
In her room at the Royal Navy base, Victory is honoring the time tested tradition that's even older than her, making moonshine. A soldier's life is hard and stressful, and getting drunk or high on drugs is considered essential for staying sane. While almost all armed services in the world view drunkenness in the service negatively, the Cannon Fodder at the bottom of the military food chain has its ways to avert the watchful eye of the superiors. Many junior officers turn a blind eye on military moonshiners (as long as no one is getting too out of control, or hurt worse than a hangover), as they know their troops and how they need to blow off steam occasionally. Hence why the rum ration was a hallowed tradition and medical common sense in the Royal Navy.

The Navy officers did raised issues on how the shipgirls are making stills and making moonshine when the base store does sell alcohol and they also can just go off base to get something to drink. Which Victory pointed out that the liquor sold just didn't have enough of a kick. The moonshine the shipgirls make is basically gasoline, too much alcohol for any human to safely drink without it destroying their kidneys and liver, which is the best outcome. Victory also pointed out that while she and the others look human, they're not and what it takes to get them buzzed is lethal for any human, even for capes.

Seeing how some of the shipgirls add things that are toxic for humans to drink. Some add different kinds of oil, and not cooking oil but motor oil, break fluids, oil for rust, and other types of oils that will kill a human. Some of the shipgirls are using wood gasifiers to add to their moonshine. Leading to the shipgirls brewing a more potent recipe to get them drunk, which is more like ethanol than alcohol. (1)

Which the booze the shipgirls are making is basically just fuel for their engines. With all of them being able to do the booze flamethrower trick, some of the shipgirls are learning to breathe fire by spitting out their fuel from their mouths. And the booze is dangerous for any human to even get the booze on their skin. (2)

The Royal Navy shipgirls took after her in making rum, with some making gin.

The Northern shipgirls being true to their Russian roots make a special vodka that's so strong that it makes a dandy engine degreaser, fire accelerant, and sterilization agent during field surgery.

The Iron Blood shipgirls are mostly making beer and ale that can be used to remove paint.

The Iris Dominion shipgirls like wine, that's made with different kinds of mushrooms that are poisonous. Others made mead, loaded with poisons.

The Dragon shipgirls like making rice wine and fermented tea, mixed with battery acid.

The Eagle shipgirls are mostly making different kinds of moonshine, using whatever they could find to add to the mix.

Victory herself makes rum that's not only putrid but is also crawling with bugs inside. Which is just like how she remembers the rations served on her when she was young. And that's no joke thanks to no refrigerators, having to salt and dry food to make it last, which insects and rodents fed and made filthy. Where sailors have to deal in eating food that often had bugs in them and water that is filthy but they still had to drink it.

Constitution on the other hand makes her moonshine out of red hot battery acid piledriver with extra formaldehyde, snake venom and black widow venom in a dirty glass with an olive. Which she eats the glass, instead of just drinking the coattail. That is something that all shipgirls can do, they can eat just about anything to make fuel and rearm themselves by eating.

And after watching a cartoon, 'Regular Show' she started to make the "Mississippi Queen" that is made of chocolate sauce, kimchi, pasta sauce, sashimi, chuco, soy sauce, whole clams on the shell, shrimp, mayo, and hot chili peppers poured into a huge glass and served with a little cocktail umbrella. Turns out shipgirls can eat anything spicy and not be effected by it, they stil taste it but the spice doesn't effect them, with them being able to eat handfuls of the Carolina Reaper peppers without any trouble at all. With them just saying it has a nice little kick to it.

The ringing of her phone caught her attention. Checking it she saw she got a message that Sovereign has married a member of the royal family of Japan and is able to summon the Japanese shipgirls. Which meant both Kongou and Mikasa both built in Britain have been summon as well, two of her girls are back both under a different fleet but still they're back. She hasn't seen either of them since they were built and shipped off to Japan, it be nice to see them again.


Italy -

In one of the rooms of the military base she's staying in, Sovereign was busy figuring out what to do with her new fleet of shipgirls from the Sakura Empire or Japan, who happen to be furries. That brought a huge amount of problems, seeing how many of the Japanese shipgirls look like they came out of a hentai, wearing skimpy clothes that showed off their bodies, showed off their underwear and other fan service stuff. Which has cause lots of things to happen online, like the pictures and videos of the shipgirls going viral, rumors flying from the chat rooms.

Sovereign is currently talking with 3 new Northern Parliament shipgirls who showed up.

"I'm Kursk, a hunter from the snowy tundras of the North... That's too brief? Ugh, what a waste of time... I hate socializing. If you want to get along with me, then keep your distance," Kursk said who is the tallest and bustiest of the new shipgirls.

"Kirov-class cruiser of the Northern Parliament, Voroshilov, at your service. You already summon my sister Kirov? I make the plans, and she carries them out... Oh? You say we give off completely different impressions? Fair; our comrades often say the same," Voroshilov said who like the other Russian shipgirls is busty and shapely, showed by the revealing leotard she's wearing.

