
"Well, I've never really considered how strong I am in this world, as I haven't faced the strongest in this world yet. But I believe I'm skilled enough to get out of here with all of you. Let's go down and regroup with the others," Gilgamesh deactivated the shields and descended as far as he could to the cave's surface.

Upon seeing that the two of them were down, Gilgamesh jumped while automatically storing his Vimana in his treasury. As he took his first steps in this underwater cave, he noticed that the algae, moss, and other marine plants had disappeared a few meters from the cave entrance, leaving only the intact rocks.

"We shouldn't split up. If we go together and stay behind the others, we might be able to detect any traps in advance and act more skillfully," Roxy said, walking ahead with Eris closely following, bombarding her with questions about dungeons.


At that moment, more people followed in behind them, one after another. Adventurers made up the majority of those who had managed to reach this cave, and as for the mages who hadn't improved their physical abilities through training, they were in a difficult situation.

Gilgamesh didn't stop to look at the people much. He passed by, looking for something he was familiar with as he made his way through the spacious path formed by the interconnected rocks.

Fortunately, there were mages who used lighting spells, and the adventurers threw luminous stones, in addition to the glowing green plants on the ground, which made it perfect for everyone to see their surroundings. The challenge, however, was to maintain these conditions as they progressed deeper into the dungeon, which might not be feasible.

"Eris, could you hold this oil lamp..." Gilgamesh looked at Eris and handed her an oil lamp that appeared to be lit but wasn't, instead, it emitted an increasingly extended magical light.

"You always have the right things in these conditions. By the way, do you have something comfortable?" Eris leaned her body towards Gilgamesh like a cat nuzzling its owner, to which he simply handed her a jar of dried fruits.

"Roxy, how do you see this place? You must have more experience in these kinds of places, so your opinion holds more weight. What do you think is behind that stone door?" Gilgamesh approached Roxy and asked her this question, while avoiding using any ability that would spoil this experience.

Roxy seemed to think it over and responded simply, "It's hard to say. When I came here, I never thought of going directly into the dungeon since my primary job was to protect the ships. However, now that I'm here, I can say that it's not as straightforward as everyone is thinking. We're probably heading into a trap, a tomb of a mad being who only wanted to ensure no one found him. Another possibility is that this place belonged to a tribe of aquatic people, only they and those crazy enough would do something down here."

As Roxy's words spread through the crowd, a man at the front stepped into Gilgamesh's path and said, "Children shouldn't be here. You can leave this cave right now, and that way you won't be a nuisance to the rest of us."

The man who stood in front of Gilgamesh's group approached and looked at Roxy with a disdainful expression.

"Have you even thought about your words?"

Gilgamesh, who had been talking with Roxy about her experiences in dungeons, looked coldly at the man in front of him and thought to himself that this was what happened when you left leeches alive. None of this would have happened if he had cleaned up those scoundrels upstairs. Now he had to deal with the idiots down here.

"Anyone who wants to join this riff-raff, step forward. I alone will be enough to give you a warm beating. The more, the merrier. Otherwise, if you're not going to draw your sword, you can go to hell, scum!"

Gilgamesh's arrogant attitude infuriated the Red Dragon adventurers, and those who were tired of his comments moved towards him, trying to attack him with their swords.


However, the others who were about to make a move stopped because more than six people who had taken the initiative to attack Gilgamesh were all hit by some kind of unseen attack. As they were in the air, a huge stone in the outer part of the stone door moved and grabbed one of the adventurers, carrying him into a slowly opening mouth that devoured him.


"What the hell is that?!"

Everyone could see that monster; its huge body, formed from rocks, appeared before all the adventurers. It was about fifteen meters tall, its body was robust, and in its left hand, it held a massive rock that was hurled towards Gilgamesh.

"Careful, get out of the way!"

The other adventurers closed their eyes, while the more experienced ones raised their swords and formed a battle formation. As for the rest, they ran towards the back rows to see what would happen.


The massive stone Golem, with moss covering most of its body, showed itself to all. It stood at least fifteen meters in height, with a strong body, and in its left hand, it held a massive rock that was hurled toward Gilgamesh.

"Watch out, move aside!"

The other adventurers closed their eyes, and the more experienced ones raised their swords and formed a battle formation. The rest of them ran toward the back rows to see what was about to happen.


When the stone hit Gilgamesh, there was a massive explosion that shook the cave, and shards of stone flew forward. Everyone hit by it didn't even dare to breathe.

"This is getting interesting. What kind of aberration are you?" Gilgamesh's voice came from the dust cloud, and everyone then saw how the chains he had used before quickly immobilized the stone Golem.


"Can he subdue something so large with those magical chains?"

Standing in front of the enormous stone giant, Gilgamesh looked at it with a sense of insignificance, but before he wanted to see something else, at that moment, another massive rock at the far left, and another stone Golem of the same size emerged. Its dark blue eyes fixed on Gilgamesh as the primary adversary.

Gilgamesh smiled coldly and said, "Although it's a massive compliment, don't you have others right next to me? Don't attack only me; that's boring."