My Servant under Conditions

Many things happened throughout the night. In the coming days, an anonymous vote would take place where Gilgamesh's proposal would be accepted or denied. Meanwhile, he was offered a house not far from the central area of the village while these events unfolded.

Gilgamesh started to get along much better with Roxy's parents. They shared many private things with him, and it became increasingly enjoyable.

After a while, Gilgamesh got up, and outside the tent were Cunsfiel and Eris. This time, he was completely different from before, while Eris was attentively listening to a fantasy story related to Gilgamesh.

Seeing Gilgamesh coming out of the tent, Eris silently got up and entered while maintaining a sly smile on her face.

"Cunsfiel, if you want to follow me, you must know that there will be a code of respect among all my servants."

Sitting down, Cunsfiel looked at Gilgamesh and said, "As your great servant, I understand perfectly all the requirements needed to serve you, and believe me, I will accept each one without fail."

Cunsfiel was a dog that had reincarnated from the human world, with very special blood running through his veins. Most likely, he had consumed some kind of fruit that granted him immortality. He was just a dog in Gilgamesh's eyes, but he wanted to feel human again because there were many things he wanted to achieve in life.

"I will never forget it. You know if I am lying or not, so your final decision is understandable."

Gilgamesh smiled calmly and said, "As a servant, you haven't done anything significant for me. How could I call you a servant if you haven't done any of that?"

Cunsfiel gritted his teeth and looked angrily at Gilgamesh as his chest rose. Although he was in the presence of a universal being, he had to make it clear that he had lived for hundreds of years and had experiences, so he was no worse than any other follower Gilgamesh had acquired.

"Haven't I done anything for you? Of course, that's because you haven't ordered me to do anything," Cunsfiel defended himself as best as he could against Gilgamesh's accusations.

"Is that so?" Gilgamesh laughed and said calmly, "Isn't it because you want me to fix the condition of your body?"

Upon hearing this, Cunsfiel's face froze because Gilgamesh had uncovered his little mischievous secrets. He truly did not expect his grand performances to be discovered.

"Do you remember that my purpose is to deal with the Human God?" Gilgamesh stopped laughing and looked formally at Cunsfiel.

Gilgamesh's words left Cusnfiel in a state of distress due to any possible misunderstandings. He also became solemn. With a serious look, he said, "Of course! Why do you ask?"

He knew that the Human God was on bad terms with Gilgamesh. He only knew that because of what he had heard on the way here, for that simple reason, he took it seriously because they were talking about the Human God.

"I want you to make a strict oath, something you have never done before, and then I may try to see how I can help you!" At that moment, Gilgamesh did not raise his tone.

For what reasons?

Cunsfiel's expression also changed significantly. A magical promise or oath, for any sentient being with a bit of brain, was the most serious within an oath of loyalty. Once that oath was made, those words would follow them to the ends of their lives.

"I can fully awaken the capabilities of your body!"

Gilgamesh spoke very slowly after a few seconds: "Every condition of the body has certain restrictions. Some are born with celestial bindings, and others with curses that subject them to a cruel action in exchange for stable deformation."

Cusnfiel understood what Gilgamesh meant. He was about to attempt to cure him so that he could have a human form or at least be something strong.

As a reincarnated being, he had always dreamed of regaining his human body, and those desires haunted him even in his long dreams. After a long time, he had accepted the fact that he was a dog, but when he found that Gilgamesh believed he had a way to fix it, a glimmer of hope emerged.

"If I do that, will you trust me?" Cusnfiel looked at Gilgamesh with much more dignity on his face, as a man must show that he also has a strong character.

"Is there anything for my condition?"

Cusnfiel, like anyone else in his situation, had researched everything about his condition. He had visited the most dangerous places in this world and found things that others didn't know until he spread the rumors himself. But never, in any of the places he visited, did he find something that could solve his state. It was true that he was in front of Gilgamesh, but that was hard to process.

Gilgamesh mentioned the blood ritual to further enhance Cunsfiel's body and growth. He should know that the fruit he ate possibly wasn't fully ripe, causing him to only obtain half of its power.

"It's impossible for others!" Gilgamesh calmly continued: "But I am Gilgamesh!"

These ordinary words carried an unparalleled confidence!

Cunsfiel furrowed his brows, then looked deeply at Gilgamesh. His confident words shook his heart. At this moment, he was breathless as his tail swayed from side to side.

"Do you serve me or not?" Gilgamesh said indifferently. "The decision is in your hands."

Eventually, Cusnfiel calmed his heart, took a deep breath, and looked at Gilgamesh for a long time. Finally, he said in a serious tone, "Then, I, Cusnfiel, pledge allegiance to the Supreme Gilgamesh, King of Heroes!"

An oath of allegiance in the presence of Gilgamesh was no joke, but he knew that this would mean his life was now bound to the extraordinary man in front of him.

After he made the oath, Gilgamesh smiled and said, "Listen carefully. Because of that fruit you ate, you are one-third immortal. It would be very bothersome if you didn't understand my words."

Gilgamesh explained the profound truths behind the term "1/3 Immortal" to Cunsfiel. This would make him understand many things, such as the fact that he might one day die.

Cusnfiel had lived for hundreds of years but had never known this information that Gilgamesh had just provided. He was briefly surprised due to the incredulity of it all.

At this moment, he now knew that he was somewhat immortal, and on top of that, Gilgamesh had discovered it long before they spoke for sure.

"So, how can I fix my situation?" Even now, Cusnfiel didn't know how his situation would be reversed.

Gilgamesh smiled calmly and said, "Firstly, you are a dog, you mustn't forget that. The race you reincarnated into is that of a simple, intelligent dog. You can obtain a humanoid body, but your race cannot be changed."

Having said this, Gilgamesh burst into laughter.

These words left Cunsfiel in silence. That was something he didn't know; in fact, he thought he was trapped in the body of a dog and at some point in his life, he might regain his true form.

Having gained knowledge from Gilgamesh, Cunsfiel reflected on his own situation. Just as Gilgamesh had said, he was a natural dog, so he would never have regained his human form if not for external help. In this way, he could never have reverted to his original form because he was not human.

"But even dragons have a human form..."

After Gilgamesh said this, joy returned to Cunsfiel's face.

"I can grant you the ability to obtain a humanoid body; that won't change anything even if you are a dog."

"In a few days, I will prepare a blood ritual for you; that could enhance your bloodline and give you what you desire so much." Finished speaking, he turned around and left.

His smile was so sharp and clear. It was particularly pleasant for someone like Cunsfiel to hear this news.

Gilgamesh smiled and called Eris. He took out a second sword and handed it to her. "Since you will become my wife, you need to wield a different sword to balance your stats."

Eris gave Gilgamesh a surprised look. Then, she asked, "What is the name of the sword?"

"This sword was forged by a crazy Goddess who wanted to marry me in my previous life. Unfortunately, she died on the battlefield when she went mad because I rejected her. You can call it an evil sword, a blood sword, or simply a name that sounds good..." Gilgamesh said, not very interested in it.

"Those names are horrible..."

"Then you can call it Gil's sword; that would be so fascinating that it fills my body with intense emotions."

Eris looked at Gilgamesh, who had been acting very strangely lately. Could that be due to some kind of disorder from fighting? She should find out.