
"Matching the blood sample from the hospital, shows that the newest parahuman, Taylor Hebert / The Admiral does come from Germany from her mother's side of the family," Dragon said who's been using her computer network to trace the bloodline of the Hebert girl.

"Is she blood related to the old German royal family?" Piggot asked over the com channel.

"Yes, I managed to trace it to the House of Hohenzollern from Henry's bloodline the brother of William 2nd the last German Emperor and King and Prussia. Which would also make her a princess of the royal family of England thanks to Princess Victoria being the mother of her great something grandfather. Still trying to find out how he fathered a child that wasn't recorded," Dragon said.

"Most likely the the prince was away from home and met up with a girl. It happens," Piggot said. (1)

"Yes, it most likely why. Was out having a good time and ended up fathering a child he had no idea of," Dragon said.

"And what of the claims that those German women are actually warships?" Piggot asked.

"The German ships that were kept around as museum ships have disappeared and strange storms had appeared over the sites where the wreckage of the other ships were located. The strange thing is the aircraft carries of the German navy were never made, but some of the ships are claiming to be just planned ships," Dragon said.

"How many are there?" Piggot ask dreading the answer.

"There are 66 shipgirls as they call themselves," Dragon said.

"Shipgirls?" Piggot ask.

"Three of the young girls who are grade school age from the looks of them, call themselves that," Dragon said bringing up a picture of three small girls in the waiting room of the hospital. Watching the tv placed there for the kids to watch while they wait.

One of the girls is coloring on the strange hybrid of machine and monster. It looks like it has two heads and has two gun turrets on one head and two more on the other. The girl is using the flat surface as a drawing board. Another girl is sitting on one that looks like a three headed flying dragon with the and clutching a gun turret in her arms. The last is sitting on a small boat with torpedo tubes on the right side and a gun turret on the left. The thing that caught Piggot's attention is that the girl has oversized metal clawed gauntlets on her hands that look as big as her but has no trouble moving around with them or used them. And that she has a long metal tail coming out from under her black dress.

Little Prinz Eugen, Zeppy, and Little Spee, they're the youngest looking of the shipgirls and act like small children. They also have older counterparts who they say are them but older," Dragon said.

"Never mind are they what they claim to be?" Piggot ask.

Dragon brought up a radar and sonar scan she did on the hospital to detect how many of the shipgirls there are. Instead of showing the women and their strange weapons, the pictures showed the outlines of ships and submarines. With a picture of the shipgirls and side by side to compare their locations.

"My god," Piggot said as she knows that powers are bullshit at times, but this is too much.

"The Hebert girl is still hasn't waken up yet. The shipgirls are claiming that they heard her cries for help and came to save her and punish the ones who harm a royal princess. The WW1 era shipgirls miss being apart of an empire and hate what happen to their former empire afterwards. The WW2 era shipgirls are looking forward to serve their new Fuhrer who isn't the madman who took control," Dragon said.

"And they're just going to wait till she wakes up?" Piggot ask worried of what happens if she doesn't wake up.

"Yes, that's their purpose. They serve the royal heir who has the power to call upon their strength and bring them to life," Dragon said.

"Any idea what they're able to do?" Piggot ask.

"None, so far but all of them will be high level brutes from the damage they caused at the school. Shadow Stalker and her two friends, arms and legs are crush. There are footage of the shipgirls crushing their limbs with their hands like crushing an eggshell. They have no bones left in their limbs, its all crush," Dragon said.

"Have, Panacea patch them up after she treats the Hebert girl. She's needed to get her projections under control. As for Shadow Stalker have her lock up with her two friends," Piggot said, not wanting to deal with an army of projections going on a rampage. And if they find out they haven't lock up the one who harm their princess, they just might do that.


Author's Notes -

1 - The reason why Taylor is a princess is because her great something grandfather slept with a girl he met while away from home.
