
Taylor step out onto the docks where her massive fleet of shipgirls call it their home port. She's now dressed in a costume, a full dress uniform of the style that her grandfather Emperor Norton wore, complete with the stovepipe hat with red feathers on it. It also has military regalia of the style of the German Empire and she carried a ceremonial mace in the style of England. With how much her blood is mixed up with royal blood, she decided to take after her grandfather Norton, who she read up on with how he managed to get everyone to just go with him being the emperor. Taking him as her role model, as with how crazy her life is now, might as well follow his lead.

On the docks are ambassadors from the EU and from the US government have come and see her use her power to summon more shipgirls. The PRT sent Dragon to watch and record the event. Which Taylor isn't going to stop till she summons as many fleets as she could from different countries. Taylor was tried of having one surprise after another showing up, and just want to get it all out of the way at once.

"Admiral are you ready?" Victory ask who is standing with Constitution.

"Yes and, I'm not using that place holder name the PRT gave me anymore," Taylor said. "I'm Sovereign now."

Walking to the end of the dock, Sovereign began channeling her power like she did before. Dragon sensors detected storms appearing all over the globe. The first fleet that appear came flying the Italian royal flag when it was still a kingdom. The next fleet carried the French flag, which the third fleet also carried. And the final fleet carried the white-blue-red flag of the Russian Empire.

The Russian shipgirls were literally freezing the ocean as they sailed to the dock. The three other fleets got out of the way of the Russian ships, mostly thanks to the ice. They climb onto the dock and Taylor got a good look at them. The older shipgirls like all the others are wearing form fitting or revealing outfits, it helped that all of the, are wearing a white fur coat, or a cloak of some kind to cover themselves, but all of them are wide open showing off their shapely bodies. Which nine of the ships are giving off the baroness stereotype, they're are quite well endowed, and thus have outfits that either hug their chests tight to show them off, or outright expose their ample cleavage. Their rigs are like the Iron Blood fleets, having heads of beasts but are covered in ice, all expect for a few of the shipgirls who have normal looking rigs.

The lead shipwoman as she looks to be in her 30's and is fully matured looking than the older shipgirls. She also wearing clothes that isn't revealing like many other shipgirls, with a long skirt. Like many of the other Russian shipgirls has long white hair that she has it braided.

"Sovereign meet the 3rd oldest commissioned warship and the only one who is still active. She's a submarine salvage ship," Constitution said.

"Kommuna or should I call you Volkhov?" Victory asked the third oldest shipwoman who is over a 100 years old.

"It's for the empress to decide," Kommuna said as she bent the knee to Taylor followed by the other Russian shipgirls.

"I'm related to the Russian royal family?" Taylor asked.

"Yes by the royal family of England making you a cousin. You called and we came to answer your call, the Northern Parliament is now under your command," Kommuna said.

"And it's good enough for us. Our nation got rid of the royal family, and I look back fondly at the time when they ruled, compared to what came afterwards. When you called we decided to come and serve you instead," a shipgirl who stands behind Kommuna spoke up.

"Avrora, you're looking younger," Victory said.

"The only reason why she looks younger, is because unlike myself who is still in service she's a museum ship," Kommuna said.

"I was built in 1897 while Kommuna was built in 1912, and you can see the museum has taken good care of me, like how both Victory and Constitution are a whole lot better looking than they would be otherwise," Avrora said.

"Thank you for your service," Taylor said. "Now please rise and move aside so I can greet the other fleets."

The Northern Parliament fleet desummon their rigs and moved aside so that the fleet flying the Italian royal flag to greet their admiral.

"Lutzow!" Little Prinz Eugen cried out as she rushes out and latches onto one of the Northern Parliament shipgirls. She's followed by her 3 older sisters, Prinz Eugen, Blucher, and Admiral Hipper.

Taylor stared at the group and saw how all of them looked alike.

"Are you all sisters?" Taylor asked, as the shipgirls who are sister ships tend to look alike.

"We are, I'm Tallinn formerly Lutzow, before I was sold to Russia," the North shipgirl said introducing herself and looks down at Little Prinz Eugen who is latch to her leg then to Prinz Eugen. "Why is there another Eugen who is a child clinging to my leg?"

"I'm still trying to figure out why there are a bunch of child version of shipgirls," Taylor said.

