
Sovereign stood on the docks of the military research lab having used her power to summon shipgirls, and getting 5 new Sakura Empire girls. She's in a dark mood having learned that there was a German lab that was cloning her shipgirls, Bismarck Zwei had awaken in the tank she was created in, along with Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and U-556. They destroyed the lab and killed many of the personal inside before they all climbed onto Bismarck Zwei's 3-headed dragon machine beast named Geryon and flew to their princess.

Learning about the cloning Sovereign quickly had the shipgirls who have been feeling strange like they're being summon to find where the feeling is coming from. The Royal Navy shipgirls, Ark Royal, Queen Elizabeth, Renown, Repulse, Fortune, Hunter, and Sheffield, all followed the feeling they been feeling that lead them to the military research lab. They're not alone as all the Royal Navy shipgirls who could make it are there as well.

All of the shipgirls have drawn a huge crowd which Sovereign used to make sure that the ones behind the cloning couldn't just hide it. And that Victory is already explaining what happen and the reason why so many of her girls have all gathered in one spot. Which thanks to all of the shipgirls they just literately storm into the research lab with nothing the guards could do to stop them. The doors they just went through or the walls, as they just walk through them, like what a several hundred ton warships would be able to do by just slamming into any kind of man made barrier, not to mention that it's several of them all ramming into the barriers at once. (1)

Sovereign pointed out that she will not stop her shipgirls or even if she wanted to could stop them at this point. She told the ones in charge of the base that either they just let this happen or the clones of the shipgirls will just blast their way free and like what happen at the German base, with lots of personal being killed. A few calls with her relatives and the top military commander of the English military went on the base speaker telling all personal to stand down, not wanting to make it into a bigger scene.

"I am the eighth Kamikaze-class ship, Asanagi. They once rudely called me number fifteen, but either out of sympathy or because they recognized my power, they've given me a new name. Now, if you're to be my princess, you'd best straighten up! Otherwise, I'll have to instill some gumption in you!" the short fox girl with ears and tail, with long grey hair said. Her sister ships are Hatakaze, Kamikaze, Matsukaze, and Oite.

"I'm Hatsuzuki, Akizuki-class destroyer. During the war, I helped my allies and fought hard until I got ripped to shreds. I might just work my butt off again to help you, if need be... Th-there'll be no need for that? Oh...," said the long black haired girl with long straight horns. Her sister ships are Hanazuki, Harutsuki, Niizuki, Suzutsuki, Wakatsuki, and Yoizuki.

"I'm Natori, the third Nagara-class ship! As a light cruiser of the Sakura Empire, I often tell people that I fight with single-mounted guns and water scouting craft... But that is a ruse! For I am the incarnation of a dragon! My strength shatters boulders (with cannonballs) and soars over the sea (with my rigging)! So? Impressed?" the short brown haired girl with a long thick dragon tail said. Her sister ships are Abukuma, Isuzu, Kinu, Nagara, and Yura.

"I am Unzen, a heavy cruiser made as part of the sixth shipbuilding plan. I'm unused to traversing this plane of existence, so I may lean on you for aid, princess... But if you will accept me, I am more than happy to help—no, serve you. Heehee," the tall and very buxom shipgirl who has a butterfly theme going for her.

"I'm Owari, Kii-class battleship number two! I was originally supposed to get built out, but that never happened for whatever random-ass reasons. Doesn't bother me one bit though. All that matters is, I'm gonna give it my all with you in charge," the dark skin and fluffy looking thanks to her sheep like horns and wool like hair shipgirl said. Her sister ships are Kii and Suruga.

"Good to have all of you," Sovereign said to the new shipgirls, a call to her husband Starflame, is in order to transfer the new shipgirls over to the Asian fleet.

Walking out of the base are the clone shipgirls, who unlike their counterparts look and dress very differently, their outfits all or ragged, battle torn, and there are smoldering hot embers floating around them. If they're anything like the more dour and serious than the normal shipgirls. The clone Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and U-556 seem to be failed clones compared to Bismarck Zwei who is actually the more powerful clone. All the clones are much more powerful but they also see themselves as just weapons for their princess to command, not caring if they live or die, just that they do their duty. (2)

The clones of Ark Royal, Queen Elizabeth, Renown, Repulse, Fortune, Hunter, and Sheffield are no different. Clothes ragged, war torn and all look like they came from battle, none of them are like Bismarck Zwei, they're failed clones. Made to be more powerful but aren't like their counterparts as they only see themselves as their princess's weapons to be used and discarded.

The clone Queen Elizabeth walks forward to Sovereign, who is very different from her counterpart. For one she has a noticeable bust and distinct pupils greatly differentiate her from her regular version. She's also dress in a revealing black dress, that looks like she's an S&M queen.

"So you are the princess? Very well. From this point forth, you will use your courage and intellect for our purposes! ...We don't have all day, now. You are our servant, so this won't go anywhere until you swear your fealty," Queen Elizabeth proclaimed loudly.

"Knock it off," Victory said slapping the clone Queen Elizabeth at the back of her head.

"Hey!" clone Queen Elizabeth said.

"Quite you," Victory said glaring at clone Queen Elizabeth which cause her to coward underneath the older shipwoman's glare.

Sovereign walks over to a news crew filming the scene.

"I was expecting something like this. With the battle with Leviathan with so many bodies being reduce to pieces, I figured that someone would gather the bodyparts to research. Trying to make your own shipgirl is one thing, but I won't allow my shipgirls be cloned like this. For all parties that have made clones, you either release them and all of this be swept under the rug. Hold them and they break out like what happen in Germany. I will get them back one way or other and will withdraw my shipgirls from said country or in the case of the United States, will never return to," Sovereign said to the cameras filming everything and airing around the world.


Author's Notes -

1 - While a door or a wall could be made to withstand the super strength of a super. That doesn't matter as we're talking about someone who has the weight and power that a hundred ton battleship has that's been build to stand up to the sheer firepower of other battleships.

2 - The META shipgirls are much more powerful and in the story are one shipgirl army. And that is comparing to the other shipgirls as the ones they're fighting against. So it be like saying someone is a one man army when comparing to a group who are Superman level. The one thing they lack is that they only see themselves as weapons and not care if they live or die. Which makes them a danger when fighting with others as they won't care about firing in a city center as long as they can defeat their foe.
