
The scene outside of the hospital is tense as the Royal Navy and the Iron Blood fleet stare down each other. The Royal Navy shipgirls are very different from their Iron Blood counterparts, as their rigging are more ship like then the mechanical war beasts the other shipgirls are armed with. Then there's how they're dress as a large number of them are wearing dresses and outfits that aren't navy or military style, with most revealing way too much skin. Not to mention a large number of them are dress as maids, with the older ones wearing fetish maid outfits. Curiously enough, the Royal Navy has a large number of buxom ships.

The Royal Navy have the numbers, while the Iron Blood have the firepower and armor. If they were to fight, they would tear apart the city. Which the PRT and the heroes were being ordered to get as many people out of the city if they started fighting. (1)

"What do we do?" Clockblocker ask, seeing how there is no time to joke with the stand off taking place right in front of him.

"We need to get as many people out of the area while we can," Velocity who being in the arm forces, knows what kind of firepower the shipgirls have. With the little display showing that their weapons have the same firepower as if they were the full size weapons found on warships.

"No you need to get in the hospital and get The Admiral to get control of her shipgirls," Miss Militia said.

"Look!" Vista pointed to two of the older shipgirls walking towards each other and stopping as they keep their eyes lock on each other.

"That's HMS Hood and KMS Bismarck. Hood was sank by Bismarck," Dragon said.

"This is bad," Armsmaster said.


With the Shipgirls -

"Hood," Bismarck said to her old foe.

"Bismarck," Hood responded to the one who sank her.

"Hood," Bismarck said her eyes narrowing.

"Bismarck," Hood said her eyes narrowing.

"Hood," Bismarck said her turrets taking aim.

"Bismarck," Hood said her turrets taking aim.

The other shipgirls also prepared their weapons as they stared down at each other. The heroes and PRT troops, police all began getting the crowds of people away before the gun start firing. Piggot was busy calling for help as things would go all down hill once the two fleets start fighting.

Two cannon fire silenced everything, a cannon ball struck Hood's right butt cheek and another cannon ball stuck Bismarck's left butt cheek. Causing the two shipgirls to give out a girlish shriek. Everyone turn to the one who fired the two shots. Standing in the middle of the two fleets is a woman with greying black hair, and wearing the uniform of a Royal Navy officer from the late 1700's.

Like the Royal Navy fleet she's flying the Union Jack flag but of an older style and has rigging like them. But her cannons are the old fashion cannons that fires cannonballs and the rigging is made out of wood. On her back she has a mast with raised sails on it.

"Enough," the woman said in a commanding tone, that reminded many how a grandmother would talk to young children. Which had the same effect as the Royal Navy shipgirls cowered before her, while the Iron Blood shipgirls didn't for the most part with only the young ones cowering. The older ones just frowned as they stared at the older woman.

"Victory, I'm surprise to see you," Bismarck said rubbing her butt. Hood on the other hand is also rubbing her butt but is walking back to her side, while staring at Victory. "Your cannons are obsolete. Didn't even leave a mark. Don't know why your girls even listen to you." (1)

"I'm not here to fight with you girl. I'm here to answer the call from the young princess. So you girls stop this at once, the princess won't like it if you two turn this place into a war zone," Victory said looking over the two fleets. "Queen Elizabeth you with me. Admiral Hipper and Friedrich der Grosse you two coming too."

"Wait why are we listening to you?" Admiral Hipper asked. "You're not our granny."

"I said move girl! We need to explain things to the princess," Victory said.

"She's the same as always," Friedrich der Grosse said walking to the entrance.

"Fine," Admiral Hipper said.

The four shipgirls walk into the hospital with the two fleets staying where they are.

"Victory?" Kid Win ask the group of heroes.

"HMS Victory, the oldest warship still in commission as a warship. She's an old fashion sail ship and looks like as a shipwoman in her case, she commands the younger ships like a grandmother to her kids," Armsmaster said.


Inside the hospital -

In her hospital room, Taylor is dealing with the fact that while she did get Emden to be separate into Emden Dresden and Emden Konigsberg she also summon a fleet of English shipgirls, numbering 102. And leading them is the flagship of the First Sea Lord of the Royal Navy, HMS Victory. Who takes the form of an elderly woman unlike the younger shipgirls.

