The Cave

In the depths of the sea, there was a hidden cave beneath massive rocks that obscured the view from above. After investigating for a few hours, the adventurers had found the entrance to the cave.

"They've found the entrance to the cave. We can go in and start our investigations!"

It seemed like a large place, and a location so concealed was certainly more than just a cave, judging by the recent disturbances they had caused. The loss of ships was due to something magical pulling them from within, so after some investigations and searches, they discovered that it was a dungeon.

"There have been rumors of many sunken ships in this part of the sea. Some adventurers who miraculously survived that catastrophe found signs of what could be a dungeon, so I came to support since I'm a Water Mage, a King-class," Roxy explained her reasons with more calmness after Gilgamesh gave her that confidence.

"From what I can see, everyone will die if they go down there."

Even Gilgamesh, with his exceptional abilities, was unaware of what lay below. That was why this place had caught his attention. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be interested in this place. However, now it was different because he was seeking the Human God. If he had a chance to find it, he wouldn't miss it.

How this world worked was still a secret to Gilgamesh, and so was finding that Human God who should be in an unknown place, a special zone just for him, like a different dimension. He had let his Spirits gather evidence, but none of them could uncover anything. That's why, while traveling the world, he would investigate the most mysterious places.

Gilgamesh stood apart from the others, staying with Roxy and Eris, who were sitting on the throne of his Vimana, observing the depths of the sea, which were difficult to see beyond with just their eyes.

"In normal circumstances, everyone should not get involved in this place. But as adventurers, telling them this might hurt their pride. That way, everyone will fall into the trap like a herd."

"How deep is it?" Eris leaned over the water, and no matter how close she got her face to the unusually calm water, she couldn't discern much.

Roxy held her magical staff and said, "It should be close to the depth. Fortunately, the entrance is much higher, so we shouldn't have to dive too deep. For many, this is already a challenge, but for the rest, it's just getting a bit wet."

Gilgamesh, who was sitting and analyzing the situation, watched as people began to dive into the water one after another, like greedy dogs. It was something so ordinary to see since it was a type of human nature. If he ever posted a worldwide announcement about an expedition with no possible way out, thousands of men, and perhaps women, would show up to experience that magnificent adventure.

The question that everyone always asks is... Why? A cold answer would be, Why not?

"Some have escape methods that are hardly feasible, which I consider not at all viable, so the first group of adventurers entering are a kind of bait. No one knows it, but the first group is the bait, and the expedition will be aborted if they die in the first few minutes," Roxy said these words indifferently as if she didn't care about the deaths.

"So, what are you going to do once no one dies?" Gilgamesh didn't say this to prevent Roxy from going in but to join her on this incredible adventure.

"Of course, I'll go in. It was a mission I accepted as an adventurer, even though I retired from expeditions a long time ago," Roxy had come here at the request of a family that had supported her in recent years, which was why she was here.

"Then I'll accompany you. Hold on tight," Gilgamesh said, and at that moment, Eris backed away, letting out a small cry when she saw the Vimana sinking into the ground. However, the shields prevented the water from entering the interior, so there were no breathing problems at the moment.

Behind the Vimana, several golden ripples opened in a defensive formation to protect them in case a sea creature suddenly attacked. The light from these ripples illuminated the increasingly dark surroundings due to the lower depths.

Of course, many didn't know the full capabilities of the Vimana, and when they saw this thing approaching, they were scared but later appreciated the extensive illumination. Although there was a rope connecting the cave's entrance to the surface, it was still terrifying to the point that many turned back.

"This is beautiful," Eris couldn't help but exclaim with excitement as she hugged Roxy, who was not much taller than her.

"Impressive. What magical functions does this thing have?" Roxy was more excited about Gilgamesh's Vimana than the fact that they were in the depths of the sea.

At this point, Gilgamesh noticed that as they delved deeper, there were plants that illuminated the deeper areas of the sea. Different types of fish and many harmless creatures were nearby.

Bubbles rose from the surface of the magical shield, beautifully encircling the Vimana's structure. Moving slowly toward the cave entrance, Gilgamesh, upon seeing that it could fit, carefully entered the passage.

It was known that underwater caves encompass natural cavities in the sea floor caused by various factors like water erosion, ice, or lava, or less commonly, a combination of these factors. In the most common cases, caves are formed by the dissolution of limestone rock by slightly acidic water.

But in this place, magic existed, incredibly powerful creatures like the serpent that Gilgamesh chose not to eliminate, and of course, beings very strong in magic. There were also magical inventions similar to Gilgamesh's Vimana, so the research of ancient races could not be underestimated.

"It seems like this cave is enormous, and the best part is it has oxygen," Gilgamesh emerged with his Vimana, and the people who were preparing inside the cave a few meters away had already set up campfires to keep warm.

Roxy looked at the illumination inside the cave and said slowly, "According to records, there are said to be enormous stone doors further into the cave, which is why we're here, but now it looks like we're going to find out. By the way, how strong are you currently?"