The Alliance

"I heard that many have seen Gilgamesh, the prince of the Asura Kingdom, around these parts. Many say he's so powerful that he has slain all his enemies without exception. The Red Prince, a truly bloodthirsty man who will likely become a king in a few years."

"Hmph, little animal, I'm sure that with the rumors Millis' religion is spreading about him, he won't be in public much. Being harassed in that way by those believers is not something easy to ignore, but I'm certainly intrigued to meet him. Sooner or later, he will die facing a powerful enemy, but it is even said that he might be the incarnation of a hero from history due to his strength."

In the City of Green Oak, a gathering place for the strong, when someone mentioned that Gilgamesh had been seen here, Aleksander snorted coldly and contemptuously said, "I'm sure he's nothing special; I could crush that Gilgamesh without using a sword."

Upon hearing this, many people stiffened and looked at each other.

At that moment, they understood the implications of his words and the warning from the Church of Millis about the demon that was Gilgamesh. Perhaps for that reason, Aleksander had come to this city.

"I'm undoubtedly thoughtful about it. Is Gilgamesh really as weak as they want to portray him when he has survived in the demon continent without any problems? After hearing Aleksander, a young genius lamented.

Aleksander's visit to the City of Green Oak left many very furious. However, even if they somehow hated him, they couldn't do anything about it. During the current times in the demon continent, there weren't many who could compare to Aleksander.

However, just at that moment, a very different group led by a powerful man arrived, making Aleksander's appearance take a back seat.

"The adventurers' guild has arrived!" This message left many adventurer groups ecstatic. Some knew that if this happened, there would definitely be captivating missions that could leave them with much more rewards than they imagined.

"Did they say that Epsilon is leading the group to this check?" Someone with inside information emotionally murmured, "It is said that Epsilon is an adventurer superior to S-rank, at the top of adventurers from all continents. His arrival... Does it mean he is here only to protect or does he have some other mission?"

"What did you say? Do you think they sent someone so powerful to enter the ancient cemetery?" Upon hearing this information, an adventurer's mind was shaken, while others had to take a deep breath.

Epsilon used a scythe; he was the only powerful adventurer using a sword, but the mere use of this weapon was still highly questioned due to the sword styles with which many Gods had been crowned as the strongest in their profession. If someone so powerful emerged with the scythe, it could only be attributed to his talent, as many had failed using this fighting style.

Having that talent and surpassing even Sword Emperors from the north have been significant achievements for his reputation. In this way, Epsilon had a great influence and subsequently became a high-ranking member within the adventurers' association.

"Not only that, S-rank adventurer groups are being led by him, that is truly important to know. They are worthy of being called the spearhead of adventurers, so most would join them." An elderly mercenary exclaimed enviously.

Adventurers have work through the adventurers' association. If the association itself sends a branch to this place, it means that all adventurers and important groups would be under its authority if they wanted to receive rewards from the association; it was that simple.

However, not everyone could create or be interested in association missions. If one tried their luck in this place without being tied to something or representing a renowned power, the rewards might be too juicy.

There were countless adventurer groups that were not here for a mission; all of them had come to this continent to try their luck on their own, but seeing the difficulty of entering the ancient cemetery, they still doubted if they had the capabilities to enter.

"[The opportunity to touch the underworld and gain immortality!]"

Many heard the legends, felt the desire, and therefore wanted to go on their own.

Such a message or legend caused many great and ancient influences from the continents to feel the need to obtain something. If they could be immortal, what would they care about life here for two hundred years? Living over and over again, restarting life every hundred and ten years was a wet dream for everyone who lived no more than 60 years.

The appearance of the Underworld Boat River marked a history-breaking event causing all influences in the world to pay attention to this place.

For many realms and mercenary groups, traveling through dangerous territory is an extremely difficult thing to achieve a few years ago. However, the Uruk Tower had long offered travel through flying boats, which greatly facilitated the journey. Although it was extremely expensive, it was safe, and they were completely sure they would reach their destination.

In the last few days, adventurers from all over the world arrived through magical boats descending from the clouds. All kinds of races, including humans, gathered in the City of Green Oak.

