
Sovereign sat in a boardroom with Nagato the flagship of the Sakura Empire, along with Mikasa the oldest ship of the Sakura Empire, Constitution and Marco Polo are also in the room. In the room with them is Sovereign's husband Starflame, who thanks to being a member of the royal family of Japan allowed Sovereign to summon the Sakura Empire fleet once she signed the marriage certificate making her a princess of Japan by marriage. Seeing how Sovereign's power only allows her to summon shipgirls from countries that she's apart of the royal family or with the Chinese shipgirls held the Jade Seal that made the holder the royal ruler of China's empty throne.

"I thought I could handle having so many shipgirls who dress in fan service clothes and having bodies out of a hentai. Which the Sakura Empire fleet are full of fetish fans service and are furries," Sovereign said as she pitches the bridge of her nose.

"What about the Royal Navy fetish maids?" Constitution asked.

"Don't remind me," Sovereign said as the issue of how her shipgirls dress, in most cases how revealing they dress. Which just cause so much Rule 34 to happen with art showing up on the internet, and stories of her sleeping with her shipgirls.

"They're like the youkai of Japanese mythology," Starflame said.

"That explains a lot," Sovereign said and turns to the 2 Japanese shipgirls. "How many are there in the fleet?"

"The fleet stands at 137 shipgirls," Mikasa said.

"And 3 more child ships," Marco Polo said. The new child ships Akagi-chan, Amagi-chan, and Hiei-chan have joined the child ships that were already summon and are in the mess hall with the other shipgirls for lunch.

"Well now that, I summon you all. Some of you can go to Japan with Starflame and protect the Pacifica while the rest handle the Atlantic. The entire fleet can be divided so that both seas be protected," Sovereign said.

"As you wish princess," Nagato spoke up.

"Breaking up the fleet?" Mikasa ask.

"Well I can't have all the fleet be around me. I am now apart of the Japanese royal family and need to protect the people of the Pacific. Plus there are still islands that are colonies of countries of Europe, that can house some shipgirls. With the fleet spread out they can respond to emergencies faster than if they're all in one place," Sovereign explains.

"I can lead the shipgirls on the Pacific while you lead the Atlantic," Starflame said.

"Sure, Nagato you and the others listen to Starflame," Sovereign said.

"Yes princess," Nagato said.

"Have to figure out which shipgirls are to transfer and make sure everything is ready," Sovereign said.

"The Russian and Chinese shipgirls need to stay far from the countries and their ally countries," Marco Polo said.

Both countries have been pressing to have the shipgirls of said countries to be handed over to them. The agents that both countries have been trying to lure the shipgirls to return to their home countries, which are all rejected. The bombing of the building in Russia of the one who ordered the attack on Sovereign by the Blasphemies ending with the 3 being eaten alive has caused the Russian agents to be more careful how they approach the Russian shipgirls and the Chinese agents as well. Word quickly got out that the shipgirls are able to track down everyone involved in any attack on Sovereign. The one who sent the Blasphemies to kill Sovereign has ties to the Russian government and a Russian official was also killed by the bombing of his car while he was in it. As for the fallout of attacking on Russian soil, is a moot point as many countries are wondering how much Russian had in hand in creating the Blasphemies. Causing a lot of tension between Russia and the EU countries.

"I wouldn't put it pass them from trying to get a shipgirl," Starflame said as the Chinese government have been in human trafficking of capes for awhile now. Same for the Russian government, grabbing capes from nearby countries to add to their cape teams.

"Well if they did manage to grab one of the girls, we're going to just march in and take her back. Depending on what happens we might leave the country intact," Constitution said.

"Would they really do that?" Starflame asked Sovereign.

"Yes they would, I can order them around but they will do their own things," Sovereign explains.

"She is just a princess, till she actually declares herself queen of whatever empty throne she chooses," Marco Polo adds.

"Also about our marriage?" Starflame ask.

"I keep the divorce paper for now, have no idea what happens if I sign it," Sovereign said.

"Well you won't be apart of the royal family of Japan but we'll still follow you," Mikasa said.

"Yes but seeing how you all only came when I used my powers, the ones I didn't summon might not come later. Shipgirls do show up even when I don't use my power," Sovereign said.

"If you sign the divorce paper, it could stop anymore shipgirls from appearing?" Starflame ask.

"That's what I figure. They only showed up because I signed the marriage paper and became apart of the royal family of Japan," Sovereign said.

The door of the room open and Kongou stuck her head in.

"Princess there are 5 new Royal Navy shipgirls here," Kongou said.

"See what, I mean," Sovereign said to her husband and turn back to Kongou. " Send them in."

Five new shipgirls of the Royal Navy came into the room and introduced themselves to Sovereign.

"H-class destroyer, Hero. Oh yeah? You wanna hear about my history? Heheh, if you insist. I escorted a bunch of battleshiiips, I was in Operation Excess and stuuuff... Honestly, what I really wanted was to enjoy the October sunlight in the comfort of a port," the destroyer introduced herself.

"Dido-class anti-aircraft cruiser Scylla, ready to serve. I served as an escort carrier flagship in that war, but I was unable to perform any major exploits. But now... I am only a Royal Maid, here to devote heart and soul to you, Master," the new busty maid shipgirl said.

"Introduce myself again? Okay... Umm, my name is Royal Oak, and I'm a Revenge-class battleship from the Royal Navy. I was able to accomplish something in the Battle of Jutland, but I ended up getting badly damaged after... I just hope I can escape my bad luck here at this port," the battleship shipgirl said.

"Know me as Argus, oldest carrier in the world. With the glory and tradition of the Royal Navy at my back, I come to you to lead the next generation of heroes"... I could never say something that grand with a straight face. I'm... looking forward to working with you, okay?" the light carrier said.

"Wait that's Furious," Kongou pointed out.

"Well she's not here," Argus said as she steps away to let the last shipgirl to introduce herself.

"My name is Implacable, I was made as an improvement to the Illustrious class. Sadly, like many late arrivals to the war, my name is only an insignificant footnote in the chronicles of victory. Be that as it may... have you started thinking about how you're going to "use" me, Commander?" the shipgirl who is dressed as a naughty nun introduced herself.

Sovereign just stared at the revealing swimsuit and nun habit combo that Implacable is wearing. The hood of the habit even has a pair of horns on it. She glance at Starflame who is staring at the busty naughty nun shipgirl, who is just staring at her. Sure the other 3 older shipgirls wear revealing outfits but what Implacable is wearing is just something out of an adults only fiction.

"I really shouldn't be surprise that I keep getting shipgirls who look like they step out of a hentai," Sovereign sighed.


Arthor Notes -

1 - While Argus is certainly old, the title of the 'oldest carrier' (ie one capable of launching wheeled aircraft) would go to HMS Furious instead. However, Argus was the first flush deck carrier and was converted from the Italian ocean liner Conte Rosso.
