
The dock section of Brockton Bay where Sovereign has made it her home port where the two armed merchant cruisers Atlantis and Queen Mary are used as homes for the now hundreds of shipgirls, has been fenced off and armed guards are now station at the checkpoints. With so many shipgirls from different countries now u dear her leadership, Sovereign decided to go and join the UN Peacekeepers so that she can freely operate in the countries around the Atlantic Ocean. And be able to draw much needed funding and resources that her massive fleet needs. Which has grown since she last used her summon power to bring 4 new fleets to her.

Iron Blood - 73

The destroyers, Leberecht Maass who wears the war ensign of the Imperial German Navy on her skirt.

Theodor Riedel who's ivory skin and black hair, not to mention her choice of clothes gives off her cosplaying Disney's Snow White.

The sisters Diether von Roeder who likes wearing black eagle feathers, to be more precise. She wears them alongside her pickelhaube, and her uniform is trimmed with them. She also uses a flail with the ball part being that of a sea mine.

Her sister ship Hans Ludemann who spends most of her free time fixing or tinkering with something.

The battleship, Schleswig-Holstein who is very refine and says 'we' with her fellow ships. With her rig she wears her armament on a large crinoline over her skirt.

Royal Navy - 118

The destroyer, Nubian a middle eastern looking woman who wears a long skirt, a tank top and a red headdress.

The light cruiser sisters, Achilles who is dressed as an Ancient Greek soldier and armed with a shield and spear.

Orion who also dressed like a Ancient Greek soldier and armed with a sword and shield.

Perth who is dressed as an Ancient Greek woman and carries a harp.

The aircraft carrier, Hermes also showed up who dressed up as the Greek god she's named after.

Eagle Union - 129

The training ship, Recruit who dresses as navy instructor, her rig is all made out of wood as she was only a training ship. She helps in keeping the younger shipgirls in line.

Sardegna Empire - 36

The destroyers, Espero who wears wears a pair of black opera gloves with an orange opera dress, to complement her sultry impression.

Antoniotto Usodimare who also dresses like she's going to a fancy party.

Lampo who is obsessed with inventing new gadgets and the like. Usually they blow up in her face or prove too ambitious and unrealistic to actually work.

Camicia Nera who wears the uniform of the Italian Blackshirts.

The light cruiser sisters, Emanuele Filiberto Duca d'Aosta who wears boots modeled after a lion's paws as a homage to the coat of arms of the town of Aosta.

Eugenio di Savoia who wears her hair in silver ringlets, as a reference to 17th-century aristocratic hairstyles. And wears what appears to be an ermine-trimmed capelet with the metal breastplate she wears, possibly referencing her aristocratic namesake.

Giuseppe Garibaldi who unlike her sisters is dark skin.

The heavy cruisers, San Giorigo who is not so much a modern heavy cruiser as an older armored cruiser. Accordingly, she has armor that rivals some battleships and very large guns, but she's much slower than modern heavy cruisers and her older guns lack the elevation of newer guns. And unlike other rigs hers is like the submarines bike rigs which she rides around on and uses a lance.

Bolzano has all the firepower of a Zara-class cruiser like Zara and Pola, but none of the armor.

The submarine, Axum who is African in appearance, she is quite proud of both the country who built her and of the territory for which she's named and draws much of her cultural inspiration from.

Iris Dominion - 35

The destroyers, Leopard who dresses in leopard pattern clothes showed up.

Verdun dresses in an old fashion French soldier uniform and is armed with a rifle.

L'Audacieux who is Breton and dress in the native dress, she also likes to sunbath nude.

Volta who looks African and likes to fish.

The light cruisers, La Motte-Picquet who is a Asian woman with long dark hair and likes to smoke stogies.

Marseillaise who embodies the fiery spirit of the French Revolution and throws herself and her crew into pursuits (and battles) with that same spirit.

The heavy cruiser, Suffren who wears the top half of a French navy captain's uniform and wears the bottom of a swimsuit.

The battleship, Paris who wears a chefs hat and likes to cook.

