Unleashing the Storm Surge - IV

In the semi-open corridor, a sudden burst of pure white light appeared, akin to a gateway. 

A silhouette emerged from the light, gently descending from mid-air. He wore a deep purple crown and was draped in a robe of pure white, yet this white was branded with countless intricate and twisted patterns. 

"It's been a while, Ansel."

The ordinary-looking man burst into laughter, "The last time we met was four years ago when Mr. Flamelle asked me to teach you soul magic."

\Ansel bowed slightly with the simple etiquette of a junior, "The scene of that day is still fresh in my mind, Lord Soren."

Soren Canaster, the Soul Dominator, the Eternal Lost Eye, one of the nine highest seats in the Etheric Academy, possessed a terrifying mastery in the study of soul magic that was unparalleled in the empire.

"However, I didn't expect," he said with a light laugh, "that you would come so quickly."