
The members of the Cauldron are meeting to discuss the recent events that happen in Brockton Bay. The news stations have been all over how 3 highschool girls had triggered a fellow highschool girl causing her to summon a fleet of German warships in the form of young women calling themselves shipgirls. Followed by the 3 being lash then tarred and feathered with them being paraded around for hours. Followed by the new parahuman, The Admiral summoning a fleet of English shipgirls. Who made the PRT to throw the 3 girls into The Birdcage, for their attempted murder of The Admiral.

The Baumann Parahuman Containment Center, better known as the Birdcage, is a prison for parahumans that have committed crimes severe enough that they must be removed from society. It is not designed to allow prisoners to leave after they have been imprisoned within it. Because prisoners are only meant to enter the prison, prisoners are loaded onto an elevator with limited oxygen.

The Admiral or Taylor Hebert can command the shipgirls but her orders can be ignored as she tried to order HMS Victory to stop but she refused to follow the order. For she's a princess of both the British royal family and of the former royal family of Germany. And Victory being the oldest commissioned warship, followed the laws that dealt with assault and attempted murder of a member of the royal family. Which was to kill the girls family members in front of them before doing the same to them. The only way out was to throw the girls into the Birdcage where they would become the prison toilets if they weren't just raped and then killed by the inmates. In that order if they're lucky, for there is no guards in the prison and the only order came from the block leaders of the different cell blocks.

In the room the meeting taking place in are the members of the Cauldron, Doctor Mother, Contessa, The Number Man, Legend, Alexandria and Eidolon.

"The shipgirls are blocking my powers, I cannot see their actions. They're not powered by the shards, the Hebert girls shard merely summon them," Contessa said.

"Their powers are unknown then. Any idea what they can do?" Legend asked.

"I used several paths of victories where I tried to kill The Admiral. All of them ends with me being killed. They can eat and sleep but don't need either, but eating food does refuel and refill their ammo, but other than that they don't need to eat. They also don't need to breath, and they're completely immune to any form of mind control or having their weapon systems turn against them. Tinker-tech or any other technology controlling power doesn't work on them either. From what I glimpse from those paths, they're able to do more then use naval weapons from their time. Some of the shipgirls are able to create shields, that activate whenever I tried to attack from a distance. When I try to kill her by getting close, the shipgirls usually stop me and when I did kill The Admiral, I never make it out alive for long. And there's what happens to the shipgirls when I do manage to escape, they always track me down and even break into here more than once. And they have killed all of you in those paths. Their weapons are like String Theory's Driver weapons," Contessa said. (2)

"As in the weapon she was trying to knock the moon out of orbit with?" Alexandria asked.

"It explains why their weapons pack the same punch as if they're full sized," The Number Man said.

"You were saying something about them changing when The Admiral dies?" Eidolon asked.

"They become like... twisted versions of themselves and the longest where, I stayed alive. Global shipping had grind to a halt with all the shipping lanes have become too dangerous to sail through and coastal areas are mostly abandon as the shipgirls bomb them from off shore and raid them for supplies. They became even a bigger threat then the Endbringers, thanks to them being more active," Contessa said.

"Then we have to make sure The Admiral stays alive then," Doctor Mother said.

"Are the shipgirls really that powerful? Didn't we in those paths kill some of them?" Legend asks.

"About that, turns out they can be killed. Its just that they can be rebuilt and any weakness they had before, had been upgraded using modern technology. You yourself killed both Bismarck and Tirpitz, both of them were rebuilt and return the favor by using you as a wishbone and tearing you in half," Contessa said making Legend flinch at the thought of being torn in half. (1)

"Wait how do they upgrade themselves?" Alexandria asked.

"About that," Contessa said.


Brockton Bay -

Taylor lay back on her bed as she uses her ipad to view what's happening at the docks where her dad works at. Turns out her shipgirls can desummon their rigs placing them in a subspace pocket, or make their original ship's body to appear. HMS Warspite had summon her ship's body and it's now dock at the port at the dockyard. The other Royal Navy shipgirls are now living on her ship, Friedrich der Grobe is doing the same for the Iron Blood fleet. (3)

The shipgirls of both fleets have been busy as they been stripping the abandon ships of the boat graveyard for parts. They also been draining the boats of any remaining fuel and other fluids used to maintain machinery. Which they drink to top off their fuel tanks. Turns out the shipgirls resupply their fuel and ammo or repairing by eating and drinking, with the food being turn into what they need to fill up with. Drinking oil just works better then eating food which has to be converted into oil.

Both of the ships are still using technology from the time they were made, so the shipgirls are fixing that, installing new and better technology to replace old obsolete parts. They even installed some of the still working or repairable generators from the boats they been stripping and installed solar panels to the ships to help supply the ship with power. Which the other shipgirls have also been doing with what they can find and repair.

The shipgirls have been trying out new technology to see what it would do in working their old equipments. Old satellite dishes are being tried to improve their air and fire control radars. And installed Wi-Fi routers so they have internet access, which all the ships have done, even Victory who had a gas powered generator installed so that she can have power to run a computer system and electric lights.