"Well at least Admiral Hipper isn't the flatest sister anymore," Tallinn smirks.

"CUT THAT OUT!" Admiral Hipper glared at her sister. Who just laughs with her other sisters at her, causing her to steam.

"And she's not the only one," Revenge said standing next to a North shipgirl who looks like her. "This is Arkhangelsk who was originally HMS Royal Sovereign my sister ship."

"Same here with Murmansk or as she use to be named Milwaukee," Omaha said as she and the rest of her sisters, Raleigh, Richmond, Concord, Marblehead, and Memphis are all gathered around said shipgirl.

The Italian shipgirls came forward unlike the winter theme Northern Parliament shipgirls are more "high-life" oriented, aristocratic, and are themed around the Mediterranean summer and the older shipgirls like many others prefer attire that are a common source of fanservice. And virtually all of them wear a cool-looking cape of some sort as part of their uniform.

"I am Vittorio Veneto the flagship of the Sardegna Empire," said shipgirl said bending the knee with the others of her fleet.

"And I have blood ties with the Italian royal family?" Taylor asked.

"Yes from the House of Savoy," Vittorio Veneto said.

"The House of Savoy is one of the oldest houses that has many ties to other houses and branches," Victory said.

"That explains so much," Taylor said.

The last two fleets came together, both flying the French flag. Both fleets look more like a church militant or Templar Knights with all the swords and shields they carry and crosses. The first fleet have lighter colors and the second has darker colors.

"I am, Richelieu the flagship of the Iris Libre fleet," the shipgirl who's look is heavily themed around religion said bending her knee to Taylor.

"I am, Jean Bart the flagship of the Vichya Dominion fleet," the shipgirl who is dress light a pirate said.

"The Iris Libre are the free French ships who escape when France surrendered to Germany. The Vichya Dominion are the one who fought with the Germans," Victory explains. "They also fight all the time."

"I can't help it, she betrayed the Scriptures," Richelieu said.

"Go fuck off, you need it," Jean Bart retort causing her sister to glare at her.

"I can see where this is going," Taylor said as she used her power again.

"What are you doing?" Constitution asked.

"Trying to summon the oldest French navy ship still in service to be the flagship for them," Taylor said.

"That would be," Victory was saying but stop as Taylor had summoned four more shipgirls, or women as the four older ships came sailing into the docks using sails. That only Victory and Constitution used in her current fleet.

The two came climbing onto the docks, the first is a woman in her 30's who is dressed in green overalls, gloves and rubbers boots and a cap that reminds Taylor of how people who work on the fishing boats dress. Her rigs is fishing lines and nets.

The second woman is dressed in modern Italian navy dress but has the same kind of rigging that Constitution and Victory have.

The third is wearing a modern German navy uniform and flying the German flag, and the last is wearing a US coast guard uniform and flying the US flag.

"Mutin?" Richelieu and Jean Bart asked staring at the fisherwoman who is flying the French flag. (2)

"Mutin is the oldest ship in the French navy who is a fishing boat and is a training ship. The other one is, Amerigo Vespucci who was built in the style of the late 18th century ships of the line, and serves as a school ship. The two others are Gorch Fock and Horst Wessel or Eagle as she is known now after she was taken by the US," Victory said. (3)

"Eagle has been serving as a coast guard ship and Gorch Fock is a museum ship, with her daughter taking her name and used as a training ship," Constitution adds.

"And they're the oldest serving ships in those navies? No old warships like you two?" Taylor ask Constitution and Victory.

"We're the only sailwomen who were warships from the last century and Amerigo Vespucci was built in the early 1900s," Victory said.

"Ok, work with what you have. Mutin, I called you because as the longest serving French ship, you outrank both Richelieu and Jean Bart. I'm combining both French fleets into one, Iris Dominion," Taylor explains to Mutin and turns to the two sisters. "Richelieu and Jean Bart both of you are demoted and be taking orders from Mutin."

"What!" Richelieu and Jean Bart gasped.

"You heard the princess, I'm the senior officer here and I'm in charge of the fleet," Mutin said.

"I don't need you two fighting all the time, over whose in charge of the combine fleet," Taylor said.

"I could be the new flagship," Gascogne the other Richelieu class ship spoke up.

"NO!" both her sisters Richelieu and Jean Bart said.

