A Sword and the Changes

"Weapons are creations of man or their owner, although this world has lacked true magical treasures since its inception, it seems that things have been changing recently. Since the last human-demon war, many legendary weapons have been lost or completely destroyed, but in my collection, I have treasures that would give a human a unique power, almost godlike."

Eris listened attentively to all that information.

For those around him, Gilgamesh trusted Eris and Roxy the most. Not to mention Elaine, Simon, or any other servant who might be in the distance; Eris and Roxy, who were his future wives, had long surpassed the caution line he usually marked for people who approached him.

"My sword EA is among the most powerful universal creations in the entire galaxy, an object that only someone like me can wield because I am a unique ruler and bearer of a much more powerful destiny. How could an ordinary weapon compare to one that can completely destroy a planet?"

Gilgamesh, who was giving Eris a lesson on swords, looked at her and said, "You must have more confidence in your own strength; after all, you are still young. Considering your strength, it's easy to think that you will become more powerful than a Sword Goddess."

Hearing Gilgamesh's words, Eris finally breathed a sigh of relief. For the time being, she had been increasing her training because she wanted to strengthen her power and combat style. Now that she had received a reward, she was very excited.

"This sword is not just a simple sword." Gilgamesh looked at Eris and said, "It was created from the wishes of a god, and its materials are extremely divine. It contains the great power of destruction along with the profound truths of the divine. So, this weapon was specially created to be destructive and superior in combat. Take your time to learn how to use it and get familiar with that sword; it can be considered a relic in this world."

Hearing this, Eris was surprised. A sword that can destroy a world, her world. This statement is simply terrifying to have on hand. This would mean that in the future, she would be as strong as a Goddess.

"What's wrong with you?"

Eris calmed down. She understood the immeasurable and unparalleled value of the sword she had just received, and its value was no less than an unmatched treasure in this world. It was not just a weapon but also held great value that would give her status and strength in the future.

"There are certain swords that I cannot use mostly in perfect conditions. Everyone has different opportunities, and our understandings are also different. Go ahead and find out how compatible you will be with that sword. When I need it, if I do, will you lend it to me?" Gilgamesh asked, obviously joking; he didn't need all the most powerful treasures in his treasury.

Although it's true that he uses the Gate of Babylon as a portal to attack his enemies, not all his swords are used because he has millions, billions, in case he becomes more demanding. So when he researches and obtains a treasure, he learns many things, and it is more than obvious that he is not proficient with all of them.

"Of course, I will give it my all!" Eris happily left, and at that moment, Gilgamesh took out the seed of the supposed immortal tree he had obtained in that place.


A huge golden ripple appeared right in front of him, and an incredible space came into view. What he was looking at was the interior, a palace reduced to a chamber where the most precious natural treasures were stored.

Gilgamesh watched the seed flying and planted it in fertile soil with his hands.

The stretches of land seemed to come alive, even the wounds touched by his hand as if wanting to caress him. Along with the integration of this immortal plant, the grass filled with a greenish aura that began to spread throughout the chamber.

"It's me; it's been a long time since you've seen me like this, so you must be surprised. Someday, all of you will know the new world I am in, so support the growth of this seed so that it bears immortal fruits as soon as possible.


The ground moved in response, absorbing part of Gilgamesh's divinity and began to nourish that seed. This creation continued for a long period, and soon a small sprout emerged.

Gilgamesh, who was sitting in front of the golden ripple leading to his treasury, observed this scene carefully. He wanted to be cautious and determine if the origin of that seed was indeed related to the fruit of immortality in his possession. His eyes could not fail him; he had not made a mistake when he discovered that seed.

However, at this point, the growth of that sprout was too small for his thoughts to be considered valid. Anyone who saw what was in front of Gilgamesh would tremble with excitement.

As a god, Gilgamesh controlled everything in front of him, and within that chamber in the golden palace, he simply thought about what he wanted to do, and everything happened as he wished.

As time passed, Gilgamesh became immersed in the growth of the plant that would give him more fruits of immortality. At this moment, he began to realize that, even without seeking it, immortality was knocking at his door.

Of course, this was so challenging that it would turn him into something completely different from his past life. The most terrifying thing was that he had the opportunity to be immortal right now. What man wouldn't eat the fruit directly and hope to live for the rest of eternity? Gilgamesh would, of course, seek this path for himself and his wives. He wouldn't have considered it if Roxy and Elaine had a human-like age difference.

How could he die before his wives?

As Gilgamesh thought about all this, the immortal seed sprout began to grow more and more. This growth, under normal circumstances, would have taken hundreds of years to occur. So the utility of the accompanying tools was extremely important.

"Of course, before this, I must prepare the ritual for Cusnfiel..." Gilgamesh remembered this subordinate and quickly began crafting the blood ritual in a container. When it was ready, he immediately took it to a secluded place and instructed Cusnfiel to stay in the blood until he came to see him again.

"I'll have a humanoid body!" Cusnfiel shouted before plunging into the blood ritual.

After witnessing this scene, Gilgamesh shook his head and returned to the assigned house. He continued to oversee the growth of the immortal seed, and this went on for many days. During that time, no one came to disturb him because they knew he was doing very important things.

Several days later, an aura crossed the skies and stopped at the entrance of the village. In addition to him, he was accompanied by two other individuals who were his little creations. In this case, it was a woman, a servant created by Gilgamesh named Flora, and she is one of the most powerful mages at the disposal of his subordinates.

Flora was a beautiful beauty. At this moment, she was followed by her two creations, who were mere puppets. With her observant face, she could assess the state of this settlement.

"It's smaller than I imagined; we can do it as soon as possible..." Flora murmured, but before that, she appeared in front of Gilgamesh and knelt. "My lord, it took me three days to get here after you asked me. The teleportation runes are in place, so we can proceed as soon as you wish."

Gilgamesh, without any expression on his face, said, "There are more important things I want to know. What is happening with the kingdoms around the Asura Kingdom?"

At this point, Flora forced a charming and incomparable smile that contained immeasurable bitterness. She was like a withered flower with a lonely and mournful dejection. "As you said, they are preparing their armies with much more resources than before. We don't know when they will attack, but it would be prudent to give them a warning before they decide to invade."

"Will you kill them all?" Flora smiled bitterly but still acted strong and sat with a straight sword. She felt no pity for herself when uttering such words; after all, her summoned weapon was a beautiful, dull-edged sword along with a magic crystal.

"I'm not interested in something like that." Gilgamesh waved his hand, and the golden ripple in front of him disappeared. "That's a small matter that can be resolved by killing their generals, kings, and noble houses. For me, it's not a big problem. However, I really don't know what my enemy is thinking in doing something as useless as that."

"Wouldn't you be forced to abandon all authority in the world? Due to your love for humanity, it would be too hard to believe that you decide to destroy all those humans blinded by the whispers of a weak God." Flora said this with a slight smile and continued, "I've been thinking, maybe that's the only answer."

Hearing those words, Eris, who was sitting next to Gilgamesh with her back straight and her swords on her legs glowing with a misty light, was shaken by those words. She had heard that Gilgamesh would be willing to kill everyone, but here, he seems to be against it.