
In her room Sovereign looks at the new shipgirl who showed up after she return to her great aunt's place, another clone of one of her shipgirls.

"I'm Princeton, second ship of the Independence class, and I once fought alongside Antiochus. I don't know how I wound up here, and there's much regarding the circumstances I still don't understand... but, I knew from first glance that you're someone I can trust, princess. That is why I follow your orders," the clone Princeton said to her.

"I'm going to have to come up with a different name as it be just too much of a problem to be two of you around and answering to the same name. You two do look different but it's the name that's the problem," Sovereign said looking between the clone and the original Princeton. The clone clothes are ragged and dark, not to mention how some of the other clones outfits are much more revealing.

"What about Bismarck Zewi, she kept her name but just added Zewi at the end," Princeton the original said.

"Zewi was on her tank," Sovereign said.

"My tank was labeled Meta, so I can be Princeton Meta," Princeton Meta said.

"Alright all the clone shipgirls are now the Meta fleet. Spread the word," Sovereign said.

"Yes princess," both Princeton shipgirls said and left the room.

Sovereign lays on her bed wondering what's going to happen next. In the room with her is Belfast and Little Bel, she wanted some alone time but kept the two sisters as she does need protection at all time. Her great aunt had talk with her about the government going behind her back and creating clones of her shipgirls. She told her aunt that she's not mad at the government creating their own shipgirls, what she's mad about is that they created clones of her shipgirls and hide it from her. The clones all have the same memories of her shipgirls and thought of themselves as such. She wouldn't stand for her shipgirls to be held against their wills, seeing what happen when Bismarck Zewi woke up in the cloning tank and freaked out. It be best for the labs to just hand the shipgirls over and just build their own shipgirls from the ground up. She won't stop her shipgirls otherwise from doing what they want, especially if they think the best thing to do is kill the clones.

She told her aunt that she'll give the labs 2 days to just come out in the open about cloning her shipgirls and handing them over. After that, she won't stop her shipgirls from doing what they wanted, especially if they learn that the labs killed the clones to cover it up. Then she told her aunt she doesn't want to be bothered till the 2 days are up. Sovereign now has to wait and see what happens next.


United States -

Inside a high level government owned and run lab, the government official in charge of the project is being guided around the lab. The senator, Mr Fak is worried about Sovereign coming back to get her shipgirls. Stepping inside the lab where the clones of Sovereign's shipgirls are kept, he saw the 8 shipgirls the lab created using the parts of the shipgirls recovered from the last endbringer battle.

The tinker in charge of the operation Clonetime is a bio tinker who can create clones, along with other bio tinkers and mechanical tinker. They managed to create clones of the shipgirls and been studying them to learn how they work so they can create better shipgirls. They're hoping that they can use the wrecks of the modern navy battleships that were destroyed by the endbringers, to create newer and better shipgirls. Which they did with the creation of the type 2 shipgirls are superior to their counterparts in every way possible. (1)






They used the failed clones, studying them and learning from their mistakes. The failed clones like the ones from Europe look like the originals but their clothes and rigs are all look battle torn and dark.




"You have till tomorrow to study them before we hand them over to Sovereign," Mr Fak said.

"It will take time to create new ones," Clonetime said.

"As long as they're not clones of the shipgirls under Sovereign's command. We're trying to get her back and her being pissed off about this is already going to be bad enough. The republican politicians who cause her to leave are falling over themselves about exposing this operation just to get onto Sovereign's good graces, she will learn of this sooner or later. We have to give them to her," Mr. Fak said.

"At once," Clonetime said.

"And make sure that any new shipgirls aren't just clones of her shipgirls. We need new ones, modern ones who aren't going to follow Sovereign just because she's related to that nut who proclaimed himself as emperor," Mr Fak said.

"Don't let the American shipgirls hear you, they're very touchy about that," Clonetime said.

"We need her shipgirls, they're the only ones who have managed to kill a endbringer and thanks to those fools she left. The Eagle Union shipgirls refuse to listen to anyone but her, we need new shipgirls who will follow orders," Mr Fak said.

"I have some almost ready," Clonetime said.

"Really?" Mr Fak ask.

"Yes," Clone time said guiding Mr Fak to another room.

Inside the room in rows of clone tanks all filled with the growing bodies of new shipgirls. The shipgirls inside the tanks are pale to black skinned with white or black hair women, ranging from young girls to mature women. Hard to tell the age of a shipgirl as some look like young girls but are actually much older than they look like.

"How soon will they be ready?" Mr Fak ask.

"The first one should be done within the month," Clonetime said.

"Good," Mr Fak said.


Author's Notes -

1 - The type 2 shipgirls in the game are much more powerful than the shipgirls they're based on with new abilities.