The shipgirls also turn out to have a crew that operate their equipment, who look like them but can't use the rigs and wear different uniforms to show what they do. Both Friedrich der Grobe and Warspite have their crew now full size and are the ones who are doing the installing of new equipments. Which also made it impossible for anyone to try sneaking onto the ship, for they can't blend in with the shipgirls crew. (4)

"Well I have less to worry about," Taylor said looking at the pile of letters on the table next to her bed.

It didn't take long for the British and German governments to contact her. Followed by the US government trying to make sure they won't be losing a parahuman like her to another country. They already railroaded the people who should had done something at her old school to be arrested for child endangerment, with the school being closed down for the amount of damage her shipgirls did. Trying to show that they can punish the ones who did nothing for 3 years, which Taylor responded that they should had done it when it would had matter. Which cause lots of trouble for the PRT with the public for allowing a Ward to trigger someone.

"The PRT is kissing up to me to get me to join the Wards to off set the bad press they're getting," Taylor said scanning one of the letters from said government department.

"Your aunt is inviting you to move to England and be a hero there," HMS Glasgow said who is in the room with her, being one of the few maids whose outfit doesn't make her blush. She's been taking care of her and acts as her personal bodyguard while she's in the hospital.

"And the German government is inviting you as well. You are more German then English," Peter Strasser said. Whose outfit also doesn't reveal too much, of her shapely and buxom body. She also acting as Taylor's bodyguard while she's in the hospital. Both of them have stayed behind picked by Taylor when she told them she doesn't want all of them here.

"I have no idea what to do," Taylor said. "Three governments want me, because I can summon warships as shipgirls giving me an army of parahumans."

"Being a government back hero would give you the resources and funding to keep us fully stock with what we need to keep running," Glasgow said.

"We can eat anything to use as fuel but we do need lots of it," Peter Strasser said who had showed off that ability by eating the chicken bones from Taylor's lunch, after she and Glasgow had eaten theirs, flesh and bones all.

"True," Taylor said glade that she had summon the Royal Navy fleet, so she wouldn't have to deal with people thinking she's with the Empire. Speaking of which. "Have any of the gangs been trying anything with any of you?"

"Some men wearing the flag that mad man made tried to talk to us. We grabbed them and took them to the nearest police station," Peter Strasser said. "I was lucky and was never apart of it, the others especially the ones who served the empire that your grandfather was apart of have nothing but disgust that people are still following those ramblings of that mad man."

"That, I agree with," Glasgow said.

"I want nothing to do with them," Taylor said.

"You want us to crush them?" Peter Strasser ask.

"No, I still have too much to think about to even think about starting a gang war," Taylor said. "I have this country kissing up to me so that, I stay and two other countries trying to get me to side with them. And to top it off, I'm part of several royal families, creating a political cluster fuck. Can you girls sense if I'm part of any other royal bloodline?"

"We only sense that you're part of the royal family when you used your power, calling us," Glasgow said.

"The same for us," Peter Strasser said.

"When I used my power, you all sense it?" Taylor asks.

"Yes when you were using your power me and the others could all feel it, but we didn't feel the Royal Navy being called till they showed up," Peter Strasser said.

"We had heard the call before but it was faint. But the second time it was stronger," Glasgow said.

"Maybe the more, I use it my power the stronger it becomes. I have no idea how to use my power and I don't want to use it as I don't want to summon more shipgirls while having no idea what to do with you all," Taylor said.

"Maybe that's why the American government is trying to keep you from leaving. You could easily summon the American shipgirls," Peter Strasser said.

"Victory would have USS Constitution to talk to and it's been a long time since she met her," Glasgow said.

"Well seeing how, the United States never had a royal family, I won't be able to summon any American shipgirls," Taylor said.

"There are the other royal families you could be related to," Peter Strasser said.

"Giving me more shipgirls if, I used my powers," Taylor said wondering what she should do. Should she stay or risk it all and go to Europe and be apart of the royal family there. She's still a teen and now she's a princess who has her own army at her command. This is just too much for her to deal with.


1 - The shipgirls can be killed, but once they're destroyed it be like rebuilding a ship from the wreckage. And like in the game the shipgirls can refit and upgrade themselves with better equipment and technology.

Remember the shipgirls aren't human, they more like robots. And unlike in fiction where if a robot is destroyed, you can't just rebuild them, because of insert reason. The shipgirls can always be rebuilt from what's left of their bodies. There is no memory core or anything, as long as there is something left they can be rebuilt from it, even if its just melting down the metal to make a new ship.

2 - The shipgirls are all from the Azur Lane universe that work on completely different rules and shard powers that control minds or technology doesn't work on them. Taylor's shard merely summon them, not power them.

3 - I'm using both the game and anime cannon. Cherry picking what I like and don't like from either.

4 - I'm not using the Manjuus because I just don't like them.
