What is Magic?

"Is it okay to leave them alone?" Eris asked, slightly confused about how things had turned out. It was surprising for her that Roxy's parents had initially rejected her engagement to Gilgamesh. Unlike her own parents, they seemed much more serious about it.

"It's not surprising. They express concern simply because they are demons... The difference lies in their race, so as long as they are in the central continent, they will face disdain or be judged simply because of their roots," Cusnfiel replied for the first time, giving a satisfactory answer that made Eris nod.

Eris, surprised by this fact, looked at the enormous Killa sinking into the ground and exclaimed, "The earth is eating him!"

"Eris, wait, he's just resting..." Gilgamesh didn't notice any anomaly and simply responded based on his initial observations.

This village was a small settlement, with no more than three hundred people, and its defenses were weak, to say the least. Although they were strong, there was no possibility of survival if a higher-ranked D beast attacked in this area.

This couldn't be ignored by Gilgamesh, who kept a keen watch on the surroundings. After walking for a few minutes, an old man approached them.

"Dear travelers, I apologize for not welcoming you earlier!" The old man said in a friendly tone, keeping his eyes on Gilgamesh, who seemed to exude a colder aura than the others.

As Gilgamesh understood it, the Migurd stopped aging after their bodies developed at the age of 16. After that, they would begin to age again after around 150 years. Therefore, Gilgamesh was possibly facing an old man of about 180 years, so he should be careful with his words because this man could be the leader of this settlement.

"It's a very impressive place. I'm surprised that you have managed to settle in such a demanding location," Gilgamesh nodded as he walked around.

"It's not surprising. We managed to establish ourselves here for hundreds of years, so we adapted to the demands this place imposes on us to survive."

"Can we speak in private?" Gilgamesh asked after confirming what he wanted.

"Of course, follow me." The old Migurd nodded and led them to a house that was actually a large turtle shell.

"Wow!" Eris, on the other hand, couldn't stop marveling at the things along the way; everything was simply incredible to her eyes.

After passing through the entrance of the house, Gilgamesh looked at the old man with a sharp gaze and said, "I will marry Roxy; that is something we have decided to do after exploring the world a bit."

"Congratulations, that's a wonderful idea!" The old man was much smarter than anyone else in the village. He understood perfectly the level of nobility in Gilgamesh, and that subtle death intent surrounding his body was something that told him this man was dangerous and not to be trifled with. For that reason, he had no plans to go against his arguments.

"Alright, I didn't want to come to this simple point. What I really want to say is much more important," said Gilgamesh, pointing out, "I worry about the safety of my wives, their families, and the future. You must know that in the world, I have powerful enemies waiting for the right moment to cause me the slightest harm. That's why I want to offer a proposal to this entire village."

The old man's eyes narrowed; he understood perfectly what Gilgamesh was implying, so he said, "Go ahead, tell me!"

"I have many enemies, and I fear that the security of everyone in this village may be compromised. So, I have a suggestion for all of you. There is a place where everyone, whether they are elves, dwarves, or humans, can live. Of course, you would be the first demons to arrive at this highly protected and special place. The land is fertile, and the place is incomparable to your life here. My proposal would be to offer everyone without exception the possibility of living in that place. Everyone will have a beautiful house and a new life," said Gilgamesh, looking directly into the old man's eyes.

This was the best way to choose to protect Roxy's Village. This land is simply too challenging for them to survive, so he is offering them a sacred place where they could continue their lives but in a simpler way.

"How big is that place?" the old man asked, slightly interested.

"As big as a continent. You should know that from the beginning, I had prepared a special place for Roxy's tribe... We had thought about it from the start. No one should worry about the journey or luggage; you will all be teleported directly to that place," said Gilgamesh in a straightforward tone.

"Can your enemies reach that place?"

"Absolutely. Didn't you feel the tremor from a day ago? That was caused by my great lord Gilgamesh, so your enemies are not something that a village like this can overcome with its weak strength," said Cunafiel, swaying his tail from side to side.

Eris smiled and said, "What Gilgamesh means is that he wants to take care of all of you so that Roxy doesn't worry about your safety. Times are changing, so it would be wise for you to choose a much better life."

The old man knew they were not lying. Of course, life here is very difficult, but they have managed to survive all this time. However, what happened recently alerted all the higher-ranking beasts, so there was a possibility that they might not survive an attack from a stronger enemy.

If Gilgamesh offers them a better place with all difficulties solved, why not discuss it with the tribe?

"I will talk to everyone about it, but I still can't get my hopes up... What you're saying is even unreal, but nowadays, what is magic?"

"Your response is sensible. I am not a selfish man, so it's good that everyone is moved to a sacred place where their lives will not be affected by anything." Gilgamesh stood up and walked out of the old man's house.

Just as he was about to walk towards the large pig Killa, Roxy appeared in the distance without her big hat and signaled for everyone to come closer.

"My parents have agreed!"

Gilgamesh and Eris smiled, both returned to Roxy's house to discuss a few more things.