I Am Not a Saint

"My lord, the Dragon God has been spotted in this city and is currently staying in a modest tavern in a corner of the town. We have withdrawn our spies from that location as they could be discovered, and we've left a Sword God to keep watch."

Gilgamesh was sitting, playing chess against Roxy, and his indifferent expression changed slightly upon hearing that. Could that Dragon God pose any kind of problem if he were to fight against him?

After hearing that, he turned his head and said, "His appearance may signify something. If ever he comes into conflict, withdraw everyone from this continent. I won't bother with collateral damage when facing him. I think it would be fun to stretch my muscles a bit more before leaving this continent."

At some point, while Gilgamesh was playing with Roxy, she asked, "When will I ever win a game against you?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to play against me without me holding back?" Gilgamesh asked with a slight smile as he took a sip of his wine.

Roxy showed an unsatisfied expression. She wanted to fairly defeat Gilgamesh, but she simply couldn't beat him after playing for over two hours and studying the rules the day before.

Gilgamesh's moves were neither too aggressive nor too passive. His gaze made others watch him attentively, but in this household, no one paid him more attention than necessary, as if everyone had grown accustomed to his attractive features.

Eris, on the side, was giving the twins lessons on the aura of battle. Her teachings weren't entirely useful because the twins, whenever they learned from her, became even more lethal, knowing when they would leave this continent forgotten by the world.

"Among all the games you could have chosen, this one is very subtle. Real games have time limits, and each player has a set time until it runs out. If you run out of time, regardless of the game, you lose, and there couldn't be any other outcome."

After making a move, Gilgamesh won again, leaving Roxy deep in thought, analyzing what she had learned.

Gilgamesh let out a deep sigh. He had agreed to return to the kingdom after a year, but things had changed so much that the time frame would extend to several more years. Although now, being able to take the throne of his kingdom whenever he wanted was an option for him, everything was much smoother now that he had control over everything.

According to reports, all the nobles had been ousted from the kingdom. Most were killed, others died, and as for the rest, they were found guilty of crimes such as tax evasion and abuse of authority.

There's not much to say when one is accused of these crimes; they were all hung like dogs on wooden posts, and the citizens of those regions killed them with wooden swords.

The kingdom's dissatisfaction with the indifferent nobles regarding what happened in Fittoa made these actions go unnoticed. Elaine then took the opportunity to start reforming the cities, considering the shape she wanted to give to the Asura Kingdom, and gradually, an ideal structure was created in the kingdom's rich territory.

With everyone's help, hundreds of thousands of slaves entered the Asura Kingdom, and several new border cities specialized in combat were created. In all directions, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were stationed, ready to go to war at any moment.

Now, with Gilgamesh's continuous observations of spies in other kingdoms, starting a war was not unreasonable after all. Having control over the entire kingdom, Gilgamesh easily appointed his father-in-law Saurios as prime minister, one of his generals as the head of the war council, and took total authority over the kingdom's decisions.

All civilians who had received help from Gilgamesh's faction burned down the churches that started speaking ill of him, erasing all signs that they had been brainwashed. They never stopped believing, but that belief was now reserved for themselves and not for a human.

When the Millis continent learned that all the churches in the Asura Kingdom were erased from their initial authority, they declared that evil had spread, but the Asura Kingdom's response left all the kingdoms shocked.

"[The Asura Kingdom rejects all discriminatory comments against Prince Gilgamesh, who has abolished slavery in the Asura Kingdom and is the first to help anyone who wants to live in a kingdom without slavery and with the right to life.

Everyone is welcome to this kingdom, and anyone who wants to take action for themselves, the sword of the Asura Kingdom is more than sharp enough to take back the power that was once taken from it. Do not seek the unification of the central continent because then a war will spread throughout the world, and the only result will be the flags of religions alongside kingdoms made obsolete by their greed.]"

"The dragons will be tamed, the nobles from other kingdoms will be burned, and any human who wants to open their eyes will be welcome to a new world. As for other races, they will be welcomed to a new change where they are assured of having a place to call home within the Asura Kingdom," said Gilgamesh as he looked at the stars.

"The Elf Kingdom, the Beast Kingdom, and the Dwarf Kingdom will be established around the Human Kingdom... domains of unified authority under the Asura Kingdom."

Gilgamesh drew a beautiful silver sword, the blades shining on its edge, faintly illuminating the surroundings, and said, "In the end, I will have to fight again for what I achieved in my previous world... Believing in a god is fine, feeling that religion is necessary is fine, but if that involves making certain decisions in your mortal life, then I will have to interfere and cut the evil at its roots."