
"Because Sovereign held the Chinese Imperial Seal, the real one and not one of the fakes. She in the eyes of the 13 Dragon Empery or Chinese shipgirls, is the empress of China," Doctor Mother said to the members of Cauldron, Contessa, The Number Man, Legend, Alexandria and Eidolon.

"Is that what the shipgirls do to the ones who try to kill Sovereign?" Number Man ask Contessa.

"Yes, they're always be as brutal as possible. Them tearing and eating the Blasphemies and the carriers bombing that building in Russia killing the one who ordered the attack. Is what they did in the timelines that I saw. And the ones where she is killed, they become… sirens as they call themselves. They… just all attack at once, too fast, too many, not caring about anything but to kill, no way to defend. They became the new endbringers," Contessa said not even trying to hide how scared she is of the sirens. She remembers how she had tried fighting and failing as they would just overwhelm her, tearing her apart as they bite down and tore her flesh.

"That, I can believe," Legend said having seen first hand what kind of powers the shipgirls have.

"Sovereign can't be allowed to be killed then," Alexandria said.

"If she's killed the shipgirls will just know who is responsible and will hunt them down, no matter what," Contessa said.

"At least the Blasphemies are all dead now," Eidolon said. They have been killed before but they always showed up again later, because one of them survived and revived the dead ones. But this time all 3 have been killed and eaten so they're gone for good.

"How are the Yangban and the Chinese government taking the news of their new empress?" Number Man asked.

"They want her to come to their country and bring all of the shipgirls with her," Doctor Mother answers.

"And she will disappear into the Yangban or the shipgirls tear apart the country," Legend said having heard rumors of what the Chinese government does to parahumans.

"Anytime she was kidnapped by a government in the other timelines, the shipgirls would always find her. If she was killed and they turn into sirens, they would always destroy the country first before attacking everything else," Contessa said.

"In that case, we have to protect her," Alexandria said.

"No that always ends badly. We just need to give her what she needs to do what she needs to do," Contessa said.

"The EU is already funding and giving her all the resources she needs to repair her shipgirls. The US government is trying to lure her back with promises of more funding and resources. The politicians who held up the bill that caused Sovereign to leave in the first place are now trying to do anything to save face. Sovereign naming each of them for filibustering the bill that she needed to be able to have her fleet be able to kill the last two endbringers. Saying they would just wait till the last minute and act completely surprise that the repairs weren't done by the time of the next attack and the endbringer wasn't killed. Because they rather make power plays and pander to their bases then save lives," Alexandria said.

Contessa and Doctor Mother look at each other and nod, agreeing with Alexandria.

"We should just give her what she wants," Contessa says.

"I agree," Doctor Mother agrees.


Italy -

Sovereign once again found herself waking up in a hospital, after she was knock out from the C4 bomb used to try to kill her. In the room with her are August von Parseval, Illustrious, Bataan, and the new shipgirl, Chen Hai, from the new fleet from China the Dragon Empery the only carrier of the group. The 3 child shipgirls Little Enterprise, Little Illustrious, and Zeppy, are on the other bed of the two bed room watching tv. The other shipgirls are on their way to the hospital, which is being guarded by the local heroes and the police.

"I'm now the new empress of China because of me finding the Chinese Imperial Seal," Sovereign asked.

"Yes, you are the new empress of China. With the throne empty and you of royal blood, you are more then worthy to claim the throne," Chen Hai said.

"Great, now I'll have the Chinese government hounding me as well," Sovereign said as she already has her hands full with the Russians who been wanting to have the Northern shipgirls be given to them. Then there is the US government who are trying to get her to comeback.

They showed her pictures and videos of the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, all prepared to rebuild and repair all of her shipgirls. Resources and funding have been pulled from other military projects so that there be no issues. As for the politicians who caused her to leave, have all been relieved of their duties on projects that have anything to do with her and are now more worried of keeping their political careers then to pull another stunt like they did, again. But she's not going to be trusting them anytime soon. She did tell the government official that, the next time she ask for aid from them, they either do it or she'll go to anyone else who will, without any of the bullshit she had to deal with. Even with the full backing of the EU, only have of the shipgirls who were wounded or killed have been repaired. It will take some months before her fleet will be back at full strength. (1)

"And you all rip and ate the ones who attack me?" Sovereign asked.

"Yes we did," Illustrious said.

"We all felt it when you were attack and came rushing to attack the ones who did it. The others also took care of the ones who ordered the attack," Bataan adds.

"Wait you all just feel it when I'm attack and can just tell who attack me?" Sovereign asked.

"Yes," the shipgirls in the room said.

"Alright good to know," Sovereign said seeing how that would be very useful.


Japan -

The number one hero of Japan, Starflame was surprised to be called to the royal palace and meet with the emperor himself. He is also apart of the royal family by one of the lesser clan. The news of Sovereign becoming the empress of China because of her finding the Jade Seal that was lost till it ended up in the museum in Italy somehow, and she used her power while holding it. Letting her summon Chinese warships, as she holds the royal seal and the throne of China is empty.

"If Sovereign is to kill the last two endbringers, she will need all the shipgirls she can get," the emperor said to the number 1 hero of Japan.

"I know but what you want to do...," Sunflame said looking at royal treasures of Japan in front of him. Each one enclosed in their own glass cases.

The imperial regalia of Japan and consist of the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the mirror Yata no Kagami, and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama. They represent the three primary virtues: valour (the sword), wisdom (the mirror), and benevolence (the jewel).

"I know, I'm breaking traditions in doing this. But to kill the endbringers, I will do what needs to be done. Let the next generation judge me, there will be a next generation if this works. I need you to personal go and give Sovereign my personal invitation to come here," the Emperor said.

"And if this fails?" Sunflame asks.

"There is more than one way for someone to become apart of the royal family," the emperor said.

"Which is why I'm going," Sunflame said.

"Yes," the emperor said.


1 - Like in real life, repairing or rebuilding ships, specifically warships will take months to complete.
