
In her room in the hospital, Taylor is hooked up to medical machines while her father Danny sits next to her. He was held back by the police till, the shipgirls force the police to let him pass. The 3 girls who put her in the hospital are now in a cell, after they were publicly humiliated and paraded around after being tarred and feathered for hours. Before being made to crawl away, where the PRT troops took them away. Which caused Taylor to trigger and summon German warships from both world wars in the form of women.

The shipgirls seem to follow the logic of the the size of the ship is how old the shipgirl appears, with 3 exceptions. The destroyers age range came to be around from grade school age to around Taylor's age, the same went for the submarines. Who all wear skimpy clothes over swimsuits or just swimsuits, which seeing how they're shipgirls who are suppose to be in water makes sense for them wearing swimsuits, but is jarring to have young girls. No them being shipgirls means all of them are all either nearly a 100 or over a 100 years old. They just look and act like young children as they're not human but ships in human form. (1)

The cruisers age appearance are from older teens to young adults. The battleships and the carriers are all adults who like the younger looking shipgirls wear skimpy or form fitting clothes. Which shows off their more than ample figures that strain the clothes that they wear or lack of clothes. All of whom are completely loyal to his daughter who is from her mom's side of the family a member of the old German royal family.

In the room with him is one of the shipgirls, or two as she constantly changes her appearance whenever the other personality takes over. The shipgirl is the personification of... two separate SMS Emdens, both the legendary cruiser of the Dresden-class as well as the later 1916-era Konigsberg-class cruiser. He can tell which one is using their body by how they wear either black or white and which eye their eye patch is covering. Not to mention how they act, with her white color scheme, soft appearance, and gentle manner of speech would imply otherwise, Dresden Emden is actually quite sinister and domineering.

The other shipgirls are keeping guard outside the room and around the hospital. The smaller shipgirls are all around the hospital, keeping watch with those mechanical weapon beasts things they call their rigging. Even the young looking ones have them which scares the hospital staff of their presents.

"Dad?" Taylor ask waking up.

"Taylor you're awake," Danny said.

"Welcome back princess," Konigsberg Emden greeted her princess admiral.

"What?" Taylor ask looking at her dad.

"You triggered and now can summon shipgirls like Emden here. And it turns out your mother is part of the old German royal family," Danny said.

"I'm a what?" Taylor ask.

"It's going to take awhile to explain," Danny said.


Outside -

On a roof top, Armsmaster is talking with the Wards, Aegis, Clockblocker, Kid Win, Gallant, Vista, and Browbeat about Foreign Affairs ordering for them to stand down. The other heroes have been informed about the update orders already, it's out of their hands now. The government is sending someone to handle things as this is a diplomatic issue and didn't want the PRT to make things even a bigger mess.

"Her minions publicly humiliated, Shadow Stalker and her two friends, and we can't do anything about it?" Gallant ask.

"Sure, I'm not going to make a big deal that Shadow Stalker is now a laughing stock and will never be taken seriously ever again. But she is a Ward, we can't just let that slide," Aegis said.

"Really? You want to go after her and take on her army of minions with that kind of firepower just for a teammate that none of us like?" Vista asked.

"It's more about reputation, not that we care about avenging her," Clockblocker explains.

"We can't do anything about The Admiral. The government gives us the order to stand down. From what Piggot said, both Germany and England now have an interest in her, now that it's confirm that she's of royal blood of both countries. The government doesn't want to make this into a international scene, so we all stand down and let their people handle things," Armsmaster said.

"Well, I don't want to fight those shipgirls. They're too powerful and too many," a Kid Win said.


Back inside the hospital -

"They were tarred and feathered?" Taylor ask having learned what happen to the three bullies.

"We strip them fo their clothes and tarred and feather them. Then parade them around for a couple of hours before letting them crawl away," Emden white said.

"Good," Taylor said learning that the reason why the bullies got away with what they did to her is because one of them is a Ward, Shadow Stalker.

"No way this can be covered up," Danny said.

"And you destroyed the school?" Taylor ask again.

"Yes during the chase after Shadow Stalker we smash through the walls and anything else. We also smash quite a few of the students and teachers as we did so," Emden black said.

"And I'm a princess?" Taylor ask.

"You are of the bloodline of the German royal family and a member of the English royal family as well. From your mom's side of the family," Danny said.

"You all came when I called for help?" Taylor ask the shipgirl before her.

"Yes, there are more of us waiting for your call," Emden white said.

"This is too much," Taylor said laying back down on the bed. "I have my own army and of royal blood. How did that happen?"

"We don't know, just that we do know you are about of the royal house of Hohenzollern from Henry's bloodline the brother of William 2nd the last German Emperor and King and Prussia," Emden black said.

"And why do you keep changing clothes?" Taylor ask, every few seconds Emden would change clothes and which eye is cover by her eye patch.

"They're actually two ship that share the same name, sharing one body," Danny said.

"Oh," Taylor said staring at Emden and got an idea in her head. "Maybe I can separate you two."

"You can?" Emden ask.

"Well, I summon you all, maybe, I can summon one of you. Give me you hand," Taylor said grabbing Emden's hand and closing her eyes trying to use her power to summon them apart.


Outside -

Dragon since the German warships disappeared from museums or where they rested after being sunk, been monitoring for any report of any other ships disappearing. Strange weather patterns and energy readings began to be reported all around the world. The source is coming from the hospital where The Admiral is located.

"The Admiral is awake and using her power," Dragon said over the coms.

"What?" Assault ask over the coms.

"What do we do?" Gallant ask.

"Stand down," Piggot said over the com. "Dragon what's happening down there?"

Dragon using one of her drones has been keeping watch of the Iron Blood fleet.

"The Iron Blood fleet are all staring at the hospital. Looks like they're being called or can sense the use of the Admiral's power," Dragon said.

"Are there any new shipgirls?" Piggot ask.

"Still sorting through the data," Dragon said having to sort through all the different news coming from all over the world to find what she's looking for.

"Never mind, I see a huge number of shipgirls incoming from the south, Gad Street," Glory Girl said over the com.

"How many German ships?" Dragon ask having made a list of the German warships of both world wars.

"They're not German!" Glory said flying over the horde of shipgirls racing to the hospital with some of them flying in the air. "The British are coming!" (2)


Author's Notes -

1 - Please notes that the young looking shipgirls aren't really young girls. They are warships from both world wars and are nearly or over a 100 years old. It's the same thing with child looking characters who are really over a 1,000 year old long lived or immortal being. Or since the shipgirls are warships, would be more like avatars projections or robots.

2 - All the aircraft carriers can hover higher in the air then the other shipgirls, giving them limited flight capabilities.
