Defending the Righteous

Green Oak City.

"Everyone, take refuge inside the most resistant buildings!"

"What is that golden light?"

"What is happening in the ancient cemetery?"

Orsted looked with deep eyes at the cemetery; this had completely gone out of his plans, and he certainly didn't know what to do. After just waiting, things seemed to change overnight, leaving him with no possibility of doing anything.

Even before he could react, everything changed from waiting to taking action. How could he leverage these changes for his own benefit and how could he get ahead of the Human God? He didn't know which way to go, but he had to find a quick way to do it, and everything seemed to have taken shape when he saw that power confronting a death aura.

This place, called the ancient cemetery, was a place that shouldn't exist in the first place. But the only reason he didn't want to experiment with this place was that it didn't have an external influence interfering with his plans, but things went in a completely different direction than he expected right now.

He intended to travel the whole world with Nanahoshi, but just then chaos started in the demon continent, so he knew that something could be found, and he was right to do so.

"An incomparable force that shouldn't exist in this world..." Orsted thought as he looked at the dazzling golden lights in the distance, then lowered his gaze and saw how the whole city was about to be destroyed.

Nanahoshi at his side looked at all this with a certain fear in her body; she had never before experienced such a result of a battle even if she was accompanying the Dragon God who was challenged on many occasions by powerful beings.

But right now, the sky seemed to be screaming; the thunder, clouds, and lightning were so immense that it was difficult for her to contemplate how disastrous it could be if all that impacted the earth.

After a few seconds, she remained calm; she was on the side of the Dragon God Orsted, so she shouldn't show weakness. Although they were away from any living being to avoid Orsted's curse, they could witness how the whole city was plunged into chaos.

"Will you save them?" Nanahoshi asked with a bit of disinterest in her voice; after all, she couldn't do anything for those people.

"The result of this is an anomaly for the future, but after all, I must intervene and then go to that battlefield," said Orsted as he closed his eyes, but just at that moment, four silhouettes arrived in different areas of this city.

"Who are they?" Orsted thought as he looked at a woman with blindfolded eyes and purple hair.

In an instant, a powerful barrier covered the entire Green Oak City that was about to collapse, and calm came as if it were the result of a God's movement.

Medusa, who seemed to be talking to no one without having anyone close, smiled discreetly when she saw who was said to be the Dragon God and disappeared to then appear in front of him.

"I never expected to see the Dragon God in such a remote place like this. What is it that you are looking for in this dirty city, if I may ask?" Medusa asked with a charming smile.

Orsted remained momentarily silent; he looked deeply at the woman in front of him and asked, "Do you know the Human God?"

Medusa seemed to think and instead asked, "Why do you ask me such a strange question?"

"Just out of simple curiosity... For being a creation from a spirit, you are too strong. Can I know who your master is?" Orsted asked again, not seeing any reaction from the other party.

"My master is the King of Heroes; of course, you don't know him, but I'm sure you will soon. In contrast to your question, all I can answer is that you will know soon. Unlike the poor souls who fear you for your curse, I am not human, and my master is not weak at all. Could it be that, don't you think?" Medusa smiled slightly and said.

Orsted looked deeply at Medusa, and after a few seconds, a figure in armor covering his entire body appeared, then said, "We have killed everyone from the Millis continent; their heads lie on pikes as an example."

"If they remain so incompetent in the way they discriminate against my lord, there will be no choice but war; the Asura kingdom is ready to start the great conquest..." Medusa seemed not to care that the Dragon God was present and muttered these words.

"Even from this situation, they are blaming him. What should we do if we just kill them?" Orsted asked.

Medusa smiled slightly and said, "Our lord doesn't mind killing millions for the new world; if everyone falls for such lies, it is better for them to die with them than to live with regret."

Just as everything was about to continue, the barrier that seemed to be there began to crack, and a dazzling aura burst in the distance.

"It seems that we cannot continue with this conversation; see you." Medusa waved her hand, and a carriage appeared out of nowhere with magical horses with huge white wings and soared into the sky.

Nanahoshi had never taken her eyes off Medusa and whispered, "It can't be her..."

Orsted turned to Nanahoshi and asked, "Do you have knowledge of who she is?"

Nanahoshi thought about it for a moment and finally shook her head, "No, I must be mistaken; she shouldn't exist in this world..."

"Explain yourself!" Orsted was not satisfied with that mysterious answer.

Nanahoshi then said, "Well, she is..."