A New Day

It was a long night for both Gilgamesh and Roxy, and they both had new experiences in this world that made them feel in completely different ways.

"Should I worry about something so trivial?" Gilgamesh wondered as he stood in front of the giant tree, wearing only half of his golden armor, baring his chest.

What had happened the night before wasn't very significant for him, but it was clear that for someone like Roxy, it would leave a lasting mark. In this regard, Gilgamesh, being a good man, would take full responsibility for the situation no matter what.

"I might have one of my children, and even if that doesn't happen, I won't be able to let you go with another man after I was the first in your life. That way, I'll take complete responsibility, and we'll get married in the future," said Gilgamesh, dispelling thoughts that shouldn't have bothered him so much.

"Why did I grow so much?!" Eris shouted from her tent, touching only her breasts and then came running out, showing them to Gilgamesh, who had found his peace of mind.

"Your body should have developed to about seventeen years old; it's not much considering I reached full maturity." Gilgamesh looked at Eris, who was acting strangely.

Eris, with a red face, said, "Then you can have my body whenever you want!"

"You're still no more than twelve years old. Get out of my sight and let's get ready to explore this place!" Gilgamesh immediately put an end to Eris's intentions, giving her a more important task to do.

Eris frowned as she looked for her clothes. "Are you sure you're a man?"

"You'll find out when we get married. By the way, your clothes probably won't fit you anymore, so let's see if I have something in my inventory that can work for you." Gilgamesh set aside Eris's behavior and searched for female clothing that would fit her new body.

After a while, Gilgamesh found a set of female armor that suited Eris's body type and said, "I found this, a good set of armor for your fighting style, so there should be no problem."

"This is amazing!" Eris didn't seem to care that she had grown; she was just excited at the thought of being able to get married at any time.

Roxy was the last to wake up, feeling her body different. However, when she remembered the events of the previous night, her face turned red, but she had made a decision. As she exited her tent, she looked at Gilgamesh in his beautiful golden armor and Eris, who couldn't stop swinging her sword. Seeing them so ordinary, she walked toward the water.

"I've prepared something to eat; we'll move on once we've finished," Gilgamesh said as he checked that the food at least tasted good.

"My goodness, Roxy, you've grown too!" Eris ran over to Roxy without realizing her own speed and gave her a big hug.

"Yes, it seems like many things have grown," Roxy said awkwardly while being embraced by Eris.

"I can see that; they're bigger than the last time I looked at them," Eris murmured as she pressed her face against Roxy's chest.

"This woman..." Gilgamesh muttered, watching Eris with zero embarrassment as she made those comments.

Although the relationship between Eris and Roxy was still developing, they seemed to get along very well beyond the ordinary. Perhaps it was because Eris didn't mind how many wives Gilgamesh had; what was important was getting along with them and somehow harmonizing the relationship.

Moreover, as Gilgamesh's first betrothed, she was in a prime position and had to take the initiative in finding wives for the future King of Asura. She had heard from Roxy that if things hadn't developed the way they did, Gilgamesh probably wouldn't have obtained a wife. Maybe deciding not to become king at first changed something in his future, but that was the best thing of all, according to Eris.

As they ate, Gilgamesh took out a magical staff that was actually a Noble Phantasm of an offensive type. It had the ability to boost magical spells and even cast divine attacks.

When Roxy received this beautiful magical staff, she also received a portion to increase the mana reserves in her body. "This staff is incredible..."

Eris looked at Roxy's excitement and said, "Gilgamesh only gives incredibly valuable and irreplaceable swords and items to his wives, subordinates who are gods of the sword and magic. No one else receives such powerful gifts."

Finally, after receiving so many comments from Eris, who seemed to be looking for something specific, Gilgamesh said, "Eris, your skills are probably already above that of a Sword Queen; I would even say you've reached the level of a Sword Emperor. But you still need experience and better control of your body's abilities."

"As for you, Roxy, your magical abilities remain the same, but now you could even aspire to learn divine spells. Magic of the King, Emperor, and even God. The potion in your hand will enhance your entire body, and the abilities you'll have will be unmatched in this world."

Roxy smiled calmly and said in an honest tone, "I can't quite understand what's so special about me for you to say you're willing to marry me. I also don't mind that you have other wives, so since you're willing to do it, I'll accept."

"So quickly?" Eris, who was eating chocolates, gave Gilgamesh a suspicious look, as if her expression asked if something had happened while she was asleep. "So that's what happened; well, what more can you do?"

"Really?" Roxy seemed surprised by Eris's reaction and asked, "Shouldn't you be upset?"

Eris shook her head and said, "Gilgamesh said he wouldn't marry more than three women, and you and I are two of them, so the third one is probably that elf named Elaine."

"Should we be discussing that right now?" Gilgamesh, who had been excluded from the conversation, was met with angry expressions from both women. He shook his head and summoned his Vimana.

"Will the King be tamed in this world? It cannot be. I must demonstrate my authority when I reach the required battlefields." Gilgamesh displayed a smile full of arrogance as he donned his full armor.

Seated on his Vimana, Gilgamesh looked at Eris and Roxy, who were still chatting, and told them, "Come on, we need to get out of here."

"Hey, Gilgamesh, I think I might be able to defeat you now," Eris said as she sat on one of Gilgamesh's legs, with Roxy on the other. Both of them had ignored Gilgamesh's serious expression.

"Alright, I wouldn't mind for something like this," Gilgamesh said, secretly smiling at such hidden rewards. As long as these women continued to challenge his authority, his obsession would only grow stronger.

"Today, we're going to find out what's in this place."

Eris was simply screaming with excitement as she marveled at the incredible sights while flying on the Vimana, feeling the gentle breeze seeping through the magical shield that surrounded her.