Standing next to her is HMS Queen Elizabeth, who unlike most other battleships, took the form of a young teenage girl with long blonde hair. She wore a crown and held a scepter, wearing an odd swimsuit that has long gloves and stockings. Of course she could just be just short. She claims to be in charge of the English fleet but one word from Victory makes her jump, reminding her of how some grandmothers have that effect on their kids. (2)

For the German shipgirls, KMS Admiral Hipper who has taken charge of the Iron Blood fleet, and Friedrich der Grosse who was the proposed H-39. Whether or not she's the Kaiserliche Marine's Friedrich der Grosse, somehow resurrected in a new ship class and frame. Queen Elizabeth at first thinks she's the same person (while wondering how that's possible) and even in "Rondo at Rainbow's End" clearly has some suspicions about the whole thing; and according to the Kaiserliche girls who were revived as their original selves (albeit with some "updates" that make their riggings more in line with modern IB design), their first, immediate impression was that this Friedrich was indeed the Friedrich they knew, and they have to look closely to realize that isn't quite right and there are, apparently, some un-elaborated-on differences. Friedrich, for her part, asserts that she isn't "the Friedrich they know"... but her wording is still ambiguous enough to be open to a variety of interpretations (which is likely intentional, both on her part and the part of the writers). She does seem to know a damned lot about the "old" Ironblood for someone ostensibly so new, but whether it's simply the result of research or something more is, again, left ambiguous.

Which ended when Taylor being in the same room while the two talk, ordered Friedrich to just spill it and tell her if she is or isn't the old Friedrich der Grosse. Which said shipgirl explains that she's the old spirit of the original Friedrich der Grosse but has a new body.

"Just for that, you're demoted to Admiral Hipper's first officer... or whatever and she's the flag ship of the Iron Blood fleet," Taylor said annoyed by Friedrich der Grosse playing being all mysterious.

"Hah!" Admiral Hipper bark at Friedrich der Grosse.

"All, I was trying to do was to summon the other Emden so that they wouldn't have to share a body," Taylor said. "Now, I have a second fleet of shipgirls from another country? How did that happen?"

"One of your grandmothers was the daughter of Queen Victoria of England," Queen Elizabeth stated.

"Oh," Taylor said.

"On that matter, with you nearly being killed by the ones who put you in this hospital. They need to be properly punish for their actions," Victory said.

"They're being taken to jail," Taylor said.

"We lash them followed by taring and feathering them and paraded them around for a couple of hours to publicly shame and humiliate them," Admiral Hipper said.

"Queen Elizabeth, your radio is on right?" Victory ask.

"Yes," Queen Elizabeth said.

"Turn it on, I have an order to give to the girls. And have it be an open channel," Victory said.

"Open channel," Queen Elizabeth said.

"The three young women who made a attempt on the life of princess Taylor Hebert have been taken to the local prison. Go and take them so they can be properly hang," Victory said.

"What?" Taylor asked.

"They nearly killed you. And as a member of the royal family, the 3 young women are to be hanged," Victory said.

"They're already in prison," Taylor said.

"And their crime still stands. A attempt on the life of a member of the royal family, is a crime not to ever be taken lightly. In my time we either hand and quarter the ones who tried and display their heads on pikes. We need to send a message to any would be assassins. I think rounding up their families and having them killed in front of them before they share their fate is called for," Victory said.

"I order you not to!" Taylor said.

"Can't do that," Victory said to Taylor. "You called us to your service, but we are still members of the Royal Navy and have a clear line of command. You are only a princess and this attack on you, just can't be ordered off by you. Besides we're a constitutional monarchy, the crown still has power but not at the level when I was young. And as I said your aunt is the current queen, while you're a princess. With this world full of superpower beings like yourself, a statement needs to be made that attacking you will result in a stiff response. They can't be let off lightly or that will show that people can torment you for years and nothing will be done about it. So, a example must be made, showing that it's not just any would be assassins or those who seek harm to you, their lives would be on the line. No, it be their families who will also suffer as well."

"One of the heroes, Dragon wants to speak with you. She's been listening in," Queen Elizabeth said.

"I know, that's why, I had you have an open channel for anyone to listen on in," Victory said.

"Want to talk to her?" Queen Elizabeth ask.

"No, but Dragon is it? If you don't want us to go and kill the ones who assaulted the princess here and their families. You are to put them into the Birdcage prison at once. No going to court, no dragging your feet, just do it. Or them and their families will be executed by me," Victory said.

"You?" Taylor asked.

"Yes by me. I'm old my princess, over 200 years old, my girls will merely bring the ones to be executed to me. I'm a jaded and grizzly soldier, who has done what needed to be done long and many times, where hearing the begging of a child to be hanged, I have long since gotten use to," Victory said. "So tell who you need to tell about my demands. For, I will always protect the royal family, no matter the cost. Even if, I have to be the villain to do it."

