
"You naive being, all the dead have authority in this place!" A cruel voice echoed in the sky, but this immediately changed when Gilgamesh wielded EA.

Without much difficulty, he launched his attack, and a skeletal hand was completely disintegrated. But without stopping, the Heavenly Chains held the space to prevent it from closing and unleashed several shattered swords at that arrogant giant.

"They are just dead; do you really think they have a chance against me?" At that moment, Gilgamesh howled with mocking laughter. In an instant, a more imposing golden aura burst from Gilgamesh's body. For a moment, this bright and burning light illuminated the entire world, under this light, it seemed as if everything was whitewashed into transparency!

"What happened?" The sudden burst of light was like the beginning of the sunset, exploding from within the ancient cemetery! Many people couldn't help but be amazed at such a scene.

"I am the master of heaven and earth!" Gilgamesh roared loudly. Not to mention the demonic continent, even the outer world suddenly dimmed. It was as if the stars were falling, as if the supreme authority of life was interrupted by the release of Gilgamesh's full power in aura. In a fraction of a second, it seemed like all the lights of this world gathered in Gilgamesh's body.


A deafening explosion finally destroyed the entire space. In a single attack, all the giants were pulverized, leaving Gilgamesh with an arrogant aura in the air. Although there was still some dust on his body, it all disappeared in an instant.

At that moment, the temperature in his body was so intense that everything seemed to be melting. The aura in his body was as bright as the stars, making him easily discernible.

Even more terrifying was a piece of blue sky with a deep and dark shadow. Numerous golden ripples appeared in the sky, covering the entire ancient cemetery; Gilgamesh seemed to want to destroy everything in this place without exception.

"This place is going to be destroyed..." A faint silhouette with a girl in her arms sighed and disappeared from this place, quickly moving away from the demonic continent.

All the undead that couldn't descend into the underworld couldn't help but be alarmed by the sudden uncontrolled situation.

"Medusa, the time has come!" Gilgamesh murmured and then looked down, saying, "Come, open my eyes and show me how powerful you can be."

At this point, everyone in the demonic chorus was aware of what was happening here, especially those who knew that something like this could happen at a certain time.

In the distance, a figure digging for treasure couldn't help but exclaim, "Damn, if I die, at least it will be in these inhuman conditions, and if I live, I'll be completely rich."

"The underworld will open, and there will be nothing but chaos. Things are going to intensify, so it's better to get out of this place as soon as possible." An old adventurer seemed to understand what was happening, so what he did was run away from the vicinity.

"If you can pass, then you will be more than worthy to meet our great lord." One of the undead roared, and suddenly, all his energy rushed into his treasure. In this second, an endless aura of a ferocious beast rose from the object, which was a curved horn.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bursts of harsh noises resonated; the horn emitted a loud sound, and in an instant, raw power resonated loudly in the sky.


At that moment, a loud roar of a beast appeared. This beast roar not only affected those closest but also those far away, making their legs weaken.

A gigantic beast materialized in the sky, and the body of that beast was even larger than that of a giant. Its frightening aura came from an ancient age, imposing respect from others like a divine beast descending from a different dimension. All the weaker and insignificant beings felt a primitive fear.

"A beast larger than a dragon!" Everyone lost their colors when this giant beast leaped.

"It's just a strange beast that has grown for hundreds of years; it's nothing different or much stronger than a magical beast. Calling it a divine beast is an insult to true divine beasts," said Gilgamesh while smiling at the weak movements of his opponents.

"Come here, accept your death!" A undead roared while controlling the horn, and a blinding light shone in the surroundings.

"Alright, then try this!" Gilgamesh waved his sword, and all the attacks flooded the ancient cemetery.

At the moment the attacks were unleashed, the red sky changed, and like each of the huge golden ripples that kept shooting golden swords descending from the sky, defeating all enemy resistance.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Gilgamesh didn't have to move a single muscle to eliminate these enemies who claimed to be the guardians of the entrance to the underworld, which was something very common under the expectations of Gilgamesh's acquaintances.