
"The information on the new shipgirls," Dragon informed Piggot by radio.

"Good," Piggot said as she's been busy having the heads of the people responsible for this mess to happen, to be arrested and thrown under the bus.

The school staff have lost their jobs and teaching licenses and many are now in jail. The families of the girls who caused The Admiral to trigger tried to make a fuss but were told what would had happen if their girls weren't thrown into the Birdcage. Hearing the recording of Victory telling The Admiral what she would do to the girls and their families, shut them up and she told them to just drop it as stopping over a hundred parahumans or shipgirls from killing them if they tried to do anything like suing the Hebert family. The PRT wouldn't do much in stopping them, as a full scale battle would just result in the city being destroyed and them still ending up dead.

And to make sure they know what their daughters are really like, she had them watch a recording of them pleading not to be place into the prison to the shipgirls who went as escorts to make sure they are place into the prison. The shipgirls asked if they would rather have their families be place in the prison instead, the girls said yes. That shattered their parents who all left with haunted looks on their faces.

Speaking of the girls who caused this mess, form the report from the Birdcage. The girls have been repeatedly gang rape by the other prisoners and assaulted by them. The prison has no guards and the prisoners run it, with only the prison gangs and block leaders being the only form of order in the lawless prison. The girls are just objects to be used and traded by the prisoners, till they're killed or kill themselves. Piggot gave them about a year before they're dead.

Looking at the files of the first two shipgirls are Royal Navy ones from the Tribal-class Destroyers, joining their sister ship Eskimo. They are renowned as some of the greatest gun destroyers of WWII, as they have eight four-inch guns in four twin mounts. This gives them far more gun firepower than most other destroyers.

Cossack (F03) the shipgirl unlike the other Royal Navy shipgirls is dressed and looks like the people of Ukrainian steppe she's named after.

Zulu (F18) is a tall African woman dressed as a Zulu warrior. Even armed with the iconic spear and shield.

The next shipgirl is actually from the Canada navy. Saguenay (D79) she's a dusty skinned woman who is dressed as a native hunter trapper from Quebec, Canada.

Then came, Delhi (D47) of the Danae-class, Light Cruisers. She's an India woman who is also dressed in the native style of dress.

Salmon (N65) the only submarine of the Royal Navy so far. A young woman riding one of those bike sub things,

Rawalpindi a armed merchant cruiser, an India woman who also wears the native style of dress.

Queen Mary a armed merchant cruiser, a British woman dress in a blue dress uniform with a white coat. She also has taken over as the home for the Royal Navy fleet, as her ship is a passage ship that was used as troop transport.

Also of note is that like many of the other members of the Royal Navy, they're all rather buxom and clothes are either tight or show off their bodies.

Of the Iron Blood fleet there is only one new shipgirl. Atlantis a armed merchant cruiser, a blue eye blonde woman who unlike the others in her fleet is wearing a captain dress pants uniform that doesn't show off her body. She is also has a Scottish Terrier named Ferry who is her mascot. And she too has taken over being the home for the rest of the Iron Blood fleet. (1)

The shipgirls have all been showing up one by one over the pass month since the Admiral was place in the hospital. Which she has been discharged and was escorted by her two fleets of shipgirls to the docks where she's been living on the Queen Mary ship. Both fleets are extremely protective of her with both fleets having their members on patrol around the ship, both from the sky and below the water. The only one who can get on and off the Queen Mary whenever they want is the Admiral's father.

The maids of the Royal Fleet have all been taking care of their Admiral and from what information they could gather from Danny Hebert. Victory has been teaching the Admiral all about being a English princess, with the aid of the Iron Blood shipgirl Friedrich der Grobe who taught her of being a German princess. They also been allowing people from both England and Germany governments onboard Queen Mary to talk with the Admiral. The Admiral also have been visited by her relatives from both England and Germany royal families.

Thanks to both governments pulling some diplomatically strings both ships Queen Mary and Atlantis now both sail under the flags of their countries. Meaning that any actions by the PRT on either ships would be seen as an assault on either governments. But it also means that neither ship could do anything without it being seen as an attack on the USA, making it a deadlock for all parties. The PRT can't do anything without causing an international scene and neither can the two ships. Which help to ease tensions as having two armed warships in the harbor of the city was worrisome.

Piggot has no idea what to do, seeing how the government heads above her have been hounding her to get the Admiral to not leave the country. Her fleet couldn't be stop by the government as all said and done, they are all still warships from other countries and trying to sized them would be an act of war. And it's publicly known at this point, which also caused the gangs of the city to stay clear of them, as none want to deal with a group who are all heavily armed with weapons that are made to fight armor plated vessels.

Speaking of the gangs, the shipgirls of both fleets have also been patrolling the city both day and night, any gang member or any other criminals were grabbed, and toss into the nearest police station. The shipgirls have drove the crime rate where they patrol down to rock bottom. The Merchants have been hit the hardest by the shipgirls as they lost many of their dealers, with the shipgirls keeping the money the drug dealers had on them, as well as any other criminal they caught. They used the money they collected to buy things they needed, which is mostly food.

The food is a big question mark, when the shipgirls hit a safe house of one of the gangs. They not only strip the safe houses of all the money but also all the food kept there. From what the agents watching the shipgirls have discovered many of them having been drinking oil and gasoline, which makes sense as they're ships not humans. But for the food they been seen eating, it's still up in the air of what that does for them. With the best guess is that its used as fuel for their boilers.

There are still lots of unknowns about the shipgirls, seeing how they don't talk with the PRT agents sent to question them. Or allow any sort of testing of their powers. The only way to get them to test their powers would be having the Admiral give the order. But that's a whole other problem all together, she refuses to talk with any PRT agent. All her department could do is watch and gather what intelligence they could about them.


