The Divine Tree

"Wouldn't it be incredible to live in this place?" Eris exclaimed.

Hearing Eris's words, Roxy commented, "If we could use teleportation magic, maybe we could, but coming here by boat would be incredibly tiring."

"We could create matrices, I think my Spirit Servants might be able to help with that. If we manage to make this place ours, all we'd have to do is seal the entrances and isolate this place from the outside world," Gilgamesh said these words without knowing if they would work.

"Do you have that kind of forbidden magic?"

Roxy's question left Gilgamesh in silence, and after thinking about it, he said, "I understand that for obvious reasons, magic is forbidden, but within my realm and the things that are mine, there is absolute individual creation of magic. No external law, even if it's created by a Dragon God, will influence my decisions. That's not how the world works."

Eris smiled as she watched the enormous birds fly by and said, "Training and living here would be a great experience. The knights still in training should be trained here. We could also bring in some good people to take advantage of the abundant fertility of this place for food production."

"If you want to follow the path I tread in this place, you should know that palaces as beautiful as these are nothing to be surprised about. I have some very beautiful relics that this world has never seen, so as long as my reign can be established, you will enjoy better things by my side."

For Gilgamesh, beautiful things were a part of him. Something as simple as a beautiful place could be suitable for establishing a floating castle and the main headquarters of his knights, but it was only something that could be taken advantage of in that way and was not overly extravagant.

In his past life, he had enjoyed unimaginable wealth, lived in palaces made of gold, and adorned with the most extravagant jewels. Luxuries were something he had never stopped enjoying, so he felt he should, in a way, show those experiences to his future wives.

Eventually, Gilgamesh moved away from the enormous tree that seemed to pierce the sky. He had his own purpose for leaving that place, so he didn't take long to move away. Before taking this place as his own, he needed to know exactly who had created this place.

Gilgamesh had perfected his skills, so he didn't care if other people were by his side. Even the people accompanying him didn't know his true potential, the extent of his strength, and there might not even be a need to show it.


However, just after moving a few kilometers away from the tree, they encountered a massive flying beast. At this moment, a creature resembling a huge eagle was blocking Gilgamesh's path. Its size was similar to that of a dragon, and blue lightning covered its body.

It exhaled frigid vapor at an extremely low temperature. If someone were to be attacked by this beast, very few would be able to do anything about it.

"This creature is truly formidable," Gilgamesh murmured with rapt attention, admiring the creature.

"This beast could be between three to four hundred years old. The amount of time it must have spent surviving in this place amidst the food chain's crisis is unimaginable," Roxy seemed to be better informed, while Eris just exclaimed in excitement.

Gilgamesh looked at the creature and said dominantly, "Just a simple beast that has lived longer than normal. I see it has value in its eyes to dare to come out and face me. Creature, I know I might appear as an invader in your perception, but be smarter and get out of my sight, or I will kill you."


However, the Thunder Eagle raised its beak in a threatening manner, flapped its wings, and prepared to attack.

"It looks like it's going to attack us," Eris didn't feel afraid, even though she had seen how powerful the Vimana's shield was.

Roxy, on the other hand, said, "Maybe it wants to gauge its strength against us, they often do that naturally."


After accelerating, the Thunder Eagle flapped its wings and headed directly toward Gilgamesh at full force. Undoubtedly, the impact could easily shatter the tip of a mountain.

From what they had seen, the Thunder Eagle was a contact-fighting creature, and in its dominion, its speed and power were extreme. Its offense was simple and direct. Once someone was caught in its close attack range, its huge body would be surrounded by blue lightning, and it would attack with terrifying speed from the front.

The striking power of this flying beast was incredible, but Gilgamesh was even more terrifying because with just an outstretched hand, an enormous lance that made the earth tremble appeared from a golden ripple. When the tip of the spear was revealed, the entire air was filled with a horrifying bloodthirsty intent.

"Then try this!"


Finally, with a simple attack using the massive spear, Gilgamesh accepted the duel with this ferocious creature. Upon impact, the Thunder Eagle's body was thrown backward when it collided with the spear's tip. Its body had been pierced, showing severe signs of injury, but the beast didn't have time to unleash a horrifying roar before the spear had pierced through its entire body.

In the end, the Thunder Eagle's body fell to the ground while the enormous lance disappeared from everyone's view, returning to Gilgamesh's treasury. There were signs that it had died, which was normal considering the severe wound it had suffered.

A massive beast wasn't something that could harm Gilgamesh, who had faced divine beasts specially created to eliminate him and had won without much effort.

"Do you want to bargain your strength with me?" Gilgamesh approached the monster in his Vimana and said, "Don't feel sorry for the enemy. Look at its condition and think about how we would fare if we weren't strong enough."

"Shall we take its blood and meat? They usually sell for a good price..." Roxy suddenly spoke, showing her adventurer knowledge.

"It's not necessary. Other beasts will eat this corpse when they find it. We have better things to do, so let's go." In the end, Gilgamesh, who had ceased to be so bloodthirsty, didn't mean he would show mercy to the enemy. His motto was to crush and kill.