
The countries are jubilant after the Endbringer Leviathan is confirmed dead. Thanks to the combine might of Sovereign's Fleet of shipgirls who brought it down with the help of the parahuman Lung, who made sure the endbringer is dead by ripping the body to pieces. The damaged to the city is much smaller with only the coastal area damaged by the giant waves the endbringer used till the ocean around it was frozen. The bounty placed on Leviathan by Japan has been split between Sovereign and Lung.

Most of the capes have already left but some have stayed to help out with the clean up. For the Fleet they're busy repairing the wounded and gathering their dead. The shipgirls who can still operate and the walking wounded are busy gathering the body parts of their fallen. Sovereign is in morning for her lost shipgirls and has closed herself off, remaining on the armed cruise ship Queen Mary. Refusing to talk with anyone, and the shipgirls are making sure of that. They're going to rebuild the dead shipgirls but the main problem was that the shipyards of the bay have all been damaged. Leaving the parts of the dead shipgirls sitting in the cargo hold of Queen Mary.

As people celebrated the death of an endbringer, government leaders are making plans of their own. Seeing that the Fleet under the command of Sovereign is able to kill an endbringer, they're now making plans to bring her to their nation and her fight for their nation. Which is why the US government is throwing all the resources and money into helping to rebuild the fallen shipgirls using whatever she needs to do so. For they know if they don't, another country will and any excuse to why they couldn't just give her the resources she needs will just cause her to turn and go to another country that will just give her what she needs with no excuse to why they couldn't.


Portsmouth, Virginia

The Norfolk Naval Shipyard, often called the Norfolk Navy Yard and abbreviated as NNSY, is a U.S. Navy facility in Portsmouth, Virginia, for building, remodeling and repairing the Navy's ships. It is the oldest and largest industrial facility that belongs to the U.S. Navy as well as the most comprehensive.

The shipyard is being prepared to receive all the wounded and dead shipgirls to repair them. But trouble came up quickly as political leaders on the right began stirring up problems to make a big scene so that they can get attention to their issues. They used the fact that Sovereign's Fleet is mostly made up of foreign shipgirls who sail under other flags from other nations. They even went as far as trying to force her to stop using the shipgirls or to put her fleet under the flag of America. Or at least that's how it's seen by those that oppose Sovereign. Which tied up all the funding and resources that are needed to repair all the shipgirls.

The republicans playing to the far right crowd wants Sovereign to become apart of the US navy so that all the shipgirls would be under the US flag. Which would still have the right bringing up more issues and delaying the funding and resources so that they be able to play the issue to their base. All awhile making Sovereign wait for the bill to pass while one party of interest in the government milk the issue for all its worth.

Leaving Sovereign to sit and wait while her shipgirls did what they could with what they have at hand to repair their fallen sisters. But as the days gets closer to when the bill has to be passed, all sides are putting in everything they need to get it pushed through before a vote. While the shipgirls are doing what they can with what they have to keep the fallen shipgirls alive till the bill passes. With donations from several businesses and groups of issues giving much needed resources and funding. But to fully repair warships she needed the funds and resources that only a government could provide.

When the day came for the vote on the bill to rebuild the shigirls, it was filibuster by a republican congressman on the issue that the funding would be going to non American shipgirls. Which caused a delay in the voting process and gave everyone time to think about what to do next. Which caused Sovereign to become fed up with the system and decided to take another option. (1)


On the Queen Mary -

Sovereign sat in the dining room of the armed cruise ship which is crewed by copies of said shipgirl, like all the other shipgirls of her fleet. She still doesn't get it but she has learned to just go with it. She's meeting with an ambassador representing the EU, Sally Hanna, about an offer that the countries that make up the EU have for her, seeing how the filibustering of congress has cause the bill to be delayed for several more weeks or months.

