Rebirth is Accepting to Live

Origins and endings are as mysterious as life itself. Having the right to existence is just one more reason to seek the meaning of living. For many, living as much as possible is a blessing, but for others, that wonderful life for someone else is completely a curse.

When one learns that life is giving meaning to it, they will have everything figured out, and there will be nothing that can stop them.

This discovery is evidently destined to provoke lively controversy. For now, orthodox minds are delighted and very predisposed by the confirmation it provides to the history of the great sages.

"Forget that someday you will die and seek life..." murmured Gilgamesh as he walked away from the ruins of the cemetery, which was now completely destroyed and impossible for anyone to enter without dying first.

Gilgamesh remembered when he asked Utanapishtim for the secrets of immortality, and his response was the same as he gave to Aligor a few minutes ago. Back then, he didn't understand it, but now he understands that being's stance on the question of immortality.

Right now, Gilgamesh couldn't help but be lost in a daze as he thought about his entire history while flying through the air on his Vimana. As they traversed the ancient cemetery, nothing else was considered at this moment.

"Gilgamesh, is something wrong?" Eris and Roxy wondered about the strangeness in Gilgamesh's behavior.

Upon hearing that question, Gilgamesh then regained his composure. He released a smile and shook his head just to say, "It's nothing important, just remembered something that made me feel a bit strange."

The two girls looked at each other; they felt that Gilgamesh's mind was preoccupied with heavy thoughts, and it didn't seem like he was concerned about the matter that had caused a commotion in the surroundings.

At the moment, no one appeared in the surroundings. Even the Dragon God made no move, which was somewhat surprising to mention. There were very few groups of adventurers who dared to approach as they were probably too scared to set foot in this place.

However, in the last few minutes, curious beings could be seen observing the surroundings. Many seemed to want to find some treasure, but it would be a surprise if they came out of this place alive. Everyone had to watch where they stepped carefully because the entire surroundings had been completely destroyed.

In the end, many gave up upon seeing the entire ancient cemetery sunk into an enormous pit the size of a lake. No one had a backup plan when coming to this place, so many had given up trying to find any kind of reward because they knew the only thing they would find would be a premature death.

Some demons who could explore this place due to their physical capabilities died in a collapse within minutes, and others were crushed underground due to the instability of the place.

All remaining undead were crushed, some died because they couldn't withstand the weight of the rocks crushing their old bodies, dying without anyone touching them.

There were many powerful beings in the Underworld that were eliminated by Gilgamesh, but many possibly remained trapped in that collapsed dimension, and others that escaped would eventually die because they had no power source.

At the moment, everyone who ever wanted to set foot in the ancient cemetery fell into complete silence upon seeing how it had been completely destroyed. Although legends said that the dead were conscious and that the living could extend their lives, that was a great falsehood.

In the Vimana, the atmosphere was very tense as everyone waited quietly to reach the Green Oak City, intentionally going much slower because Gilgamesh needed to clear his mind.

"First, let's rest for a few days; I'll tell everyone what happened in that place once we return," said Gilgamesh as he closed his eyes with slight boredom.


In the following days, there wasn't much activity that attracted attention, especially the group of Gilgamesh, who stayed at home for a long time. During this time, Gilgamesh's people had taken complete control of the city under their command, and a foothold was established in this city.

As for the news of what had happened in this place, of course, it did not wait.

"The ancient cemetery was completely destroyed!"

That news immediately caused a commotion because it was known that many avoided entering the ancient cemetery, so knowing that this site was destroyed is somewhat shocking.

"Many died!"

Both the living and the dead. At the same time, the stone coffins disappeared with the collapse of the cemetery. It was as if the world had opened up; everyone couldn't even move due to fear, and it is estimated that at least ten thousand living beings died.

As the news spread, Gilgamesh heard the news that the Dragon God left the City with a woman on an unknown path. Upon learning this, he simply asked for the direction in which they were heading so that in a few days, he could meet them.

"Will you let me fight that dragon?!" Eris shouted extremely excited, her developed body not only affected her appearance but also her mentality.

For a while now, Gilgamesh hasn't considered her age, but still, he would be a bit reserved since it wasn't a necessity to share emotions that could be saved for later.

Roxy, who was learning about space magic, frowned and muttered, "I'm sure we would lose; he is one of the gods with the strength of a true God... That's what the legends say, of course, I can't say much more."

"Gilgamesh would crush him if they fought; our boss is powerful and invincible!" Delia couldn't help but announce with absolute excitement while eating a huge leg of meat from an unknown bird.

Gilgamesh, on the other hand, was contemplating his tranquility. It was very good for his mind to get away from the fights for a bit as he had been doing since he arrived in this world. But inevitably, he couldn't be completely away from problems because they would come one way or another. Especially when there's a false God he needs to take care of.