Taylor walk to the other ships while the 3 sisters bicker with each other.

"Amerigo Vespucci, I need you to help the Sardegna Empire to catch up with the modern world. And as the senior ship to keep the younger shipgirls in line," Taylor said as many of her shipgirls were either wrecks, or were scrapped and were way out of date on what's happening with the world since their time.

"Yes princess," Amerigo Vespucci said.

"Gorch Fock and Eagle, I need you two to act like Victory and Constitution and keep the younger shipgirls of the Iron Fleet in line. And Eagle since you're also a Eagle Union ship, you can also help Constitution in handling the girls in the fleet as well," Taylor said before thinking of something. "Also none of the child ships are allowed to have candy."

"Booo!" the child ships all booed.

"Princess what about my fleet?" Kommuna asked who is the flagship of her fleet thanks to being the oldest.

"They have you," Taylor pointed out and turns to Mutin. "How was I able to call you?"

"You are of the royal blood of House of Bonaparte," Mutin said.

"Another grandfather who had some fun and got a kid out of it," Taylor sighed as she figures that what happen.

"Most likely," Mutin agreed.

"At least, I'm not related to any more royal families," Taylor said looking at all the shipgirls and wondering how many she has now.



On the screen came the numbers of the shipgirls in each fleet.

Iron Blood - 68

Royal Navy - 113

Eagle Union - 128

Sardegna Empire - 26

Iris Libre - 14

Vichya Dominion - 13

Northern Parliament - 23

Total Fleet - 385

"Sovereign now has the most powerful faction in the country now, by sheer firepower of her fleet and numbers," Piggot said to the heroes of the city who have been gathered in the room with her.

"Her fleet did get rid of all but Lung's gang and he's been in hiding since than," Lady Photon said.

With all but the ABB gang stamp out, the city has been quite, with members of said gang keeping low and out of sight. The only Leet and Uber are still active, with them cooking up something from their posting online. The city is now quite with no major crimes happening since the shipgirls took care of the gangs.

"Which depending on which country will win her favor in her siding with, will have the fleet to call upon. And there's nothing we can do but to watch and get data. The government doesn't want any PRT related thing to happen with Sovereign, with how badly things are because of the self interest of the agents in charge of Shadow Stalker became. The government isn't trusting us to handle Sovereign, not with so much at stake," Piggot said.

"Then why are we having this meeting?" Velocity asked.

"Because as long as the fleet is here, we might as well take advantage of them. The only remaining gang is ABB who are in hiding now. Which means it's time to hit them while they're weak. Lung won't risk an open fight, not with the shipgirls being here. So we be able to hit his operations without having to worry about him showing up," Piggot explains. The PRT needed this, after what happen they needed something to show people that the PRT does do good work.


1 - Kommuna is a submarine salvage ship in service with the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet and the world's oldest active duty naval vessel. A double-hulled catamaran, she was laid down at the Putilov Factory (now the Kirov Factory) in St. Petersburg in November 1912 as Volkhov. The ship was launched the following year, and commissioned on 14 July 1915. She was renamed Kommuna on 31 December 1922. Kommuna has served in the Russian Imperial, Soviet, and Russian Federation navies through the Russian Revolution and two World Wars.

2 - Mutin is the oldest vessel in the French Navy. She was built in 1926 in the shipyards of Florimond-Guigardeau in the region of Sables d'Olonne of France and launched on 19 March 1927. Like any tuna fishing vessels built in Sables d'Olonne MUTIN is traditionally rigged, however she never served as a tuna fishing vessel.

From 1927 she was used for pilotage training to the naval school of Saint-Servan near Saint-Malo in France. However, this was ended during the Second World War as she carried out intelligence missions bearing the British flag in the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters.

MUTIN regained her original flag on 20 July 1946 and went back to be used for pilotage training at the naval school of Saint-Servan . In 1964 her training purpose was expanded to the boatswain school for the French Navy based in Brest.

Ever since 1968 MUTIN has continued to be used as a naval training ship for the French Navy. Like the other sailing ships in the French Navy MUTIN is a valuable ambassador for the French Navy around the coastal areas of France and Europe.

3 - The Amerigo Vespucci is a tall ship of the Italian Navy (Marina Militare) named after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci. Its home port is La Spezia, Italy, and it is in use as a school ship.
