The Stone Coffins

Everyone took a second look at that stone coffin; it was just as Cunafiel had said. The bottom of the coffin was densely populated with creatures resembling black starfish. It was as if they were an army, lifting the coffin out of the valley.

Seeing such a strange scene of black stars carrying a coffin, not to mention Eris, who hadn't had much experience with strange things, but even Roxy and Cunafiel, who had practically traveled all over the world, were very surprised.

Although this cemetery produced many strange curiosities because it was one of the most mysterious and bizarre places in the world, and anyone who came here had seen many strange scenes, seeing the black stars carrying a coffin was the strangest thing they had seen, and it even sent chills down their spines.

"Those things are similar to the entities from that portal inside the Hidden Paradise..." Looking at the black stars carrying the coffin, Gilgamesh's eyes expressed his total authority.

As he traversed countless battlefields as Gilgamesh, son of the gods, no matter what enemy he faced, he would eliminate them without losing a single battle. But here in this world where he had to decipher everything, he couldn't comprehend everything in front of him.

How could he imagine what those stars were that were moving a coffin out of the valley?

"Is there a corpse in that stone coffin? Could we encounter a living being or a completely dead one?" Eris, seeing this incredible scene, asked aloud.

"Perhaps it's a treasure, not a corpse. I've seen those runes on that coffin before, but I can't remember where..." Cunafiel threw an interested look.

"My lord, why don't we open it and see what's inside?!"

"If there's something, we can eliminate it. It can't pose many problems for us." Eris agreed with this and expressed her desire to fight.

"And what if it's something much more complex than we think?" Roxy asked as she looked at that stone coffin.

Cunafiel didn't give up and laughed, "What is there to be afraid of? My lord Gilgamesh is here. He knows god, kills god; he knows a demon, kills the demon. A dry corpse in a coffin can't pose a problem."

Of course, Roxy didn't join the commotion. She had been in dungeons and knew the danger that something as seemingly harmless as a flower could pose. She couldn't imagine how terrible what was in that stone coffin might be.

Gilgamesh finally withdrew his gaze from the coffin carried by the black stars. With one hand, he struck Cunafiel's neck and said, "If you want to die, I'll throw you in there! Even if you're invincible, in dangerous areas like these, there could be places that even led a God!"

Being reprimanded by Gilgamesh, Cunfiel laughed ironically and quickly shrunk into a corner.

At this point, the black stars carrying the coffin headed towards the deepest part of the cemetery. Speaking of strange things, when these black stars were busy carrying the coffin, all the nearby undead immediately retreated. Even those hidden underground ran away from this coffin.

Seeing this scene, everyone took a deep breath, thinking about something.

"Did you see that? Even the undead avoided coming into contact with that thing. Wouldn't we be getting into unnecessary situations?" Roxy unconsciously looked at Gilgamesh, wanting to know if this was really a problem.

Gilgamesh stared at the coffin heading towards the deepest part of the cemetery and said nothing, nor did he take any action. Seeing Gilgamesh's expression, Eris and Roxy knew that this was a serious matter.

Watching the coffin disappear from everyone's sight, Cunsfiel asked again, "Should we take a look?"

"No need..." Gilgamesh finally shook his head and said, "There are many things at stake for the future that shouldn't be touched to have better control of the board. Even if that's not a threat, it might be an advantage we can use against others hours, days, or years later."

"Let's go, we have to join the main event. Staying here longer would be useless since I know what I came to look for." In the end, Gilgamesh sat on the Vimana's throne and moved away from this place.

Gilgamesh's group arrived quite early at the City of Green Oak. After entering, the city became even livelier, and there were even more adventurers from different continents and powerful mercenary groups from the most capable nations visiting the city. Especially those located on the Millis continent, they were the ones with bases closest to this place.

Many old warriors also brought their young ones to the city so that they could experience the world and open their eyes to events that might eventually make history. In the end, any powerful disciple with potential would inevitably face an existence as a formidable enemy.

Among the known figures who arrived in the City of Green Oak, there were some who drew everyone's attention. For example, Aleksander, the God of the North, and Kalman III, considered immortal by many.

As the current leader and third-generation practitioner of the Sword Style of the God of the North, Aleksander is a very powerful fighter. As a descendant of Atofe and a relative of the God of War, Badigadi, who is his great-uncle.

It is said that he is over two hundred years old, practically immortal, and considers himself the hero he aspires to be. When he heard that incredible things had happened in the demon continent, he abandoned his mission to eliminate all Superds.

As a descendant of Atofe, an Immortal Demon Lord, he is also immortal and will recover from injuries that would kill a normal being, in addition to having a long life. This gave him the confidence to venture into dangerous places like these to extend his fame.

Aleksander arrived in the City of Green Oak with many soldiers from his grandmother Atofe, with the goal of eliminating any evil they might find in this place.

Such ostentation left many adventurers in the City of Green Oak angry at seeing that narcissistic God of the North.

"Being a descendant of an immortal being must feel incredible to live for so many years. If I could live a hundred years, I'm sure I would be stronger than that self-proclaimed hero." Watching such a pompous scene, many experts sighed with envy, as well as jealousy.

Although Aleksander's growing power is not well remembered every time he is talked about, new rumors and things he has done over the years emerge.

"Should he be a God of the sword? He looks as young as my son and possibly older than my great-grandfather."

Aleksander, with his followers, along with experts borrowed from his grandfather, entered the city vigorously, attracting the amazement of everyone.

"An incomparable genius among contemporary geniuses. I'm afraid not many people could compare to Aleksander, ah..." Some women in the vicinity were captivated by this man.

"Haha, incomparable genius?" A Demon coldly snorted; he did not like Aleksander's attitude at all. He spoke in a hostile manner: "He's just a lucky immortal dog!"

"Old Serpent, what are you saying about this matter?" A friend of his, another Demon, curiously asked.

This Demon looked at Aleksander being adored by everyone and spat, then he disdainfully replied: "He's just a child in my eyes, even though he has more years than even my father, he's a damn immature man."

Many demons hate Aleksander, his arrogant and accusatory attitude towards all demons, especially the Superds, is something that repulses everyone. It's not surprising that many powerful demons challenge him to a duel, but they all end up defeated by that arrogant God of the North.

What they didn't know is that, in addition to his mission to become a hero, he had heard that some of his disciples had recently died in this place. It was a pity that he found nothing related to their deaths other than a lot of destruction.