But among all the territories, there was an unparalleled presence of demons because they lived on this continent. Therefore, many formed secret alliances to halt the advance when the time came.

At that moment, countless large mercenary groups, powerful nations, and even immortal clans had calculated the hour when the boat descended from the sky. Especially those with accounts of the journey experiences.

Meanwhile, inside the Ancient Celestial Cemetery, Gilgamesh's group flew over the mountains and finally reached the borders of the cemetery. They were the first to enter and come out alive without any problems.

Outside the cemetery, Gilgamesh, called by Eris, saw a man with severe wounds on his body sitting while behind him were two little girls with black hair and purple eyes. The most striking thing was that they were of the beast race, possessing the natural traits of the species, such as their large wolf ears and a thick tail.

"Damn bitches! Why are you unharmed, and I'm dying?" The man, who was possibly their owner, scolded them, but the wounds on his body prevented him from doing much more.

"Hey you, how much do you sell the twins for?" Eris asked with a cold look on her face.

"Eh?" The man who was growling looked into Eris's eyes and muttered, "Now everyone wants to stand out on this side of the world?"

"Name a price!" Roxy looked at the twins and thought that if she didn't help them now, they might die.

"You're a mage, if you can heal me, then they are yours..." The man said with a wicked smile.

"Deal!" Roxy cast a powerful healing spell without naming it, and at first glance, the man's wounds healed immediately.

"Haha, by God, I thought I would die in this hell... You're lucky, both are still virgins, you can enjoy them whenever you want." The man looked at Gilgamesh with a lustful look as he passed by Roxy, but at that moment, he felt something strong holding him by the neck.

"What the hell?!"

Gilgamesh's actions surprised everyone, including the beast girls.

"I'm curious, Eris, give each of them a sword..." Gilgamesh lifted the man in the air, holding his neck, and gave a calm look to Eris.

"Okay." Understanding what he meant, Eris unsheathed her sword and once she suppressed her aura, she handed it to one of the wolf girls, then did the same with the other.

"This man possibly stole part of their childhood. What will you do now?" Gilgamesh looked at the wolf girls and asked, while his voice turned as cold as winter.

It's been a long time since he trained anyone besides his wives, but now that they had adopted two little cats it was time for them to show their teeth. They looked at Gilgamesh, their eyes dull with emotions showed more and more hatred and in the end when the man was about to die of asphyxiation they themselves ran and stuck their swords in the back of the man who wanted to sell them after leaving this place.


Blood flowed down the row of both swords, staining the hands of both girls who had tears in their eyes full of resentment.

"Your name will be Delia and Alba, they are both now in my group because my women liked them... They will be trained later, for now just change your clothes." Gilgamesh threw the man's corpse but not before breaking his neck.

"What will we do with them?" Cusnfiel asked as he reflected on what had happened, does his lord now have four wives? He should seriously consider looking for someone in this life, of course, it would be aggressive to have more than one wife.

"No need to think about it, they are my property now, that's what Eris and Roxy decided, I don't have to worry about that." Gilgamesh said as he wiped his hands.

"I like their names, plus they are incredibly beautiful..." Roxy felt happy and caressed one of the girls' heads with a smile.

Delia and Alba are beautiful teenagers with black hair and big wolf ears on the top of their heads. They have purple eyes. Their bodies are slender and as long as they continue to grow they would be wonderful women. As a breed of wolf, they possess the natural traits of the species, which are their large wolf ears and a thick tail.

Gilgamesh couldn't lie, they were adorable, Eris of course couldn't pass up adapting them which intrigued her but it was a trait she showed very often with women with furry tails and ears, she liked soft...

"They are beautiful, should I take care of one of them?" Cunsfiel shamelessly asked, earning the anger of Eris and Roxy.

Gilgamesh shook his head and said: "Your sexual orientation has been lost, you haven't felt anything like that in hundreds of years..."

"Have you seen it?!" Cusnfiel jumped back into his dog form and closed his eyes as if he were asleep.

"I will help you... When I am Emperor I will marry you to a beautiful wife who can live the same years as you, it will surely be complicated but you will live a full life of happiness."

"Thank you, my lord." Cusnfiel said with dog tears in his eyes.