Phantasm Armament - I

The blood flames are burning.

As the sun sank below the horizon, a second blood-red sun ignited in the sky above the imperial capital.

At this moment, all the fifth-stage extraordinary beings within the empire turned their gaze towards the direction of the capital, either in disbelief or in utter shock.

Ephesande Flamefeast, the supreme empress, had long reached the end of her glorious life.

The last time she flaunted her power so recklessly was thirty-two years ago when she dragged a sky-covering void whale out of the Zero Realm Enigma.

At that time, Ephesande did not take pleasure in war and torment, nor did she hide within the source flame, neglecting state affairs.

Back then, she could still proudly declare her power to the empire, unconditionally distributing the rare void whale, unseekable in the past hundred years, to her subjects.