Nothing to Fear

In the City of Green Oak, everything was changing at a rapid pace that could be clearly felt.

There was a beautiful silver tower that shimmered with magical lights, resembling water droplets bubbling in the air, creating a refreshing sensation for anyone nearby.

This tower stood in the center of the city square, providing a radiant contrast amidst the destruction that had engulfed the city after the battle Gilgamesh had fought, where he ultimately decided to destroy that place.

His decision was based on the potential problems it could cause if enemies from other timelines were to enter his timeline for some control-related reason. The Human God could have countless ways of having his apostles, giving him a long list of powerful beings that could be controlled with empty promises.

If, somehow, he left that channel open, the chances of beings from other timelines coming here to disturb his mental peace were high. There would be nothing more displeasing to him than someone wasting his time.

Battles lately had been draining Gilgamesh's mental peace, which is why he decided to stay in this city for a few months. If he kept fighting recklessly, his true desire in this life might slip away even further.

"It's not pleasant to see dead people..." murmured Gilgamesh as he lounged on a recliner in the courtyard of the shining tower.

Beside him was Roxy, holding a thick book with her delicate hands, concealing a truly terrifying strength. She looked up and saw Gilgamesh, then returned her gaze to the book and said, "Who in the world would like to see corpses? It's just that you're the one who ends up killing everyone when they get in your way; normally, I just left them lying on the road."

"People are like beasts; if you look at it that way, you won't feel anything..." Eris said while practicing with a wooden sword.

"I think that's much worse." Roxy forced a smile as she tried to stay calm to quickly forget that disturbing bit of information.

Gilgamesh simply thought that each person assimilates things that are hard to see in different ways; that was totally normal and acceptable, considering Eris was no more than fifteen years old.

At that moment, he thought that it should be normal in these times to see somewhat harsh situations, considering it was common to fight with swords and cast magical spells with staffs.

"Have you tried the new food they've implemented in the Asura Kingdom's restaurants?" Gilgamesh asked, recalling the dinner from the day before, while playing with a large ruby.

"How can we eat something they can't make properly in this place?" Roxy moved Gilgamesh's hand away, which was discreetly advancing up her leg, something she wanted to stop because Gilgamesh's antics always ended up in something else.

While Roxy observed Gilgamesh's tranquility, she felt an indescribable happiness and considered that this was the best time, as when they fought against enemies on the road, things usually ended up becoming quite bad.

The outside world was in chaos with the destruction of the ancient cemetery. Countless people were talking about what had happened in the demonic continent while they were here, enjoying the day without doing much.

Everyone needed some rest, reducing exhausting routines while considering other things around them. This was the only way to disconnect a bit from the world and learn to live more healthily in terms of emotional stability.

Roxy and Eris had noticed that lately they were much more aggressive with their movements; they were ruthless with their attacks and didn't mind eliminating a few enemies that stood in their way to get out of trouble as soon as possible.

Living like that sometimes was a bit heavy. Eventually, they needed a break, and these last few days were perfect for recovering from all the problems around them.

Thinking about this, Roxy felt very happy.

When she finished reading, she looked at Gilgamesh and asked, "What should we do today?"

"Nothing special; we should take a walk and see how the city is right now. I heard they brought several tribes to this place, and many were very grateful for that." Gilgamesh replied as he stood up.

This time, Gilgamesh wanted to become more familiar with the demonic race, as he wanted to somehow connect with that race. He couldn't do it with Roxy because she had a human body, so there was little he could do about that.

After doing a few more things, Gilgamesh and the others decided to walk discreetly through the city and see how it is currently.