Phantasm Armament - II

After an indeterminate amount of time, the grand gates of Anthicheg's palace slowly creaked open. 

Ansel , who had come to confront the Empress, stood resolutely at the entrance, leaning on his scepter.

"Why not come in, Ansel?" 

A voice echoed from the depths of the hall, causing Ansel to raise an eyebrow slightly. The seductive tone, dripping with disdain… made it clear that the Empress held him in utter, utter contempt. 

However, provoking a divine species without wielding the necessary power was foolish, and the Empress's current attitude of complete control was, in fact, expected.

The young Hydral merely smiled and walked calmly into the hall. 

The palace doors closed with a thunderous grind, and the flamboyant blood flames ignited in the braziers on either side of the hall.