Just one sentence

Such words of contempt from Gilgamesh suddenly drew many bewildered looks. What kind of disdain was that? Wasn't a magical object supposed to be in the eyes of someone who is present? That level of arrogance and performance was too shocking.

"Haha, he really has a great tone." A demon who knew Roxy's background couldn't help but mockingly laugh, "A year ago, the Migurd tribe, who disappeared overnight, would at least have a bit of my respect, but a mere human like you, who seems weaker than a little mouse, has no right to boast."

"Hey, stupid donkey, it's not his fault that he's handsome and you can't even reach on horseback, tuck your tail and eat dirt until death!" Eris shouted, being held back by the little twins as she was about to kill the demon.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, those words go in one ear and out the other for me. Just watch from the sidelines as all these leftovers swallow their words."

Gilgamesh enjoyed silencing people without resorting to force; that was unfair, and he didn't want others to think he only wins through strength.

"I want to create an immortal garden to live with my wives. However, I need all the seeds of magical and exotic fruits you have."

"Is that all you want?" The old man became even more serious when he heard those words.

Gilgamesh, calm and comfortable, replied, "I don't need magical items or weapons; I have everything I need in this life. I certainly need delicious fruits to share with my women, but I suppose that information is irrelevant to you. As long as you give me all those seeds, then I'll open that chest for you."

Gilgamesh's words caused a significant change in the old man's expression. In an instant, his eyes transformed from a calm elder to a fierce ancient beast.

The sudden gleam in the old man's eyes caused everyone to lose their colors. Even the Sword Emperors had to take a deep breath and couldn't help but step back. Suddenly, everyone understood that this deep and immeasurable elder should not be disturbed.

However, shortly after, the old man's eyes returned to a faint appearance. He squinted at Gilgamesh and then said slowly, "It seems you have peculiar tastes..."

Gilgamesh remained carefree and smiled. Then, he said, "My appetite is satisfied every day, so there are very few things in the world that can be fulfilled. Therefore, I only seek things that will be useful to me in the future."

The old man couldn't help but squint his eyes. It was evident that he doubted a bit. Other people here didn't know how important the seeds of magical trees he possessed were, but these were extremely valuable seeds he had cared for for decades. He wanted to know what was inside that stone chest but was hesitating at the moment.

Gilgamesh gently caressed the stone chest and calmly said, "Do you want to obtain the item inside and dispel the doubts you have? I ask you, how do you expect to pay with such small items when the one who can open it asks for something specific?"

The old man paused for a moment and finally made a decision, so he said, "Well, this time I'll be very generous with you. As long as you can open this stone chest, not only will I give you all the seeds in my possession, but you'll also have some whose origins I am unaware of."

Gilgamesh picked up a crystal box and immediately placed all the seeds that the old man continuously took out of his chest into it.

There were dozens of seeds of all sizes and colors that one could imagine. It was easy to see that these seeds were from different parts of the world, and their maintenance could be costly.

"They truly are marvelous seeds..." Gilgamesh was satisfied and slowly nodded his head as he spoke.

The old man narrowed his eyes at Gilgamesh and slowly said, "Sir, it's your turn. However, it's better if you haven't boasted in vain. If you can't open that stone chest, I'll do my best to collect with interest."

"Crafty old fox..." Gilgamesh smiled and extended his hand to gently caress the stone chest. His touch was very soft. It was as if he were rubbing the shoulder of a lover.

"Hmph, even if you touch it ten thousand times, it's still impossible to open this stone chest." Seeing Gilgamesh caressing the stone chest, someone got angry and coldly mocked.

However, Gilgamesh ignored him and crouched down. Then, he whispered softly next to the stone chest. It was as if he were intimately whispering to one of his women! No one could hear those soft words being spoken.


A clear and crisp sound appeared just as Gilgamesh stood up. The unthinkable happened, and the stone chest was actually opened.

Suddenly, the entire area fell into complete silence. Everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing; no matter how wide open their eyes were, they couldn't process that the chest would open so easily.

"What is that?" At this point, people with keen eyes saw that inside the stone chest, there was a small golden bracelet. Seeing this object, they were stunned for a while. Everyone thought there was an ancient and magical treasure inside the stone chest, but it turned out to be just a bracelet.

The old man was very skillful and grabbed the small shiny golden bracelet from his chest at once. His expression was like a guardian of treasure embracing his gold. It seemed as if he was afraid that others would steal it.

Many people couldn't see the nature of this small golden bracelet, but as it was already stored inside the old man's chest, no one dared to ask him to take it out so everyone could have a look.

For a moment, countless people felt a deep regret in their hearts and wanted to know what the chest contained, but, as the old man didn't say, others had no way to find out.

After a while, the old man finally hid his treasure and asked, "How did you do it?"

"The words of an Emperor cannot be ignored; you wouldn't understand even if I said it," Anton said as he showed the seeds to his women.

"Do you want to be my disciple? I have countless treasures, some are still undeciphered, so I'm looking for a capable heir to continue the legacy of the Tower of the Wise..." said the old man in an interested tone.

"I'm not interested..." Gilgamesh turned and left.

This time, the old man was really insistent and quickly said, "Wait, wait a second, I'm truly interested in your talents. I don't deceive people; you've got what you wanted, and we staged a fair play. If you want, you can have this magical object."

Such a scene made the eyes of Gilgamesh's women feel alert. Could this old man be a beautiful woman hidden in the body of an elder? Cursed old man, he must learn his place.