
The Endbringer alarm went off, Sovereign brought with her all the shipgirls she has who are fit for battle. Which because of how the filibusting and delaying of funds from the republicans when she was still in the United States, for the sole reason for power plays for 2 months. The only shipgirls who have been refitted back from being killed are Cassin, Downes, Nevada, Oklahoma, Bogue, Langley, Le Mars, Forbin, Koln, Karlsruhe, Pamiat Merkuria, Ranger, Warspite, Curlew, Curacoa, Newcastle, Cygnet, Comet, Crescent, Foxhound, Hermes, Leander, and Suffolk.

Just giving her 24 refitted ships back from the dead out of the 53 who died fighting Leviathan. There are also the walking wounded who were heavily damaged during the last battle and are still recovering from it. They been place on light duties like guarding the navy bases and going to events, instead of helping with the villains of said country they're at.

But thanks to her summoning new fleets of the Sakura Empire numbering 146 ships, Dragon Empery numbering 15 ships, and the pirate shipgirls calling themselves Tempesta numbering 6. Along with the Meta shipgirls numbering 20, has replaced the shipgirls who aren't fit for battle. Giving her such a large fleet of shipgirls numbering in the hundreds, she needs notes to remember all the names. But Sovereign has pointed out that it can't be counted on her being able to summon new fleets of shipgirls to replace the ones lost in battle. She needs her fleets to be able to be repaired after a major battle and not wait for bills to pass, only for politicians making power plays to stall it. Seeing how even with new technology from tinkers, it still takes months or even years to repair a normal warship. (1)


New Delhi, India -

Behemoth standing at forty-five-foot-tall, heavily-muscled, heavily-armored bipedal one-eyed creature with the ability to manipulate energy of all kinds (e.g. electrical, thermal, kinetic) while bypassing the Manton effect. Anyone who isn't 100% invulnerable that gets within a 30-foot radius of Behemoth will be roasted alive from the inside. He can also create a larger radius of not-quite-instant death by putting out immense radiation.

With the death field around him either death by radiation or roasted alive if one gets too close, Behemoth has proven to be all but unstoppable. Thanks to how only sneak attacks can harm him as any that he sees coming he can absorb the energy from and store it up before letting it out, mostly as earthquakes or send it back to the one who attack him. Along with how few parahumans can actually be near him without dying.

The combine fleets of Sovereign on the other hand, while they look like human women they're not, they're shipgirls. Allowing them to get close to Behemoth and firing their weapons at him in mass. Because that his absorbing power requires conscious effort to use, and with some many attacks coming at him from all sides, he couldn't concentrate on absorbing one attack before being him by another. The Northern Parliament shipgirls are freezing the land around him and tossing large chunks of ice at him as well, trying to cool him off.

Behemoth roared in rage that cause massive internal injuries to those within range but has lesser effects on the shipgirls. From his hands he fired lightning and firing beams of heat from his mouth, destroying and damaging many of the shipgirls around him. The ice from the Northern Parliament shipgirls are melting, as Behemoth turns up the heat.

Sovereign seeing her fleet being destroyed in front of her, concentrated using her power trying to summoning some more help.

The call for help was heard.

Dressed in the uniform of a British navy captain of the early 1800's came a native woman of the Caribbean islands. Her rigs are that of cannons from that time, black powder and using cannonballs. But what made her stand out is that she stands at 175-metre-high (574 ft) making her much bigger than Behemoth who stands at 45 feet tall.

The giant shipgirl grabbed Behemoth and lifted him into the air where she fired her cannons into his torso as she pulled on his arm and leg where she held him. The giant cannons firing strange energy blasts combined with the giant woman's sheer strength, allowed her to rip him apart. She fling the two pieces to the ground in front of her with Behemoth still alive and trying to fight in front of her.

The giant woman fired her cannons on the down endbringer, joined by the other surviving shipgirls and the parahumans. Many of the attacks are aimed at the open wounds of the lower and upper halves where Behemoth was ripped in half. The shipgirls didn't stop firing till they were forced to stop by their overheating weapons, by than Behemoth was dead.


At the command post -

"Who is that?" Sovereign ask staring at the giant shipgirl.

"That's HMS Diamond Rock, an island that was officially commissioned as a stone frigate during the Napoleonic wars. And was never officially decommissioned," Victory explains. (2)

"So she's an actual island who was made into a stone frigate?" Sovereign asked trying to make sense of it.

"Don't question it," Victory said.

"Yes, don't question it," Sovereign said as she turns to the computer screen in front of her, showing her the shipgirls killed.

Eagle Union -

West Virginia

Royal Navy -


Sakura Empire -


































Dragon Empery -

An Shan

Chang Chun

Ning Hai

Ping Hai

Yat Sen

"At least this time we won't have to wait for funding to start repairs," Sovereign said watching the screen showing the aftermath of the battle. The shipgirls who are still in one piece are helping those who are missing body parts that if they were human would had already killed them.

"I wonder how many new clones will be made this time," Constitution said knowing that all the pieces of the shipgirls will be ending up in government hands.


Author's Notes -

1 - Depending on the damage to a warship, it either takes months or years to fully repair one.

2 - Diamond Rock French: rocher du Diamant is a 175-metre-high (574 ft) basalt island located south of "Grande Anse du Diamant" before arriving from the south at Fort-de-France, the main port of the Caribbean island of Martinique. The uninhabited island is about 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) from Pointe Diamant.

The island gets its name from the reflections that its sides cast at certain hours of the day, which evoke images of a precious stone. It is notable for having been commissioned by the British Empire's Royal Navy as HMS Diamond Rock, a "stone frigate" serving from February 1804 until June 1805 during the Napoleonic Wars, when the First French Empire captured the rock in the Battle of Diamond Rock and held it until the British recaptured it in the invasion of Martinique in 1809. Diamond Rock was returned to French control as part of a postwar trade of Martinique in 1815, and it remains part of Martinique.