"It's been at least a month since my shipgirls killed the endbringer and most wounded or dead. And the republicans are making the bill to repair them a hot button issue. All I want to hear from you is that the countries of the EU will not make this a political issue and just give me the funds and resources to repair and bring my shipgirls back to life," Sovereign said to Sally.

"You have my word on that and we in the EU are proud to see that you were able to defeat the endbringer, and for helping our allies, Britain, Italy, France, and Germany, with the Leviathan. The shipyards are fully prepared to repair your fleet. They will have to be separate into groups but they will all be repaired. With no political showboating," Sally said.

Sovereign nodded and smiled at Sally, knowing she had her answer.

"Thank you, Ambassador, for your help," Sovereign said.

"There's a jet ready to take you to England. Her highness your aunt wants to house you at the palace during your stay," Sally said.

"Good," Sovereign said as she turns to Queen Mary. "Tell the others we're heading for the airport."

"Yes princess," Queen Mary said radioing to the others to get ready to leave.

Queen Mary leaves the room and Sovereign goes over to her room to find her father there.

"Are we leaving?" Danny asked.

"Yeah," Sovereign said. "The republicans are going to wait till the last minute to sign the bill and in the meantime my girls are dead."

Danny stands up and takes Sovereign's hand. Sovereign looks up at him and sees a worried look on his face.

"What is it, dad?" Sovereign asks.

"I am so sorry about this, Princess," Danny said.

"I have to leave, the EU are offering me what I been asking from congress for over a month now. But they seem to think that my fleet would be able to still fight another endbringer even if more than half of my Fleet are either still need repairs or dead," Sovereign said.

"I understand," Danny said knowing this be the last time he be seeing his daughter for a long time.


The docks -

The number of people who have been assigned to watch the going ons at the docks, keeping an eye on Sovereign and her Fleet. Suddenly saw the two armed merchant cruisers Atlantis and Queen Mary suddenly disappear. The shipgirls of the fleet climbed into a shipping container that's large enough for all of them to get into. Once closed the carriers who are still able to fly grabbed onto the container and lifted it up and flew off. Sovereign herself is sitting on the lap of August von Parseval who sat on a black stone throne on a slab of black rock that flies, with a dragon like rig. The flying shipgirls all clustered around Sovereign and the shipping container holding the rest of the fleet, heading towards the airport.

At the airport a Boeing 777 that's fitted to hold 388 passengers waited for Sovereign and her shipgirls. The container was open and the shipgirls and they began boarding the plane on the runway, the carriers would be flying as escort along side the jet for protection, having fueled up to be able to make the 6 to 7 hour flight to London. Once the plane was clear to take off by the control tower, the jet took off with the carriers flying along side it. (2)


Elsewhere -

Coil watch the footage of Sovereign and her Fleet heading off the London where the royal princess will be greeted by her aunt the queen and the rest of her extended family. He had pulled strings and bribed many people to make sure there be no delays of the princess's send off. He had to go through many timelines to make sure there be no stopping the jet from taking off. Too many times the government had grounded all flights once they learned about the plans of Sovereign to leave for Europe. Which did just have Sovereign flying off to Europe with her carriers but he had to make sure she and her fleet were out of the city.

"Finally she's gone and out of my hair," Coil said as he watched the news of Sovereign and her Fleet leaving the city and the country, heading for Europe hit the news stations.

"And now we can get back to business," he said as he looks at the glass tanks filled with liquid that preserves organic materials sitting in his office.

During the clean up of the city and salvaging the parts of the wounded and killed shipgirls, his men managed to get their hands on some body parts. The part of the head of the shipgirl York and limbs of the other shipgirls were preserved in the liquid filled tanks. Which many interesting parties will pay top dollar for, to learn all they can about the shipgirls.


1 - Seeing how filibusters are used all the time in congress in real life. Should you be really surprised that politicians would used the bill to repair the shipgirls for their own benefits?

2 - Flight from Boston to London is about 6 to 7 hours, which Brockton Bay is close by.