"Dreadnought of the Northern Parliament and flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, Sevastopol, has arrived. Hahah, I am the very ironclad willpower of the revolutionary vanguard, always under attack but never falling! Got it?" Sevastopol said who unlike many battleships is slender in build and also has long pointed ears.

"Voroshilov, I'll be sending you to Sweden where your sister is station. Kursk you're going to Sweden, and Sevastopol you're going to Norway where your sister Gangut is station," Sovereign said.

"Why are we in the northern countries?" Sevastopol asks.

"Because you Northern shipgirls make ice wherever you use your rigs and cold doesn't work on you," Sovereign pointing it out. "You are all dismiss, Constitution is in the mess hall. She's handling the Sakura shipgirls."

The new shipgirls left the room leaving Sovereign to deal with the problem of which of the Sakura Empire shipgirls be staying with her and the others going to Japan. Having the shipgirls go to the Pacific Ocean will be a huge boost for moral there. From the islands that are still colonies and territories of European countries, to the countries that are there like Australia, India, Philippines, Taiwan and others.

Of course she couldn't send the Chinese shipgirls over there, like she's keeping the Russian shipgirls at least one country away from Russia, to avoid anyone getting ideas to grab one of them. Seeing what would happen if that did happen, the shipgirls would be Hellbent on rescuing the captured shipgirl and destroying everything in their way. Which she told the ambassadors of both countries who have been trying to get her to give them her girls.

On the paper she's been writing on to figure out which of the 139 new shipgirls she'll be keeping and the rest be going with her 'husband' Starflame. Right now she has 13 shipgirls staying with her in Europe, mostly the ones who have child ships so that the kids will not be that far from their sisters.

The Kongou sisters, Battlecruisers






Amagi class






Aircraft Carriers

Akagi-class sisters







The two Yamato sisters she has summon want to stay with her to keep her safe. Both sisters dress alike in wearing kimonos that showed off their very busty and shapely bodies, large breasts, large hips, and butts. Both are also fox girls or kitsunes, large fox ears and 9 long fox tails, and like many of the others already have lots of fans online.

"Now, I have 8 fleets of shipgirls, who can kill endbringers. Hundreds of shipgirls all following my orders and will die for me. Plus, I'm not married," Sovereign said looking at the list of her fleets and where they're located at.

Sovereign than looks to the report on the repairs being done to her shipgirls who were killed or heavily damaged during the last endbringer attack. The shipyards where they're being repaired at are all working around the clock to repair them, having workers work in shifts to get them as quickly repaired as they could. Sovereign is also have at least one shipgirl station at the shipyards to keep a look out for trouble and make sure there be no cutting corners.

She knows from her dad and the people working at the docks that shoddy construction is a big problem. Thanks to the fact that government bureaucracies contract out important work to the lowest bidders who tend to cut corners. This leads to absurdities like a top secret file room being protected by a state-of-the-art security door while the surrounding walls are made of cheap drywall that can be broken through with a single kick. (3)

Which is why she made sure to inform the governments that if they hire any contractors who charge high prices for substandard building materials and take a long time to do the job, she will just take her shipgirls out of the country. She doesn't need a government who hires people who intentionally built everything slipshod to squeeze every penny out of the job. The shipgirls also agreed in that they won't be station in a place that doesn't take care of them. To avoid bad PR like what happen when government leaders of the US block the bill to repair the shipgirls causing Sovereign to just leave the country, the different governments are making sure that only the best companies get the contracts to repair the shipgirls. Seeing how Sovereign said that the next endbringer attack, if the fleets aren't at full strength, a repeat of killing one won't happen again.

"Hopefully the girls be all repaired and ready for the next attack," Sovereign said reading through the reports on the repairs of her fleet is going.


Author Notes -

1 - A wood gasification boiler. Wood is burned in the firebox (top), and gases travel downward and are burned at 1,800 to 2,000 F in the ceramic chamber below. The hot gases then pass through a fire-tube heat exchanger to transfer heat to water stored in a large tank.

2 - Possible in Real Life, but only with very high proof alcohol (at least 100 proof, or 50% ABV). Anything lower will sputter a bit, if not put out the flame. Beer and wine aren't going to do it; you'll need to use something distilled. You'll need a good strong whiskey, some fierce vodka, 151-proof rum, absinthe, moonshine, or while not really what one would consider booze, PGA. That's right, pure grain alcohol — 96% ethanol. For things that aren't technically booze, there's methanol, industrial alcohol or wood spirit. Do not drink this stuff! (And for methanol and alcohol fuels based on it, don't even put it in your mouth for this stunt, the tissues of the mouth absorb!) Do not breathe it in! Do not get it on your skin! It is nasty! There is also isopropyl, commonly called rubbing alcohol or electronic alcohol. It is expensive and definitely not for drinking, but it burns nicely. Obviously, this is a hazardous stunt best left to practiced performers.

3 - You be surprised how much this is true in real life of a government job being poorly done to save as much money as possible.
