In this city, not even the dead are trusted

Finally, Eris, who was calmer, couldn't help but clear her throat and murmured, "What nonsense. It seems like there are many parents and people pretending to be dead in this city, ah..."

Roxy, who was also impressed, felt a bit embarrassed because she had been an adventurer, but she had been scared by a corpse that suddenly emerged from a carriage trunk.

"This is the City of Green Oak, and it is said to have existed for a long time, being one of the largest in the demonic continent. It wouldn't be a surprise that, like any other place, there's a surprise." Gilgamesh responded with a smile. For someone like him, even thieves have value within a city.

They walked a few blocks without stopping. Gilgamesh was not in a hurry and walked slowly. The truth was that he wanted Eris to see the world; she's still a child experiencing and learning. For that reason, in addition to being her teacher, he has taught her trivial things like these.

A few blocks ahead, they encountered many more people selling tools, some real and some fake. Not everyone was a scammer; some people did have quality items at their prices.

In a corner of the street, an elderly adventurer was sitting with a beast skull displayed in front of him. He emitted a cold air, so many people gathered to see. Gilgamesh's group also joined the fun.

"Old man, how do you want to sell this skull?"

A man interested in his things asked after seeing the skull.

Someone, who couldn't interpret the expensive price, responded in his place: "He's only exchanging that skull for a special medicine, something that can cure any kind of illness."

"I have some cave herbs here, trade or not?" A very intrigued adventurer asked.

The seller said nothing; it was a clear rejection. However, from his aura and face hardened by his expression, no one dared to have any strange thoughts.

At that moment, Eris looked at Gilgamesh. He nodded and said, "A good item, it can keep us cold whenever we travel inside Killa's hat, and that way we would prevent Roxy from cooling the house with magic."

"Could we buy that?" Roxy looked at that huge skull, and her eyes showed what she really thought; that skull was very ugly.

Gilgamesh smiled and said, "You can paint it; after decorating it, it could be much better, wouldn't it be good to place it somewhere in the house?"

"It would be an unnecessary expense..."

"I don't understand, why does that skull release such a chilling energy?" Eris was amazed. This treasure would be worth a lot of money if sold in the Asura Kingdom, so she thought the price would be high if they bought it.

"It's not surprising if we look at the origin of that skull. It's possibly from some Frozen race; their bodies must withstand the cold well, so after some time, for some reason, the skull acquired the ice attribute." Gilgamesh sighed softly. Without having an answer to any question asked, he might make mistakes in some parts of his explanation.

"Frozen race?" Eris asked curiously.

"Frozen, beasts from the deep north where the world is always snowy... There are places like that, so somehow a skull from some mutated beast made its way to this city to be sold." Roxy, who was more knowledgeable, replied briefly.

"Maybe someday we can go to those places..." Gilgamesh, who felt something, stopped dancing; a chilling aura could be found deep in his eyes.

Roxy immediately felt a change in Gilgamesh, but she didn't ask the reason.

The group continued for a few more blocks. Outside the large auction houses and shops, they saw many street vendors. Monster corpses were the most common items.

"Are those human corpses? Why are people selling them?"

"I don't know, but it's disgusting..."

Gilgamesh responded with a smile, "They're called grave robbers. Why do people come to this place? It is said that deep in the forest, as long as you bury yourself, you either recover your life or age faster. People who go to that place hopeful usually die. When they die with their most precious treasures, these men find them and sell them as they are. Isn't that interesting? You buy the one that catches your eye, and whatever the corpse is carrying becomes yours."

Roxy understood and said, "This cemetery contains too many corpses. Some were even strong warriors in their time, so many took the risk of robbing their corpses from wherever they died. It's a profession that has existed for countless years."

Upon hearing this, Eris felt a bit relieved.

Within the city, not only were there street vendors, but one could even see groups of mercenaries and different races. Seeing people with human heads along with a snake body or a human body with horse legs was not uncommon at all.

A large, muscular man walked past Gilgamesh, catching Eris's eye. The man's body was made entirely of rock, and his face seemed to have been finely carved.

"What kind of being is that?" Seeing this person walking away, Eris asked curiously.

Gilgamesh didn't answer because Roxy, who was following him, responded, "This is a person of the Stone Golem Race, very rare demons, but their strength is very difficult to compare with humans."

"What race is that?"

At that moment, Eris saw a minotaur with a completely furry body. On top of its head were two huge horns.

"Minotaur Race... Legends say they were once simple animals without consciousness until a certain person taught them the language of speech and the qualities of intellect."

Eris nodded with some emotions.

"Oh!" Eris opened her eyes wide. Eris couldn't believe it and said, "I thought they were beings that only appeared at night or in dark places. What are they doing here?"

"We are in their continent; maybe it feels curious about the forest..." Gilgamesh couldn't formulate a satisfactory answer.

Walking in this old city really broadened Gilgamesh's group's knowledge. They have seen many new things today.

Finally, they arrived at a street, and a treasure inside a store caught Gilgamesh's eyes.

Seeing this treasure, Gilgamesh laughed. And Roxy, who was always attentive to his mood, noticed that this store was named 'Black Rose,' and she said, "We should go in and see!"

"Let's go in!"

Gilgamesh smiled and nodded repeatedly as he walked into the store.

The store called 'Black Rose' was really large. Outside, it looked like a common store, but once they entered, people would find that it was an ancient store with a wide and high corridor. Inside the ancient corridor were huge shelves with books, wine bottles, old swords, and things that were invaluable.

It could be said that everything could be found here, especially when every treasure was in front of everyone's eyes.

Gilgamesh's group entered while the store owner personally greeted them, even though they seemed more curious than interested.

However, Gilgamesh was calmer with two unparalleled and beautiful women by his side. Any shrewd merchant would immediately know that this was a big customer. Moreover, Eris and Roxy were not ordinary people.

Eris and Roxy were a bit nervous when they entered such a large store, but he remained as calm as ever.

The merchant stepped forward to greet them and was very sensible. Seeing Gilgamesh's expression, he didn't open his mouth to randomly introduce objects.

Gilgamesh's eyes fell on the wine boxes at the back; those boxes looked ancient and of very high quality, so as a wine lover, he needed to buy them all if they met his standards. Besides, he could see many things like old books for Roxy, large boxes of premium food around, and magical treasures.

As Golgamesh was looking at these two things in a pleasant manner, the merchant was very smart and just stayed silent on the side without saying a word.

"Bottles of wine specially made for the God of War, these boxes were found after the last war, so they have been in this place since then. My father never wanted to sell them but also never drank them. Now that the store is in my hands, they only see money in every item in this place."

"I like wine, any kind of strange wine you have in this place, you can bring it to me. Also, strange magic and fury books, you can bring them too." After appreciating it for a moment, he praised the antiquity of the wine.

Seeing Gilgamesh's happy state, the merchant was also happy and opened his mouth, "This box of wines was made by the dwarves; I also have these stone containers where there is also wine, but it's a liquid that undergoes extensive preparation before being consumed because it must be strained."

"Where does this wine come from?" Eris asked while holding a bottle as black as ink.