The Stars

Demonic Continent, Green Oak City.

Uruk Tower.

"Is this the report on the city's status?" Gilgamesh asked as he looked at a report generated by a machine, new technologies that had been implemented for people who didn't use magic.

While Gilgamesh looked at this, a magical pen flew back and forth through the movement of his hand's fingers. He was currently sitting in a spacious marble office, with minimalistic yet royally striking decor.

The wealth could be felt upon entering this room, but what made it an extremely special and pleasant place was not something out of this world. As he received this report, Gilgamesh gained a deeper understanding of the city and nodded.

In normal situations, this is a very bad city to live in, as there were constant attacks from magical beasts trying to enter the deteriorated city, causing many deaths in each creature attack.

The people living here were retired demonic adventurers; some died in battle, while others simply wished to be in places that were easy to live in economically. Here, things were very cheap, and if you were an adventurer, food was assured because they were registered in this way every time they defended the city when it was attacked.

Medusa nodded, waved her hand, and a holographic image made with magic appeared on Gilgamesh's desk, completely showing him the city in its entirety without any errors.

"As you can see, this city has the shape of a six-petal clover leaf... The imposing great wall is actually worn out; the guards barely have time to warn the city that they are being attacked, and most of the time, it is invaded by the enemy."

Gilgamesh noticed the shape of the city, and now that he sees it, it's quite large. If the walls are improved, this city could have a very important appearance, not to mention that this city could become one that rules this continent.

At this moment, Gilgamesh was not interested in taking over the entire world but having control over who rules in different places. So, he planned to give this city to Cusnfiel since, in a way, he is a demon.

Cusnfiel, who was present, frowned. The qualities of this city could be beautiful, but in a way, it would be hell to live here, and worse yet, to govern this city that was screaming to be destroyed.

There was, as far as he understood, a reason why there weren't so many cities in the demonic continent. One of them is that the larger cities were attacked by magical beasts, and they completely ignored hidden villages.

For this reason, Roxy's family lived in the village; it was safe for them to live there, and it could be said that for others, it could be a paradise, as long as we're talking about demons.

"First, let's improve the walls, use magic and do it immediately..." Gilgamesh thought that in this case, defense would be better than development, so he added: "Some combat puppets, magical barriers, and magical cannons to defend the city. I want this place to be rich, safe, and easy to live in for all those villages seeking refuge."

Cusnfiel marveled at this and added, "My lord, I won't tolerate violence, and I will make sure to meet your specifications in managing this city. But here in confidence, don't you think I am incapable of managing such a large city?"

Gilgamesh stared at him and said, "You won't escape from your duties; following me and being asleep all day does nothing for me. I don't want to have you at the entrance of my house doing nothing, patiently waiting for the cure to your problem to come out of nowhere."

Cusnfiel appreciated the embarrassment and said, "Not at all, I am Miss Eris's commander's puppet, so I didn't sleep all the time. However, if my great skills are required in this place, then I will definitely rule this city on your behalf."

"Then that's settled, I will definitely train you well." Medusa smiled chillingly, causing Cusnfiel to have back pain.

"Well, now as for the rest, we'll leave it as it is... The city's development should be slow, and all demons who decide to live here should have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the environment." Gilgamesh said as he stood up and walked towards the exit.

Medusa followed him in silence, and when the right time came, she asked, "What will be your stance with the kingdoms that are hostile to us? They are preparing; they have known in advance that our level in armament has taken several leaps, so they will not attack soon."

Gilgamesh thought about this and simply replied, "We will respond when they make a decision; our stance will be defensive, and at all times, we will not show signs of hostility. If we are the ones to attack first, it won't help much when we try to take control of the central continent."

In this aspect, Gilgamesh didn't want to be aggressive; he simply wanted to maintain control as his enemies showed their teeth. If he decides to be the aggressor, when he takes control of the territory he wants to take, it will be a disaster to control his people.

Gilgamesh didn't want to be losing at all; hence, he planned this simple strategy to avoid shedding more blood than usual. Looking at the development of this place now, there was little more he could do.