Elsewhere -

Coil have been busy since that woman had him use his power with hers to see what paths could be taken with the Admiral. Her powers didn't work, because none of the paths of victory where she attack the Admiral didn't end with her being killed. The Admiral has all the power he wants, an army of parahumans and ones who could be brought back to life when destroyed. But there is no timeline where any of his attempts to gain control works.

The shipgirls from the data collected in all of those other timelines, showed that they're not produced by the Admiral's power. No her power just summons them, using the ships if the ships are still around as a base to bring them to this world. They can eat anything and use it to replenish their ammo, fuel, and other supplies, or repair their bodies.

Coil shakes as he remembers the timelines where the Admiral was killed and what her fleet became. Pale bodies and white hair…. wielding weapons that are part sea life….. what they did to the capes who tried to fight them… Coil remembers hiding while the screams of Glory Girl stop with only the sounds of crunching and snapping bones and tearing flesh replace it.

"No, can't let them become Sirens," Coil said with a shudder.

Luckily there is a way to get rid of her, he just has to help her along in moving to either England or Germany. Wherever she went her fleet would follow her. If she stays here in the city, things would just end up much harder for him overall with his operations. He notice a news alert on his computer and turns on the tv in his office.

On the screen, is live news coverage of a firefight in the train yard part of the city. The shipgirls had stumbled on the safe house of Skidmark while he was in it and the Merchant leader are now in a firefight with the fleet. The two shipgirls who found the hideout are two destroyers from the Royal Navy, the sister ships HMS Ardent and HMS Acasta.

Both young looking shipgirls are tanking the gunfire from the Merchant gang members showing no signs of harm. Coil remembers how only heavy weapons or a tank had the firepower to harm the shipgirls. The two girls were moving around taking down the gang members by grabbing their guns out of their hands and knocking them out by hitting them. Skidmark with his ability to create a deflector effect, a type of force field that push things with about as much force as a gusty wind made stronger by layering the effect on top of each other. Was the only one that making any headway on the two shipgirls by pushing them back.

Bursting out of a building came one of Squealer's creations, a makeshift tank made out of what started off as a van before Squealer got a hold of it. The gun turret on the tank fired an energy blast as it burst out of the wall, striking the two shipgirls, sending them flying. Ardent was screaming as her legs are gone while Acasta is missing half of her torso and wasn't moving. Mush came out of hiding in his trash armor form wielding a dumpster, which he used to smash on top of the screaming Ardent repeatedly. The destroyer even in her damage state couldn't just be smash underneath a metal dumpster, and was screaming as Mush continued to try to smash her flat with the dumpster that's getting more damaged then the shipgirl.

The Konigsberg-class light cruisers sisters, Konigsberg, Karlsruhe, and Koln of the Iron Blood fleet came to the rescue firing their guns at the trash golem. The shells weighing several hundred pounds tore through the Mush's trash body which stuck the hideout behind him, causing the building to blow up. The tank fired it's energy weapon at the 3 sisters but unlike what happen to the smaller and less armored destroyers, the blast struck the sisters who just powered through it and return fire with a volley that blew up the makeshift tank, killing Squealer who was inside the burning wreckage.

The 3 sisters began firing their lighter guns, which are their anti-aircraft guns their single-mounted 8.8 cm guns to make short work of the remaining gang members who tried shooting at the sisters. When the firing stops among the dead is Skidmark, who tried to deflect the shells but was just overwhelmed by the sheer firepower.

The sisters rush to the two Royal Navy shipgirls and attended to them. More shipgirls came rushing to the scene, along with the heroes and the polices. The two fallen shipgirls were flown away by the flying members of their fleet heading back to their base.

Coil knew that the two fallen shipgirls would be repaired and be back patrolling. It happen enough times before, even when there was nothing left of their bodies. The shipgirl would always be back, somehow. He hadn't discovered how they returned in those timelines as he was too busy trying to survive. But at least the proof that the shipgirls weren't invincible is out, with a weapon that is powerful enough like the energy cannon Squealer somehow created that can damage a armored warship.

The destroyers like the full-size ones, are still warships but they lack the armor of the bigger ships, instead relying on speed and maneuverable. They're the fastest of the shipgirls, not counting the the flying ones, and are glass cannons compared to the larger shipgirls. But as Mush showed when he tried smashing Ardent with that dumpster, trying to damage one with blunt force would only work if the power behind it could damage a warship class destroyer.

The larger and more powerful warships are able to take punishments that would take out a destroyer class. The light cruisers sisters Konigsberg, Karlsruhe, and Koln, stronger and more armored bodies did take damage from the energy cannon, but unlike the lighter bodies of the destroyers could take it. The toughness level of the shipgirls only goes higher from there, only a few capes have the power to even damage the battleships and carriers. The warships were built to withstand being hit by the weapons that they're armed with, which would sink most modern warships. As getting close enough for the range of cannon fire, isn't a strategy that modern navies use anymore, so modern warships don't have to be as armored as the older ships.

"She needs to leave the city before things get out of hand," Coil said to himself having seen what happens in those timelines where that woman used the gangs to take care of the Admiral. The shipgirls still knew it was her and....

Coil closed his eyes remembering and wanting to make sure that nightmare would never happen. The shipgirls could never become Sirens, they have to deal with the endbringers already. He just have to help the Admiral along in either moving to England or Germany. Anything that happens to her from there wouldn't be by his hands and the shipgirls wouldn't be chasing after him this time around, if it does.


1 - The shipgirls are from the game Victory Belles.