
Sovereign has been moved from the public hospital to one located in an Italian military base, for better security. Her shipgirls are always with her and more careful than they were before. With her now commanding the Dragon Empery fleet, the Chinese government has join in on trying get her to either join the Yangban or give them the Chinese shipgirls. Just like the Russian government wanting her to either join them or give them the Russian shipgirls.

The US government is also adding pressure for her to return, with them tossing everything into the shipyard to not only restore her fleet back to full strength but also make them better. Sovereign wasn't interested in what they have as she expected action not words. They had their chance and blew it and she's not going to be wasting her time on people who rather make power plays while her fleet are in shambles. Even now with the powers of Europe putting much of their resources into repairing her fleet, it will still take months for all of them to be ready for the next fight.

All 53 shipgirls who died during the battle with Leviathan are still being rebuilt and upgraded, with the time table being a couple of months for all of them. The walking wounded are still being repaired with only some being fully repaired. Sovereign stated to reporters that if she had stayed in the US, the republicans would still be making issues about anything and her fleet would still be waiting for the bill to pass. Right up to where the next endbringer attack happens and the republicans would all be acting surprise that her fleet can't fight, as the very idea that it take months to repair a battleship is a idea that they only heard about in myths and legends.

Currently Sovereign is meeting 4 new shipgirls that she had summon while she was sleeping. A Northern Parliament shipgirl, a Royal Navy shipgirl and two more Dragon Empery shipgirls. In the room with her are Zeppy and Little Bel who are watching a cartoon on the tv.

"Project 68-K, Chapayev-class cruiser Kuybyshev, at your service. My construction was halted before the war, robbing me of my opportunity to contribute. I have to admit that I have my regrets, but I plan to do all I can now to make up for it. You have my full support, princess," the shipgirl with short blue hair and red eyes, who has bandages wrap on the right side of her face covering her right eye. And her outfit of an odd white leotard with a separate black cloth strap onto her chest covering the large hole in the breast area. The outfit trades the emphasis of bust by being smaller for shapely hips and (exposed) thighs. She also wears a... "rather large" winter coat and with how it hangs off of her shoulders, it flows more like a cape.

Than again her sister ship is, Chapayev who wears a form-fitting shirt that exposes her cleavage, a short skirt and pantyhose that does little to hide her legs, and high heels for good measure. Sovereign is willing to bet that unlike her sister, her main fan service features is her butt. Unless the black cloth is keeping her breasts bond down, like a sports bra.

"Colossus-class light aircraft carrier Theseus, at your service. Sadly, I just barely missed my chance to fight in the war, but that's okay. Much like my namesake's ship, nothing will change who I am now," the Royal Navy shipgirl said. She looks like her sister ship Perseus, and dress in a maid like outfit like her, that shows off her large chest, like many of the buxom shipgirls tend to do.

"I am a seaplane tender of the Dragon Empery, Hwah Jah. Unfortunately, my treasured blade was never completed, and I was condemned to a life of mediocrity... But let's not dwell on my dark past," said the European looking woman who is dressed in a Chinese dress that shows off her buxom body. This is because she was converted from an Austro-Hungarian merchant ship that wound up stranded in China in WWI.

"I am Ting An of the Dragon Empery's First Fleet. I once served as a seaplane tender before being converted into a transport ship," the last new shipgirl said. Her dress is just completely shameless, as her breasts are only covered by two thin straps of white and blue cloth, that have two brass rings hanging on where her nipples would be. Her breasts are massive, that are so perky and round, that spits in the face of gravity.

Making Sovereign wonder why so many of her shipgirls are so buxom and dress like they just came out of a porno. The ones who aren't all who've hit puberty share a very similar slim hourglass figure, with only a few exceptions. Most of the destroyers are teenagers in looks, with them either being young looking or older looking. With the other shipgirls seem to follower, bigger the ship, the more busty they are. And Ting An, easily is in the top 10 of the bustiest shipgirls.

"Nice to meet you all," Sovereign said to her new shipgirls. "Constitution will be the one who will be assigning you to your duties."

"Yes princess," the four shipgirls said and then they left the room.

Sovereign lay back on her bed, wondering what she's going to do next. With the Blasphemies being eaten and the one who was controlling them dead, by her shipgirls has caused ripples across Europe. There's investigations going on in the Russian official who was killed by her shipgirls who just knew who sent the Blasphemies to try to kill her. Now people are wondering how can the shipgirls know who had ordered the attack and how they know where to find them. People are also wondering if her life is in danger, could she just summon more shipgirls. Not that there are many who wanted to find out, seeing how the shipgirls tore and ate the Blasphemies. Resulting in people being fearful of what would happen if she's attacked again, and what she can order her shipgirls to do to her enemies.

Sovereign thought back to what Victory said to her.

'One important fact you should always keep in mind, when it comes to keeping the high moral ground. Lose it and do what you need to do to win. While there should be some line that shouldn't be cross, despite idealistic platitudes, victory ultimately goes to those who are ruthless and desperate enough to take the most extreme measures, not to the morally superior.'

