
Piggot felt another migraine happening as she now has to deal with a 3rd fleet of shipgirls who many wear very provocative outfits. All because of the fact that Joshua Abraham Norton is known in history as the first emperor of the United States, which is engraved on his tombstone. Which is good enough for the Eagle Union fleet who are made up of American shipgirls, who are all loyal to their empress and are currently tearing the city apart looking for empire gang members. The Royal Navy is still busy dealing with what's left of the Merchant.

The reports are coming in what has happen in the last hour.

Othala and her husband Victor were killed in a firefight with The Mahan-class sisters Cassin and Downes. Who were backing up the St. Louis-class sisters St. Louis and Helena when they attack a safehouse with several gang members in it.

Hookwolf was killed when The Essex-class sister ships, Essex, Intrepid, Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill, and Shangri-La teamed up on him in his metal wolf form. The 5 sisters all grabbed a one of his limbs and his head, where they all pulled. They ended up tearing him apart. Cricket who was with Hookwolf tried to attack the sisters. For her trouble Bunker Hill grab her and snap her neck before tossing her into a cage with a bunch of the fighting dogs who tore her body apart.

Rune gave up after she found herself the only survivor of a firefight while she was with Stormtiger. He had tried to blow away the South Dakota-class sister but they proved too heavy for him to just blow away and before he tried harder he was grabbed by them. South Dakota and Massachusetts grab his arms and legs and pulled him between them. Their sister Alabama with her giant scythe, slice him in half.

The Cleveland-class sisters, Cleveland, Columbia, Montpelier, Denver, Birmingham, and Biloxi. With The New Orleans-class sisters, New Orleans, Astoria, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Quincy, and Vincennes captured both Menja & Fenja. Even growing to their maximum height of 3 stories tall wasn't enough when San Francisco using her bat struck Menja's left hamstring sending her falling to the ground where she was dog piled by the sisters. Whose weight is still the same as when they were ships, at least when they have their rigs on, and Menja couldn't pull herself up with them on her. Fenja tried to help her sister only to be trip by Denver and Biloxi, allowing the rest of their sisters to dog pile on her as well.

Crusader was electrocuted by the Cannon-class shipgirl Eldridge when she used her tentacles to grab him. He was fighting off the massive number of Fletcher-class sisters who from the records have 180 of them at the time. Currently there are only 19 of the sisters in the fleet.

Purity surrendered herself to Bogue and her sister Chaser from the Royal Navy whom she teamed up with. Purity was chased by their planes before being shot with the bottom of her right leg being shot off. She fell and gave up when the sisters caught up with her to avoid bleeding to death.

Alabaster couldn't die and kept on regenerating, no matter how many times the Portland-class ship sisters, Portland and Indianapolis blasted him. So Indianapolis used her giant mechanical arms of her rig to tear him apart and stuff his body parts into a wood chipper. The PRT troops are still collecting what's left of him, to see if he can regenerate from what's little is left of him.

Krieg is dead after being blasted by the Oakland-class Reno shipgirl. Who also turned out to be a huge fan of superhero comics and builds her own trinker gadgets. She used gauntlets that fired beams of energy to kill Krieg.

Kaiser had been challenged to a sword duel by Constitution while the Yorktown-class sisters, Yorktown, Enterprise, Hornet, and their half sister the Wasp-class carrier Wasp, floated in the air around the two making sure he couldn't escape. Constitution showed what happens when you fight someone with years of battle experience under their belt. She beat him in the duel and beheaded him, then she revealed who he is underneath his mask.

"There's going to be lots of fallout with this," Piggot said seeing how the legal matter on how to classified the shipgirls is still up in the air.

"I still can't believe it counts to be known as the emperor of the United States to be recognized as one," Armsmaster said who is updating Piggot on what's happening on the ground.

"Doesn't matter, it counts as far as the Eagle Union fleet are concern. She's their empress and follow her orders," Piggot said.

"What about the current head of the navy?" Armsmaster asked.

"Same problem as dealing with the Royal Navy, Constitution is the oldest warship of the US fleet and the younger shipgirls all follow her lead. They all look to her as their grandmother," Piggot said.

"We're doing our best down here to keep the damage down but there are just too many of them," Armsmaster said.

"The Ironblood fleet are mostly keeping guard at the docks with only a few of them joining the purge, while the other two fleets are tearing the city apart. The ABB gang are the only ones left at this point and they're keeping low," Dragon said on the com channel.

"The last thing we need is Lung fighting the shipgirls. They just might have the firepower to take him down but the damage to the city will be high," Miss Militia said on the com channel.

"If he's smart he stays out of sight till this is all over," Velocity joins in on the com channel.

"Or they're saving him for last, he is the most powerful villain in the city," Battery said on the channel.

"He would have to go all out to where he could fight an endbringer to have a chance. We got containment foam ready to use on the shipgirls," Assault adds.

"Negative on that. I'm dealing with the US navy department and don't need things to be a bigger mess then it is now. They're sending some people to try to talk the Eagle Union fleet down," Piggot said.

"So we just let them do what they want?" Armsmaster asked.

"Our hands are tied and they simply have us outnumbered. The combine fleet is around 300 and the Admiral can hardly control them. What we need to do is to keep her from using her power again. I don't want to find out what else counts to be of royalty with the shipgirls. I don't want to suddenly have the Japanese navy showing up," Piggot said.

"I already did blood tests on the Admiral to see if she's related to any other Royal family. And she isn't related to the Emperor of Japan," Dragon said. (1)

"Good," Piggot said.

"She is related to the House of Savoy with the clearest line being that of the Kingdom of Italy branch, the house is a very wide spread with other branches in other countries of Europe. Any other royal families would be much older and not on the database of registered bloodlines. But I did map out that her family line is very spread out through Europe," Dragon informed causing everything to go silent. (2)

"I better give the ambassador of Italy a heads up as well as… just about every other European country. I better just contact the EU and get it over with," Piggot said knowing what a mess of red tape this news is going to cause.


Author's Notes -

1 - There be no Sakura Empire shipgirls.

2 - The House of Savoy (Italian: Casa Savoia) was a royal dynasty that was established in 1003 in the historical Savoy region. Through gradual expansion, the family grew in power from ruling a small Alpine county north-west of Italy to absolute rule of the Kingdom of Sicily from 1713 to 1720, when they were handed the island of Sardinia, over which they would exercise direct rule from then onward.

Through its junior branch of Savoy-Carignano, the House of Savoy led the Italian unification in 1860 and ruled the Kingdom of Italy until 1946; they also briefly ruled the Kingdom of Spain in the 19th century. The Savoyard kings of Italy were Victor Emmanuel II, Umberto I, Victor Emmanuel III, and Umberto II. The last monarch reigned for a few weeks before being deposed following the institutional referendum of 1946, after which the Italian Republic was proclaimed.