Northern Parliament - 37

The destroyers, Voykov an older destroyer with a relatively small displacement, she's even among the more fragile destroyers, though also as a consequence of that age, she's not particularly fast as destroyers go. she also wields a cannon as a weapon of choice.

Leningrad is a quite large and effective destroyer, and she also reads enough that new books for her are considered a major expense for the ship.

Her sister Moskva is very forward and blunt with her addressing Sovereign when she first met her and were as follows "You. You are now in command. Go earn your crew's trust, or die trying."

Gnevny is not good at accepting responsibility. She's armed with two small flails with small sea mines at the end that blow up when she wants.

Her sister Gromkiy has an extremely aggressive tactic where she (and the rest of the fleet) closes with the enemy at flank speed right up to brawl range, at which point all ships with torpedoes let them loose. Given the short range of most guns on destroyers, it's not an unreasonable strategy.

The last sisters Boiky is armed with a slingshot that she uses to launch sea mines with.

The light cruisers, Profintern wears some manner of powered exoskeleton, presumably to use her massive hammer, providing the "powered" part, but it doesn't offer any protection beyond two rather token plates on her hip, thus lacking the "armor" part.

Chervona Ukraina is a strong believer in family bonds, whether it's the family you're born with or the family you choose.

Heavy cruiser, Krasnyi Kavkaz who is a practicing Zoroastrian, which along with her name carries the implication that she may be Azeri, though even if she's Russian, being a Zoroastrian makes her a religious minority pretty much anywhere in the world.

The battleship sisters, Marat who is a practicing medic who spends much of her time working in sick bay and has a surgical scalpel as a vesture.

Parizhskaya Kommuna is a classic slow battleship with heavy armor and firepower and low speed.

Submarines, L-3 who unlike all the other submarines doesn't wear a bikini, she wears a skintight wetsuit instead.

Shch-205 "Nerpa" she maybe a rather light-hearted and impolitic but she's good at what she does.

S-3 has bubblegum pink hair, and certainly is sweet and innocent, with a sweet tooth to match. (1)

Total Fleet - 428

Making Sovereign one of the most powerful parahumans on the planet by the numbers she has under her command and the sheer firepower her fleet has. The only S-Class threats besides the Endbringers who have a chance at attacking the Fleet is Nilbog who has the numbers to simply Zerg rush them and Sleeper. Which is why the nations that the shipgirls came from all want Sovereign on their side and the villains are avoiding catching her attention.

Which is why the heroes of Brockton Bay are hitting hard against the city's remaining gang, the ABB. Gang members being arrested and their businesses and operations being busted. Lung is a no show as he's laying low with him telling all of his gang members to also lay low as well. He knows that if he shows himself, the Fleet would go after him as well and with them being in the hundreds now he doesn't want to take any chances against those odds.

That's when Leviathan made his way to the city.


Outside of the city -

In the command center that was setup after the Endbringer alarm was sounded. Sovereign is with the child shipgirls and the shipgirls who wouldn't have much of a chance fighting Leviathan. Using a real time computer display and com links to all of the shipgirls, Victory, Constitution, Kommuna, Mutin, Amerigo Vespucci, Gorch Fock and Eagle to handle tactics and give the shipgirls their orders.

The battle started as the submarines fired their payloads at Leviathan underwater, striking his body. The destroyers followed by launching all of their depth charges and launching the anti-sub bombers. The bombs are actually doing damage to Leviathan making it rise out of the water where the rest of the fleet open fire on it. The warships fired all guns at the giant monster, while above the carriers are launching their planes. With the older shipwomen using their tactical battle experience to tell the younger shipgirls what to do.

The fleet displayed abilities that they didn't showed before. Firing beams of energy, balls of energy and firing glowing shells at Leviathan which are blowing chunks of its body off. Other shipgirls are buffing up the other shipgirls with their powers, making their weapons more powerful, take less damage, make them move faster, or heal the damage they're taking. For as the fleet is giving their all, Leviathan is attacking them, using its tail to strike the shipgirls around it and at the flying ones. (2)

The Northern shipgirls used their cold abilities to freeze the water around Leviathan to stop him from using the water easily and slow him down. The next wave of planes Fairey Swordfish drop their torpedoes on Leviathan causing it to move slowly. Which allowed the battleships to hit the endbringer with their combine firepower and special attacks.