Victory is an old grizzly veteran, from the by gone age of sail. She's more than willing to do what needs to be done and doesn't care about the age of the person. She had sent ships sinking into the watery depths, with young children on board. Usually cabin boys but not always, Victory will not care how old someone is when it comes to protecting Sovereign. For she follows the old way in dealing with people who try to kill members of the royal family. Doesn't matter the age of the one who did it, they either be punish or hang and quartered. (1)

"Sovereign, Starflame is here," Marco Polo said sticking her head into the room.

"Time to see if, I can also be a princess of Japan," Sovereign said having talked with Starflame whose identity as a member of the royal family of Japan is public knowledge.


Later -

In a board room, Starflame and his teammates, Glorywave, Gold Samurai, Umbrella Queen, and Vesper, along with several Japanese agents waited. In the room with them is Carabiniere, Pola, Zara, and Vittorio Veneto. There is also a civil servant in the room too who brought the legal document that Starflame asked for. Outside the room the Italian soldiers are on high alert. For the royal treasures of Japan on display on the table, the imperial regalia of Japan. Consisting of the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the mirror Yata no Kagami, and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama. They represent the three primary virtues: valour (the sword), wisdom (the mirror), and benevolence (the jewel). Each held within their pillow lined box.

With the royal treasures outside of Japan, the treasures are heavily guarded at all times. The Japanese government hopes that when Sovereign holds the royal treasures she would be seen as a Japanese royalty and be able to summon the Japanese shipgirls, just like what happen with the Jade Seal. Speaking of which, Sovereign in an act of good will had already handed the Jade Seal to the Chinese government, while refusing to hand over the Chinese shipgirls. As she refuses to hand them over when they don't want to go to China.

Sovereign enters the room with Marco Polo and Constitution escorting her. Since the attack, there is always at least two shipgirls with Sovereign at anytime. She walk to the royal treasures and put on the jewel by the thin string around her neck, carefully held both the sword and mirror in her hands. Sovereign used her power trying to call the Japanese fleet, after five minutes pass, she puts the treasures back in their boxes.

"I felt nothing like what happens when I summon the shipgirls," Sovereign said.

"Alright plan B," Starflame said as he place a document with his signature on it already and sliding it to Sovereign.

"A marriage certificate?" Marco Polo asked reading it as its in Italian which Sovereign can't read. (2)

"Yes, seeing how Sovereign's grandfather is an emperor simply because no one ever said otherwise, by signing the certificate she will legally be married to me a member of the royal family of Japan. Making her a princess of Japan by marriage," Starflame said.

"And the divorce papers?" Sovereign asked.

"Right here," the civil servant said placing it on the table.

"Good if this doesn't work we can just get this thing over and done with," Sovereign said.

"Yes," Starflame said signing the divorce papers. (3)

Sovereign once she signed the paper that makes her the wife of Starflame, she used her power to try summoning the Japanese fleet girls. She felt the tingle that came when she summons shipgirls that she has gotten a hang on since she was triggered.

"Its done," Sovereign said.

"So where are the shipgirls?" Starflame asked.

"Theyre always close by," Sovereign said.

The door of the room open and a soldier sticks his head inside.

"There's a large group outside, in the front," the soldier said.

Sovereign left he room with her escort of shipgirls and Starflame and the other heroes. They headed for the front entrance of the building and when they got to the entrance there are two new shipgirls waiting for them. One has short brown hair and the other has long blonde hair. The blonde is, dressed like a British shipgirl, and has horns attached to her hat. The other shipgirl looks more like a British shipgirl too and has two horn on her head.

"I am Kongou, Kongou-class battlecruiser ship number one. I offer you my guidance on the path to victory!" the blonde said in English.

"I, Mikasa, the dreadnought who emerged victorious through smoke and fire to bring power and glory to my home country and the flagship of the Sakura Empire," the brown haired shipgirl said.

"Hi," Sovereign said looking at the two. "You're part of the Japanese fleet?"

"Yes we are and we were build in England," Kongou said.

"Oh so that's why you look like the Royal Navy shipgirls," Sovereign said. "How many are there?"

"There are 138 of us," Mikasa said.

"Well time to see the new fleet," Sovereign said as she walk to the entrance and the two shipgirls open them for her giving her the view of her new fleet.

Outside are a horde of Japanese shipgirls, who are dress like something out of an anime or manga. Schoolgirl uniforms, loose fitting kimonos, that show off either buxom bodies or slender bodies, that's out of place by how young some of the shipgirls look. In fact many are dress in clothes that are just pure fan service, showing off their bodies for all to see, panty shots, jiggling breasts, and worst of all showing young and slender bodies of underage looking shipgirls. But the main thing that caught Sovereign's attention is that the shipgirls of the Sakura Empire all have either animal ears and tails, mainly cats and foxes or having horns on their heads.

"Oh my god, they're furries!" Sovereign gasped out with a completely mortified look on her face.


Author's Notes -

1 - The old laws of what happens to people who try to kill members of royalty are brutal to make people think twice of trying.

2 - A big wedding is nice but civil weddings at a courthouse will do just fine. And much less expensive and stressful.

3 - The plot where someone has to get married for whatever reason can easily be done by just going to a courthouse and signing the papers to become married, than the two who are married can just sign the divorce papers. Seeing how in all the plots that I have seen where someone has to get married, the issue of how long they have to be married is never brought up. As divorce is always on the table which no one ever seems to think of in those have to get marry plots.
