Unleashing the Storm Surge - III

Conrad took a deep breath. With the Elder Princess as her backing, not to mention him, even the top relics of the Etheric Academy wouldn't dare to expel her unless they could defeat her head-on and rob her of the so-called "contest" excuse. 

He really couldn't do anything to Ravenna.

Would he just let Ravenna speak freely around them? Let her introduce the Etheric Academy in her own words? Let the enemy run rampant in their own base... Even if the Etheric Academy took this opportunity to borrow Ansel's influence, if this news got out, where would the Etheric Academy's face be? What would Ansel, who was now listening to Ravenna's wild words, think?

Perhaps Conrad should be grateful that there would be no students on Ansel's tour route, otherwise handling public opinion would be even more troublesome.