paws. "Do you sympathize with me too?"


"Yes, we must punish him... But what could we do to annoy him? Honestly, I've never bothered him before, and he never reacted badly before. Is all of this because of her?"

Regardless of her age, Eris didn't understand why Gilgamesh had chosen her as his fiancée. There were more charming women than her, so she couldn't fully comprehend how things had changed in that way. But despite those thoughts, she had been much happier since Gilgamesh came to her home.

Furthermore, Rudeus seemed to be a good teacher, although she didn't want to learn magic because it took time away from her sword training. Her main goal was to defeat Gilgamesh in swordsmanship, not with magic.

"Someday, I'm going to beat him." Eris muttered these words, but her senses alerted her that someone was in front of her. Opening her eyes, she saw a young man very close to her, and due to the surprise, she remained silent for a few moments.

"Who do you want to beat?" Gilgamesh, who had seen Eris resting on her cat, decided to approach her to greet her.

"No one..." Eris turned her head somewhat embarrassed.

"Hey, speaking of wanting to beat someone, don't you want to see something interesting?" Gilgamesh asked, seeing that Eris had avoided his question.

"Is it something interesting?" Eris's eyes lit up with excitement at the thought of something Gilgamesh considered interesting.

"Of course, come with me."