In a Certain Place

Rudeus had his encounter with a certain Dragon God; his fate was terribly bad, and if it weren't for Roxy's intervention, who seemed to have noticed the danger after meeting with her student, he might have died.

At that moment, Gilgamesh appeared in front of the Dragon God that many spoke of, and when he realized he was facing a powerful being, neither of them made a move.

"Roxy, take everyone a few kilometers away from here..." Gilgamesh looked at the girl with the mask, who seemed paralyzed upon seeing him, and smiled: "It seems you know me; I can't deny it. It's a surprise that you come from the same world as Cunsfiel."

Orsted looked at Gilgamesh and remained silent. He didn't know who the person in front of him was, but from his words, it seemed that the girl Nanahoshi had some knowledge of the man before her.

He had perceived the protection this man had naturally presented to all the weak, giving validity to his actions and proving now that he was not a demon as many rumors suggested.

"Well, forget it; you can go with them and let us talk calmly..." Gilgamesh smiled at Nanahoshi and pointed to the Vimana where the unconscious Rudeus was being helped aboard along with Rigurd.

Only the two of them were traveling in a group, so due to the initial confusion, Gilgamesh spoke first: "Allow me to introduce myself; I am Gilgamesh and come from the Asura Kingdom. Due to your confusion, you don't seem as you are, so let me introduce myself first."

"What has happened and what will happen, everything is strategic preparation. Due to Nanahoshi and you, things have become distorted..." Orsted murmured as he looked at Gilgamesh and asked, "Who are you?"

Waving his hands, Gilgamesh said, "I'm nobody special; nobody is anything in this world, so it would be very presumptuous of me to present myself as someone important when I only seek my mental peace."

"You speak in a peculiar way; I wonder where you come from... Of course, you're not from this world or timeline since I have no knowledge of your existence. Still, even if you present yourself as common, you have made that girl much stronger than before." Orsted had no intention of starting a direct fight with Gilgamesh, as he wanted to talk first.

Gilgamesh knew that Orsted was the most powerful being he could encounter in this world. But somehow, he thought there was no need to fight this time, and he felt like he was looking at someone who deserved a certain level of respect.

He didn't know Orsted's story, but from his aura and the reactions of the other people, it seemed that he had many bindings in his body.

"You know, I have no intention of fighting, much less for what you did... I wouldn't have cared if you had killed that child, and because he is alive, I will worry less about that." Gilgamesh looked at Orsted with a smile.

"Do you think you have a chance of winning?" Orsted asked with a furrowed brow.

"I would absolutely win, even without lifting a finger," Gilgamesh said, confident in his words.

"Do you know Hitogami?"

"Are you referring to that false God? Yes, when I woke up with all my memories in this world and was still recovering my power, he asked me to kill you. I don't like it when an idiot gives me orders, especially a God like the one who appeared in my dream. I've been looking for him throughout the central continent, the demon continent, and now I'm heading home."

Orsted frowned; his aura increased, and he was about to attack Gilgamesh when he said, "Although I'm sure I know where he is, compared to my mission to kill him, you seem to hate him more. So, I wonder, will you be an obstacle to me?"

"The one who will eliminate Hitogami will be me. I won't allow anyone else to intervene when I have been waiting for thousands of years to achieve it. In that case, how do you know where the Human God is?" Orsted asked, furrowing his brow even more.

"I just told you, I hate it when people order me, especially when they seem to have the intention of eliminating me. It's curious; I don't want to fight you, but I want to know how strong you are..." Gilgamesh waved his hand, and a silver sword appeared in his right hand.

Orsted didn't judge Gilgamesh's strength; he immediately took a sword and in an instant clashed against Gilgamesh.


The mountain on which they stood collapsed from the first sword clash, and in a single second, hundreds more impacts were heard in a chain. The muffled sounds of the blows were thunderous, causing the earth to shake, and the sky turned red.

Gilgamesh knew that to resolve any misunderstanding, there was nothing better than fights. Besides, he wanted to know how strong Orsted was and if it was worth getting involved with him.