"Wow, you're really blood thirsty," Admiral Hipper said.

"When the situation demands it," Victory said as she looks to Taylor. "I know, I'm a monster to you, with what, I'm willing to do. I do it, because someone has to do things that leaves them scarred and be seen as a monster, so that the innocent can be protected, be able to sleep without fear of a villain breaking into their homes at night. If, I can't see that the ones who tried to kill you, not be punished, then, I can't be expected to protect you from other threats. This is my oath to you my princess. I will always be there to protect you and see that justice is done, for I see in your eyes that the people who suppose to protect you, failed so many times before. Which is why, I'm doing this. To show you what lengths I will go to see the ones who did this to you punished."

"I see," Taylor said seeing a someone who will protect her, after so long of none.



"Send the 3 girls to the Birdcage," Piggot ordered on the coms.

"What?" Armsmaster asked on the coms.

"You heard them. Unless you want to deal with something that would be like Slaughterhouse 9 event but with more firepower. I'm having the girls being taken to the Birdcage now, or we be dealing with those shipgirls not only killing them but their families as well. All to show what she's willing to do for her princess," Piggot said.

"Maybe we can have a high ranking member of the Royal Navy talk to her or have the other shipgirls to back down?" Armsmaster suggested.

"Victory is the First Sea Lord's Flagship, and the oldest commission warship. You saw how she cowered the Royal Navy fleet, she's the matriarch of that fleet. Even if she's the weakest, the shipgirls all follow her orders. And there are over a 100 of them. You really think we be able to stop them?" Piggot asks.

"No," Armsmaster said.

"If it takes throwing those worthless girls into the Birdcage to keep this from turning into another Nilbog event, so be it," Piggot said not wanting to go through that ever again.


Author' Notes -

1 - HMS Victory is still a commission navy ship of the British Royal Navy, which in real life is over 200 years old. Meaning on paper even if she was never used in either world wars, is a warship that served in both wars. And in 1941, Victory sustained damage when a 500 lb. bomb dropped by the Luftwaffe broke her keel. Which kind of makes her apart of the war and was too damage to take apart in it, even if it would had been more of training than anything else.

2 - The top (non-shiplike) portion of Queen Elizabeth's scepter is loosely based on the Sovereign's Sceptre with Cross. One of the Crown Jewels, it has been used at the coronation of every British monarch since Charles II was crowned in 1661. Ironically, this means that her namesake never wielded it, as Elizabeth I died in 1603.

3 - Constitutional monarchies range from countries such as Liechtenstein, Monaco, Morocco, Jordan, Kuwait, and Bahrain, where the constitution grants substantial discretionary powers to the sovereign, to countries such as Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, and Japan, where the monarch retains significantly less personal discretion in the exercise of their authority.

Constitutional monarchy may refer to a system in which the monarch acts as a non-party political head of state under the constitution, whether codified or uncodified. While most monarchs may hold formal authority and the government may legally operate in the monarch's name, in the form typical in Europe the monarch no longer personally sets public policy or chooses political leaders. Political scientist Vernon Bogdanor, paraphrasing Thomas Macaulay, has defined a constitutional monarch as "A sovereign who reigns but does not rule".

In addition to acting as a visible symbol of national unity, a constitutional monarch may hold formal powers such as dissolving parliament or giving royal assent to legislation. However, such powers generally may only be exercised strictly in accordance with either written constitutional principles or unwritten constitutional conventions, rather than any personal political preferences of the sovereign. In The English Constitution, British political theorist Walter Bagehot identified three main political rights which a constitutional monarch may freely exercise: the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, and the right to warn. Many constitutional monarchies still retain significant authorities or political influence, however, such as through certain reserve powers, and may also play an important political role.

The United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms are all constitutional monarchies in the Westminster system of constitutional governance. Two constitutional monarchies – Malaysia and Cambodia – are elective monarchies, in which the ruler is periodically selected by a small electoral college.

Strongly limited constitutional monarchies, such as the United Kingdom and Australia, have been referred to as crowned republics by writers H. G. Wells and Glenn Patmore.

The concept of semi-constitutional monarch identifies constitutional monarchies where the monarch retains substantial powers, on a par with a president in a presidential or semi-presidential system. As a result, constitutional monarchies where the monarch has a largely ceremonial role may also be referred to as 'parliamentary monarchies' to differentiate them from semi-constitutional monarchies
