Blue Tile

"You're wrong about one thing..." Gilgamesh turned around and said calmly, "That object reacts in the hands of whoever holds it. If it's in the hands of a common person, then that stone chest is useless. My authority is beyond this world; there is no man alive who can compare to me."

After saying that, Gilgamesh withdrew with a slight smile on his face and looked deeply at the old man. Only an Emperor can touch the belongings of another King; not everyone has the qualifications to be a King.

"What do you mean by that?" At this point, Eris was quite curious. How could that stone chest react differently in each person's hands? Although it seemed like a cursed object, there was nothing linking it to that, so she had her doubts.

Gilgamesh smiled and said, "Although it may sound strange, objects over time develop a sense of ownership and authority. That chest possibly belonged to a King; for that reason, only a King can touch those belongings and open it with the authority it entails. A common person can't open that chest, so forcing it open is a challenging task."

"Of course, that right to open the chest is also in you, the women of an Emperor. The authority of your word has changed your destiny completely by following me, and my authority is now illuminating your paths."

"Have our paths been illuminated?" Hearing Gilgamesh's words, Eris and Roxy couldn't help but be surprised. That assumption is incredibly wonderful; no one could ever imagine something like that.

"Is this, is this possible? Even Eris, who believed everything Gilgamesh said blindly, thought this was too good to be true and asked, "When one gets married, they decide to give everything to the other party, including the most precious treasures in their possession, which would be the heart and soul. What material object matters more than that?"

"That's true." Roxy finally understood the meaning of the future and destiny.

"My wish before I die is to give away all my treasures to those who need and require something from me..." Gilgamesh smiled with a slight nostalgia.

Eris and Roxy glanced at each other before falling silent. No matter when it is, they believed that when Gilgamesh talks about death, it's something he somehow feels more than everyone else; after all, he had died once.

How was that Gilgamesh compared to the one they had in front of them?

If they had the chance, they should see it with their own eyes.

The twins walking ahead were also impressed. They immediately classified Gilgamesh as the alpha and not the stupid dog that slept all day.

The Ancient Street was very spacious, with many sellers from the central continent selling products, and the only thing they accepted was gold. Some came from the demonic cities in the east, and others from the Millis continent. It could be said that, in this place, beings from anywhere in the world could be seen.

Outside of the human and demon races, there were even dragon clan beings walking without bothering anyone.

Gilgamesh, along with Roxy and Eris, strolled down the Ancient Street. Although there were many sellers inside, the items that could catch Gilgamesh's eye were actually few in number. After passing halfway down the Ancient Street, there were no desirable treasures.

However, as they walked, before they knew it, there were some people who started pointing fingers at them. Most of them were young humans. At first, Gilgamesh's group didn't care. However, the matter exceeded their imagination. Slowly, the adventurers who were with them not only pointed but also whispered.

"Is she Roxy? It's said that she's the last of her clan and might know about the disappearance of her village, but she seems not to care." As Gilgamesh's group was walking, a young demon slowed down his pace and looked strangely at Roxy.

"Damn, how can she be so calm if her entire species was hunted like dogs?" A demon on the side muttered disdainfully.

Indeed, the adventurers' gossip wasn't limited to just this, and it wasn't just this group. It was as if there were quite a number deliberately doing so.

"It happened just like with the elves, but here it's different because she possibly abandoned her family... What audacity!"

Hearing this, the gazes of Roxy, Eris, and Gilgamesh turned cold. From the beginning, Roxy didn't care about what was said about her and in what tone it was said, but what right did these demons have to question her life?

"How can a demon marry a human?"

Although no one here confronted them directly, anyone who heard immediately knew who they were talking about. Roxy was trembling with anger after hearing these harsh words and had a sense of injustice.

"The desire to wipe out this city with everyone inside is growing stronger..." Gilgamesh's gaze became serious, and he coldly said, "When I don't kill people, even the world itself must accept it. However, killing is becoming a necessity now."

Undoubtedly, the rumors were deliberately spread with someone helping in the shadows just to annoy Gilgamesh because they knew it would infuriate him.

"Kill them. We must exact revenge for this offense with blood..." Gilgamesh muttered in an icy tone.

Without further delay, Eris immediately disappeared and like a ghost along the street, the heads of everyone who was whispering flew into the sky.


In just a few seconds, Eris had beheaded more than twenty people, and after doing so, she stopped beside Gilgamesh.

Inside the Ancient Street, wanting to find the person in the shadows who was pushing these rumors was not a difficult matter. Gilgamesh used a bit of his gold and immediately found out who was spreading these rumors.

On a balcony of the Ancient Street, there was a group of followers of Aleksander. Within their group were some Demon Lords counseling them.

In this group of talented young speakers, they were more or less intentionally or somehow flattering Aleksander. In reality, this was not a strange matter.

However, at this moment when the circle of young people was conversing, they saw Gilgamesh coming in their direction with Eris and Rozy from a distance.

A young talent looked at one of Gilgamesh's followers and said, "Notify Aleksander that the man he's interested in is about to cause some trouble."

Running to the top floor, the most devoted follower of Aleksander said, "My lord, Gilgamesh is coming as expected. Use some effective things to provoke him."

"There's nothing to fear..." Aleksander sneered and wanted to see how Gilgamesh would come to his door. A look of disdain soon appeared on his face. Then he said, "He has married a demon; the rumors from the holy church of Millis should have something to do with it..."

"What did you say?" Roxy, who had incredible hearing, was filled with fury at how that man used that tone. She had always had a calm personality, but now she can't understand where that man's trouble-seeking comes from.

Aleksander looked at Gilgamesh and said, "What brings you here?"

"We seek your death." Gilgamesh took a step forward and clenched the fist of his right hand.

"A mere human using that tone? The rumors sure cease to be true." Seeing how Gilgamesh moved towards him with just one step forward, Aleksander clenched his fist and struck with extremely powerful force.

One had to know that Aleksander was a Sword God. In his eyes, a common human wouldn't be involved in things that concerned him. Under the force of his fist, it was more than enough to take Gilgamesh's life in his eyes.

Gilgamesh accepted this challenge, and his fist collided with Aleksander's.


However, the result was not in the things Aleksander expected. With clear bone-crushing sounds, under the impact of Gilgamesh's blow, Aleksander's right hand was shattered. Gilgamesh's right hand easily had enough strength to crush the entire city, so he effortlessly crushed his opponent.

"Ahhhhh!" Aleksander screamed horribly and was sent flying dozens of meters, impacting houses and destroying entire streets. The sound of the impact was undeniably loud.

"Lord, he's in serious trouble." Aleksander's protectors were soldiers appointed by his family. They had always been close by, and now that their lord was injured, they immediately rushed towards Gilgamesh.

The three demons were Sword Gods.

"Get lost!" Eris shouted coldly as she unsheathed her sword, and waves of flames spread around, engulfing those three figures.

Immediately after, Eris brutally massacred all those who got in Gilgamesh's way.

"Who the hell are you?!" Aleksander saw how his right hand had been shattered and shouted in anger.