
In front of the hospital are a line of police cars, Armsmaster, Miss Militia and Velocity arrived at the scene other heroes are already there or still on their way. The city is in a panic right now as what looks like a large group of new Empire capes who are all women had attack the Winslow highschool injuring many students and teachers as they tore it apart chasing after Shadow Stalker in civilian identity has been exposed as a number of students saw her used her powers as she was chased around the school, till the empire capes captured her.

Now she's being held hostage by the Empire capes and three other students. They brought the four girls to the nearest hospital where one of the girls was taken inside and being treated by the medical staff. Under the eyes of younger capes while the older ones stood guard outside the hospital. All of them had strange tinker weapons and equipments that look like parts of warships. Many of them have the equipment either attached to their bodies in some way, or are just floating around them.

The young ones had their equipments on backpacks or handheld for the most part. The older ones some had theirs on backpacks like the younger ones and some are armed with normal weapons like swords or guns. But others just had their equipment float around them, and are shaped like creatures of the sea or ships, with many having shark like heads with eyes and jagged jaws, with some having dragon like heads for their weapons. A group of the capes are all riding on top of what like like hover bikes.

Speaking of which all of the capes are able to hover in the air like their equipments, or simply are riding on top of them. Also many of them are wearing clothes that show off or reveal lots of skin, even the younger ones. Many of them also have wild hairstyles and hair colors that look like something right out of an anime. (1)

All the heroes of the city are being called in to handle the situation before the hospital becomes a battleground. They're all holding back as Shadow Stalker and 2 of the 3 girls are being held in the jaws of those mechanical monsters. All three have their arms and legs hang lifeless like rag dolls, all of their bones in their arms and legs have been crushed crippling them for the rest of their lives. All of them have passed out from the pain, but one of the girls had waken up and was crying before falling silent again.

"Where's the 4th girl?" Armsmaster ask Glory Girl who flew over to him.

"Inside still being treated and under heavy guard. I tried talking to one of the women but all she spoke was German. Another who speaks English told me that they will only speak to someone with authority," Glory Girl said.

Armsmaster nodded as he spoke with command and got the go ahead, walking towards the women who stared at him. The turrets and mechanical monsters also turn their attention to him.

"I'm Armsmaster, I speak for the PRT," Armsmaster said making sure all could hear him as he amps up his voice. "Who speaks for you?"

One of the young women began floating towards him, a blonde with green eyes. She is wearing a modified version of a Kriegsmarine's officer uniform. Specifically, it resembles the one used by admirals of the German Navy with black-grey coat, cap, and is holding what looks like a special ceremonial baton. The cross Hipper wears around her neck is the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, one of the highest military medals awarded in Nazi Germany. She has two shark like mechanical monsters floating on either side of her.

"I am KMS Admiral Hipper, I speak for our fleet," the woman said as she waves to the three hostages held in the jaws of the mechanical monsters they control. "I want these 3 arrested for assaulting a royal princess of the house of Hohenzollern."

"What?" Armsmaster asked completely stun.


Author's Notes -

1 - The shipgirls can hover in the air when they're using their rigs both on water and on land. They're slower on land then they are on water. The reason why, is that the artwork shows the rig weapons just floating in the air not attached to some of the shipgirls. So in this story the shipgirls when using their rigs can hover in the air.