The shipwomen handling the tactics and orders noticed that Leviathan is protecting its chest from the attacks being launched at it. They quickly ordered for the shipgirls on the ground to concentrate all fire on its chest. Joined by the heroes and villains who have gathered to fight the endbringer.

The more attacks hit Leviathan, more of its energy is being used to regenerate its layers that have been blasted off by the shipgirls whose weapons and special attacks are doing damage to its armored shell it uses to protect its core. For the weapons of the shipgirls are just like the Driver Weapons of the villainess String Theory, who the endbringers avoid fighting fighting. (3)

A powerful blast of energy from Warspite cannons managed to rip a hole in Leviathan's chest. Which it responded by whipping its tail on the shipgirl killing her. Seeing Warspite dying in front of her Queen Elizabeth flew into a range ordering all cannons to fire into the hole in Leviathan's chest. Causing the endbringer to stumble backwards as the firepower hitting the hole in its chest caused it to become deeper as its layers are blasted away.

Leviathan turn to flee, but was stop as the Northern Parliament and Iron Blood unleashed their mechanical beast rigs to ram into Leviathan's legs while firing all of their weapons. The tactic worked as the mechanical beast rigs slammed into the legs of the endbringer, with their weapons weakening the legs before hand as chunks of it were blasted off.

Leviathan fell onto it's side, Lung in his full dragon form who had been waiting for this opening landed on top of the endbringer holding it down. Lung has been waiting on the side lines building up his power so that when there's an opening like this he be ready to strike. He was talked to by the shipgirls before the battle as he's the only one who would be able to hold the endbringer down long enough for the fleet to finish it off if they managed to weaken or wound it enough where it's forced to flee.

With Lung holding Leviathan down, the fleet open fire on the open wound on it's chest, along with every hero with a long range attack. Leviathan struggled as it tried to free itself from Lung who is holding it down, it could feel the firepower from the things that shouldn't be in this world, blast away at its layers.

Then it happen, Leviathan stop moving as the sheer firepower of the fleet tore into its core.

The fleet stop firing as the endbringer's body stop moving and died. Lung still in his dragon form wanting to make sure flip Leviathan on it's back and tore into it's chest, ripping away as he tore the endbringer's body apart to make sure it couldn't comeback to life.

Lifting the head of Leviathan high in the air for the world to see. A mighty roar echoed through the air as the heroes and villains celebrated the death of a endbringer.


In the command center -

The room was filled with the cry of celebration as the people in the command center saw the death of one of the endbringers. All thanks to Sovereign and her shipgirls, which would have cause many countries to look at the young parahuman with much more interest then they had before. They showed that they have the power to kill a endbringer and any country that has Sovereign on their side would be the most powerful nation on Earth.

But for Sovereign who is surrounded by her shipgirls, all she cared about was the list of the shipgirls who died in battle.

Eagle Union - 20








Charles Ausburne



San Diego




Long Island






Royal Navy - 24
























Ark Royal

Iron Blood - 5






Northern Parliament - 1

Pamiat Merkuria

Iris Dominion - 3

Emile Bertin


Le Mars

Total KIA - 53

"We're gathering their bodies and they will be rebuilt," Victory said as she wraps her arms around her princess who is sobbing over the deaths.

"It's never easy," Constitution said to her who help to comfort their princess.

The other shipgirls kept people away as the two elder shipwomen help their princess to collect herself.


1 - The new shipgirls are all from Victory Belles game.

2 - Seeing how the enemy ships in the Azur Lane game are able to fire beams of energy and balls among other things, the ships in this story can do the same.

3 - String Theory's Driver Weapons are powerful enough to knock the moon out of orbit. Which in cannon can kill an Endbringer which is why in cannon they avoid being anywhere near her.
